
New Hongqi marketing has "broken the circle" and comprehensively helped China's ice and snow sports | the global ball bike evaluation

New Hongqi marketing has "broken the circle" and comprehensively helped China's ice and snow sports | the global ball bike evaluation

When the five-star red flag flutters on the world arena again and again, China has left far more than achievements and medals to the world, but also shows the spirit of a country's integrity and strong national strength to the eyes of the world.

On January 19th, the "Signing Ceremony of Strategic Cooperation between China FAW & State General Administration of Sport and the Delivery of Hongqi Senior Cars by China Glory Athletes" was held at the headquarters of China FAW in Changchun.

During the ceremony, FAW Hongqi delivered the Hongqi H9 luxury car to 11 Honor athletes and announced that it will present H9 to China Ice and Snow Glory Athletes. Subsequently, China FAW signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the "TEAM CHINA" Chinese national team, and the Hongqi brand will reach a cooperation with the shooting archery sports management center of the State General Administration of Sports and become a strategic partner of the national shooting team.

In sports-related marketing activities, Hongqi's marketing activities always stand out and impress consumers. This inevitably leads to deep thinking, what is the logic behind the success of red flags in sports marketing? What can this cooperation between Hongqi and China's ice and snow sports bring to Hongqi?

| Auto brands break through through sports marketing

In recent years, the product marketing of automobile brands has also faced challenges such as catering to young car owners, single publicity model, and thin brand image output. According to the "Auto + Sports Convergence Imagination" white paper released by Tencent and Nielsen in 2017, car advertising spending increased by 6.6 times between 2009 and 2015, but 90% of Chinese did not remember the car brand after watching the advertisement. At present, automotive marketing needs to actively mobilize audience participation to enhance social impact.

New Hongqi marketing has "broken the circle" and comprehensively helped China's ice and snow sports | the global ball bike evaluation

From the perspective of tonal fit, the dynamic and blood of sports echo with the speed and passion of the car, which can give the audience space for reasonable association and deepen their impression of products and brands. And according to a 2017 report by Nielsen Sports, China's sports population reached 434 million in 2017, of which 61% were young people aged 18-35. Three years later, the percentage of potential car buyers in this young sports population has also increased. According to the Ai media report, it is expected that from 2020 to 2025, China's sports population as a whole will show an upward trend, of which 440 million in 2020 and 500 million in 2025. Car brands can narrow the distance between brands and products and this group of new car consumers through marketing through sports resources and win their favor.

New Hongqi marketing has "broken the circle" and comprehensively helped China's ice and snow sports | the global ball bike evaluation

Therefore, in the current competitive environment, automobile brands need better marketing, in-depth brand image, in-depth communication with young groups, and break through. This time, the new red flag and ice and snow sports are a good combination of automobile brands and sports resources.

| Ice and snow sports will become a new starting point for the new red flag to take off

According to the "2021 China Ice and Snow Industry Development Research Report", the total scale of China's ice and snow industry increased from 270 billion yuan to 600 billion yuan from 2015 to 2020. In addition, according to the requirements of the "2016-2025 Ice and Snow Sports Development Plan", by 2025, the total scale of China's ice and snow industry will reach 1 trillion yuan.

New Hongqi marketing has "broken the circle" and comprehensively helped China's ice and snow sports | the global ball bike evaluation

Obviously, Beijing will host the world's top ice and snow events to make this blue ocean of development, which already has great potential, more vibrant. Some analysts pointed out that Hongqi's support for ice and snow sports events not only allows FAW Hongqi to shoulder the mission and responsibility of supporting China's sports cause, but also highlights the responsibility of Chinese brands.

In fact, working together with sports, achieving brand upwards and polishing Chinese brands has always been an important area that FAW Hongqi adheres to and deepens.

In August last year, FAW Hongqi announced that it would give Hongqi H9 products and use rights to Honor Athletes. Since September 10 last year, with the support of Hongqi Experience Centers across the country, athletes have successively received Hongqi H9, become FAW Hongqi car owners, and immediately joined the Hongqi Riders Association to enjoy product services and the rights and interests of Hongqi Ecology...

New Hongqi marketing has "broken the circle" and comprehensively helped China's ice and snow sports | the global ball bike evaluation

As more and more athletes become the owners of Hongqi H9, Hongqi Riders' Club is also known as "one of the riders with the highest gold content" by netizens, which undoubtedly stimulates consumers' recognition of The Faw-hongqi brand and the product strength and value of Faw-Hongqi H9. This is a change in the red flag, and also a psychological change in Chinese consumers for Chinese brands.

New Hongqi marketing has "broken the circle" and comprehensively helped China's ice and snow sports | the global ball bike evaluation

At this event, in addition to delivering the Hongqi H9 senior car to 11 honor athletes, FAW Hongqi also announced that it will present H9 to China's ice and snow glory athletes, which will undoubtedly win widespread attention again in the upcoming world's top ice and snow events.

At the same time, FAW Hongqi has also carried out a series of innovative cooperation with the State General Administration of Sport through all-round in-depth support, including the signing of a cooperation agreement with the Winter Sports Management Center of the State General Administration of Sport, officially becoming a strategic partner of the Chinese Snowmobile National Team, the Steel Frame Snowmobile National Team and the Bobsleigh National Team, and then officially delivering the first domestic Hongqi Snowmobile developed and manufactured by China FAW United Aerospace Science and Technology to the Winter Transport Center, ending the long-term monopoly of snowmobile equipment by foreign brands.

New Hongqi marketing has "broken the circle" and comprehensively helped China's ice and snow sports | the global ball bike evaluation

In addition, FAW Hongqi also signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the "TEAM CHINA" Chinese national team at this event, so that Faw-hongqi Automobile officially became the honorary car of the "TEAMCHINA" Chinese national team, so that consumers can form a brand association of "raising the red flag and opening the red flag". On the other hand, it has also laid a solid foundation for FAW Hongqi in the future sports marketing development process.

New Hongqi marketing has "broken the circle" and comprehensively helped China's ice and snow sports | the global ball bike evaluation

Conclusion: In 2021, the Hongqi brand achieved sales of 300,000 vehicles, an increase of 50.1% year-on-year, ranking first in the growth rate of high-end brands, and creating a miracle of the automobile industry with a growth of 63 times in 4 years. Behind this, in addition to seeing FAW Hongqi's leap in products, we should also see FAW Hongqi's innovation in marketing in recent years.

Among them, FAW Hongqi sports marketing is undoubtedly successful, it makes the image of the new hongqi's national car more deeply rooted in the hearts of consumers, and also makes the new hongqi brand have a closer connection with the national honor. With the rapid development of Ice and Snow Sports in China, Ice and Snow Sports Glory Athletes will become the best spokespersons of the new Hongqi, and Hongqi users will also be proud to have Hongqi.

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