
The first in the same class for many consecutive years Dongfeng Honda CR-V value is not worth buying?

【Pacific Automobile Network Shopping Guide Channel】Automobile is a durable consumer goods, which is equivalent to the "fixed assets" held by users for a long time. On the other hand, the automobile is also a commodity that is more commonly traded in the market, which means that there is a strong liquidity. Based on these two points, people who have a sense of financial management will mostly value its retention rate. Moreover, under normal circumstances, models with high retention rates often have excellent product strength and high market heat.

The first in the same class for many consecutive years Dongfeng Honda CR-V value is not worth buying?

Why is it strongly recommended to buy a car depending on the retention rate?

Some people may say that buying a car is for their daily use, not to dump the car, there is no need to pay too much attention to the retention rate.

For such a view, the author expressed respect, but did not dare to agree. Respect is because some consumers do buy cars and drive until they are scrapped, and no transfer transactions occur during the period; they dare not agree because the number of new cars that drive to scrap is only a minority after all, and I believe that there will be fewer and fewer in the future.

The first in the same class for many consecutive years Dongfeng Honda CR-V value is not worth buying?

According to the statistics of authoritative institutions, in recent years, domestic new car buyers have declined year by year, accounting for less than 50% of the new car market, while the exchange rate has continued to grow significantly.

This means that more and more Chinese consumers, with the increase of their family's disposable income, have the willingness and conditions to buy better cars to further improve the quality of their families' daily travel. Based on this trend, the purchase of models with a higher retention rate will undoubtedly become an increasingly widespread consensus.

The first in the same class for many consecutive years Dongfeng Honda CR-V value is not worth buying?

In the vernacular, a car with a high retention rate can make you suffer less losses when changing cars, or even no losses. Of course, this is only one of its two major benefits, and the other big benefit is also very important, that is, they are usually equated with "reliable products". Why? This has to be analyzed in conjunction with the factors that affect the retention rate.

Under normal circumstances, the vehicle retention rate can be regarded as a comprehensive embodiment of the brand's reputation and the market ownership, product strength, quality level, and user reputation of the model.

First of all, the brand is an intangible asset of a company, although it is difficult to quantify directly, but the accumulation of long-term positive feedback is conducive to promoting the value of tangible assets. In other words, vehicles produced by high-profile car brands must generate added value.

The first in the same class for many consecutive years Dongfeng Honda CR-V value is not worth buying?

Second, models with a high retention rate are usually generated from models with a large market holding volume (except for a few scarce models or sentimental models). On the one hand, the large amount of market ownership indicates that the car is very popular, belongs to popular models, and is easier to deal when changing hands; on the other hand, the large amount of market ownership means that the maintenance is convenient and the replacement cost of accessories is relatively low. And these two points can form a positive feedback on the retention rate to a certain extent.

Third, with the gradual maturity of domestic automobile consumers and the development of the Internet has greatly eliminated information asymmetry, everyone has a clearer understanding of the product strength, quality level and user reputation of some mainstream models, and even more and more consumers can compare horizontally between different products, so over time, products with higher comprehensive quality will naturally correspond to higher retention rates.

The CR-V has a continuous no.1 retention rate for compact SUVs

As mentioned above, the author did not hesitate to recommend the Dongfeng Honda CR-V to friends because he valued the retention rate, so how high is the retention rate of this car? Take a look at the table below.

In the newly released compact SUV three-year retention rate of the TOP10, the Japanese model occupies the top seven seats, and the Dongfeng Honda CR-V is the champion for the second consecutive time. Dongfeng Honda CR-V has always been among the best, and it is not uncommon to win championships.

According to the report data, the current three-year retention rate of Dongfeng Honda CR-V is as high as 62.9%, which is 2 percentage points higher than that of the second-place FAW Toyota RAV4 Rongfang, and the average three-year retention rate of mainstream models at the same level is far more than 13.85% (the average retention rate of the same level is 49.05%), assuming that the car price of 200,000 yuan is calculated, which is equivalent to 27,700 yuan.

Why is the CR-V retention rate so high?

Regarding the main influencing factors of the retention rate, the previous author has made a macro summary, and then, it is necessary to analyze the specific problems and explain in detail the price of Dongfeng Honda CR-V.

The reputation of the brand, or the popular brand belief, can be beneficial to a certain extent to the retention rate of a certain model, but it must be noted that this favorable nature is the icing on the cake, and the premise is that the comprehensive quality of the model itself is excellent.

So, what is the comprehensive quality of Dongfeng Honda CR-V? Answer: Peer benchmark.

The first in the same class for many consecutive years Dongfeng Honda CR-V value is not worth buying?

As one of the earliest urban SUVs to be introduced into the domestic market, Dongfeng Honda CR-V has been produced and sold in China for 18 years, through four generations of models, each generation is a very influential benchmark model in that period, favored by Chinese consumers, with cumulative sales of more than 2.4 million vehicles.

The current generation of CR-V on sale is the most successful generation so far, with cumulative domestic sales of more than 900,000 vehicles, and cumulative sales in a single year in 2021 exceeded 200,000 vehicles, with an average monthly sales of about 17,000 vehicles, at the same time, the last two consecutive years have reached the top of the joint venture SUV sales championship.

The reason why it shines so brightly is that its performance in all aspects is balanced and strong, there are almost no shortcomings, and the household attributes are even more full, which is highly in line with the travel needs of the majority of Chinese families.

The first in the same class for many consecutive years Dongfeng Honda CR-V value is not worth buying?

The Dongfeng Honda CR-V currently on sale has a stylish and affinity appearance, and the vast majority of consumers are more receptive to such a look. The interior design style is also the same, not only in line with the requirements of durable look, but also imitation wood grain trim panels, interior mood lights, family button shift mechanism (hybrid and plug-in hybrid models) and other elements, can make consumers feel good.

The first in the same class for many consecutive years Dongfeng Honda CR-V value is not worth buying?
The first in the same class for many consecutive years Dongfeng Honda CR-V value is not worth buying?
The first in the same class for many consecutive years Dongfeng Honda CR-V value is not worth buying?

In terms of technology sense, the HondaSensing safety super sense system and the Handa Connect intelligent guide interconnection system are armed together, providing a number of mainstream active safety configurations and intelligent auxiliary functions to ensure travel safety and convenience.

The first in the same class for many consecutive years Dongfeng Honda CR-V value is not worth buying?

The Dongfeng Honda CR-V currently on sale provides three kinds of power, namely traditional fuel power, hybrid and plug-in hybrid, which constitutes a more comprehensive family product matrix and can meet the needs of consumers with different needs.

The first in the same class for many consecutive years Dongfeng Honda CR-V value is not worth buying?

The hybrid version of the CR-V is equipped with Honda's third-generation i-MMD hybrid system consisting of a 2.0-liter Atkinson cycle engine, dual motors and an E-CVT stepless transmission, which is fuel-saving on par with the Toyota Hybrid, and its more direct power output makes the driver more pleasant while driving.

The first in the same class for many consecutive years Dongfeng Honda CR-V value is not worth buying?
The first in the same class for many consecutive years Dongfeng Honda CR-V value is not worth buying?

In addition, I have to praise that although this is a family car, while ensuring driving comfort, it also provides excellent handling in the same class, the steering wheel with variable steering ratio is handy, and the suspension system balances the filter effect and support effect to an excellent state, everything seems to be just right. As for the quietness of driving, there is no need to worry, it is equipped with active noise reduction function, which greatly eliminates noise interference.

Write at the end

As the domestic auto market continues to mature, the retention rate will be an extremely important reference for car purchases, which is more than the sales data. Sales data often can only explain the product strength of a car, which mainly depends on the manufacturer's settings, in contrast, the retention rate can reflect the things more comprehensive, because this is a comprehensive report card that integrates product strength, user reputation, market circulation status, after-sales service system and so on. For ordinary consumers, choosing a mainstream model with a high retention rate like Dongfeng Honda CR-V is not wrong, and even can be purchased with closed eyes. (Photo/Text/Photo: Zhu Shiyong, Pacific Auto Network)

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