
The four major misunderstandings of supplementing nutrition during pregnancy, the mother can go around in advance, too pit

Mother's pregnancy is a big thing for the whole family, and ensuring that pregnant mothers and fetuses are nutritionally adequate has become a task for the whole family. It's just that now all kinds of pseudo-knowledge on the Internet are flying all over the sky, one will say that it is good for a while and then let people come backwards, so that many people do not know how to supplement nutrition during pregnancy, but often enter various misunderstandings. For example, the following ones, pregnant mothers should polish their eyes, don't make mistakes!

The four major misunderstandings of supplementing nutrition during pregnancy, the mother can go around in advance, too pit

The more you eat, the better

The idea of eating two people's meals with one mouth after pregnancy is only an emphasis on supplementing nutrition during pregnancy, but it is really not the more you eat, the better! If you consume too much nutrition during pregnancy, the most intuitive embodiment is reflected in the mother's figure, the mother's body stores too much fat, it is easy to appear various physical diseases, and it is impossible to ensure the health of the fetus. The intake of nutrients during pregnancy must be adequate and not excessive, and pay attention to the balanced intake of various nutrients.

The four major misunderstandings of supplementing nutrition during pregnancy, the mother can go around in advance, too pit

The more fruit the merrier

Fruits are rich in fiber and vitamins and other substances that are beneficial to the body, so families often buy fruits for pregnant women to eat. However, the fruit is not only nutrients, but also contains a lot of sugar, especially fruits with high sweetness, and excessive intake will cause blood sugar to be too high and threaten the health of the fetus. In addition, in traditional Chinese medicine, fruits have warm and cool nature, if the mother accidentally consumes too much cool fruit and there is diarrhea or uterine cold, contractions and other serious threats to the health of mothers and babies. It is recommended that mothers keep fruit within 500g per day, and it is best not to eat only one to avoid excessive intake.

The four major misunderstandings of supplementing nutrition during pregnancy, the mother can go around in advance, too pit

Eat whatever you want

During pregnancy, the mother's mouth is relatively tight, which may be deeply appreciated by many fathers-to-be, because they often encounter the situation that she buys something hard but does not want to eat. But even if the taste of pregnancy is tricky, pregnant mothers can not eat what they want, such as alcohol, barbecue and fried food, try not to touch, otherwise the fetus is prone to problems. Even in the face of favorite food, pregnant women should also eat appropriately, partial eating, overeating is a manifestation of irresponsibility for their own and fetal health.

The four major misunderstandings of supplementing nutrition during pregnancy, the mother can go around in advance, too pit

A high-calcium diet cannot be stopped

Most pregnant women will supplement calcium during pregnancy, but excessive calcium supplementation will increase the risk of kidney stones, and the baby born may also have the problem of premature closure of the bone line, so calcium supplementation during pregnancy should also be appropriate. In addition, depending on the time of pregnancy, the daily calcium content of pregnant women is not the same. In the early stages of pregnancy, my mother drank about 250ml of fresh milk every day, plus a normal diet, which basically met the daily calcium needs without additional calcium supplementation. With the rapid enlargement of the fetus, the mother needs additional calcium supplementation, at this time, the mother can follow the advice of a professional doctor and supplement it through calcium.

The four major misunderstandings of supplementing nutrition during pregnancy, the mother can go around in advance, too pit

All in all, nutritional supplementation during pregnancy needs to follow the principle of "moderation", too much and too little will cause harm to the fetus and pregnant women. Pregnant mothers and family members should polish their eyes, do not be misled by some one-sided knowledge, walk into the misunderstanding of raising a fetus, and cause harm to the child in the belly, if you do not know how to do it, ask the doctor's advice is a wise choice.

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