
Women pretend to love you, there will be these performances, don't be deceived!

Women pretend to love you, there will be these performances, don't be deceived!

Every man wants to have a woman who can go up to the hall, go down to the kitchen, be versatile, and be beautiful. This is the common sentiment of human beings, and there is nothing wrong with it.

After men enter the mature period, the desire for the opposite sex increases day by day, and this desire is like a beast, which is difficult to suppress.

Driven by the desire in the heart, it is difficult to keep the man who will not be hot-headed and lose his mind. As long as there are women who are willing to accept themselves, they don't think much about anything and stick their faces up, and they don't know if they are deceived by women.

Some women, you think she is sincere to you, but you don't know that she is actually pretending to love you. They tend to have these performances, don't be deceived!

Women pretend to love you, there will be these performances, don't be deceived!

First, be tepid with you

When a woman pretends to love you, she will be tepid with you and hardly care about you, as if you were like a stranger in her eyes.

Lovers are two people who can talk and laugh and be sweet and sweet together. If two men and women are together, but they can't make love, what kind of lovers are they?

A woman who loves you, she will definitely haunt you all day. She will hold your hand as soon as she has time and rest her head on your shoulder.

Even if you are in different places, she will use her mobile phone to send you frequent messages. A woman's tepidness towards you only shows that she doesn't really love you.

Women pretend to love you, there will be these performances, don't be deceived!

Second, only take but never give

Some women will think of men as at will at will. They only ask for you, but they never give anything for you.

She will keep her distance from you when she doesn't need you, always far away from you. But when she needs you, she will suddenly become affectionate with you and ask for you.

After that, she will become as tepid as before, tepid to you. If a woman only asks for you and never gives anything for you, then she really doesn't love you.

In her eyes, you are just a tool to help her solve her troubles. Both sides of love should be equal, there should be taking, and of course, there must be giving. The act of taking only, but not giving, is plundering.

Women pretend to love you, there will be these performances, don't be deceived!

Third, never send your photos to the circle of friends

For modern women, the circle of friends is an indispensable thing that will be used every day. Even when eating, they will let the mobile phone eat first, take a photo and send it to the circle of friends, and then they will eat.

For their boyfriends, they naturally want to send a circle of friends, show off to their friends, and want them to know how happy they are.

If a woman ostensibly says she loves you, but never posts your photos to her circle of friends, she probably doesn't have much affection for you.

Because women who really love you, they don't care about your photos, they will regard your photos as treasures to show off to everyone.

Women pretend to love you, there will be these performances, don't be deceived!

Fourth, never disclose your relationship

When a woman pretends to love you, she hides your relationship with her and never opens up in front of other people.

Because, she had no intention of entrusting her to you, and you headed into the future. She will maintain a more secret relationship with you so that she can easily get rid of you when she doesn't need you.

A woman who loves you will introduce you in front of all her friends, that you are her boyfriend, and that she praises you in front of others about how much you love her.

A woman who doesn't even want to admit to your relationship, are you really willing to believe that she loves you?

Women pretend to love you, there will be these performances, don't be deceived!


Although love is beautiful, it also has certain risks. People who are obsessed with love and simple are always easy to get hurt or deceived.

When you think you meet love, of course you should be happy, but also have some rationality, and you can't be stupid to fully trust each other.

Only by falling in love rationally can we ensure that we are not deceived, not hurt by love, and we must not love someone who does not love herself at all!

Author: Yamamoto says emotion

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