
The prototype of the movie "Dear" was successfully found, there was no loss, only excitement for her

The most infuriating thing for parents is not that the children have bad grades, not that the children are greedy and naughty, not that the parents are angry, but that the children are lost or trafficked, I believe that many people resent the traffickers who abduct others, but at that time it was like this, many times can not be avoided, but fortunately, nowadays, science and technology are developed, and many things can be found through science and technology.

The prototype of the movie "Dear" was successfully found, there was no loss, only excitement for her

Wish: "Dear" prototype search for a successful child, I hope that the world will not be turned

Recently, the child was found for abduction, is the prototype of "Dear", this parent has been looking for the child for 14 years and 57 days, in order to find the child has also paid too much too much, once in the movie "Dear" Zhang Yi played the prototype of the role, finally met with the child on January 23, 2022, that scene is impossible for many people to understand.

The prototype of the movie "Dear" was successfully found, there was no loss, only excitement for her

At the scene of the recognition of relatives, parents hugged the child for a long time, afraid of losing it again, shouting in their mouths, crying loudly, the scene made people cry, and they also had a feeling of calculation in their hearts, and the corners of their eyes were moist.

The prototype of the movie "Dear" was successfully found, there was no loss, only excitement for her

Therefore, some netizens said: Although the child has been found, there are still many parents who have not yet found the child, so it is necessary to severely punish the traffickers and buyers.

The prototype of the movie "Dear" was successfully found, there was no loss, only excitement for her

Some netizens also said: "These parents looking for children, they are too pitiful!" I think it is really necessary for every citizen to report the families that we know are not their own children, and the specific situation is verified by the public security organs, and perhaps there are abducted children in such families. ”

The prototype of the movie "Dear" was successfully found, there was no loss, only excitement for her

In addition, there is another person who is also struggling to find a child, this person is "Du Houqi", there are also many people who have sent words of blessing to him, and also hope that he can find his child as soon as possible, and some netizens said: "I hope that all abducted children can be found!" Can go back to their biological parents! ”

The prototype of the movie "Dear" was successfully found, there was no loss, only excitement for her

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