
Yin Tongyue, Chairman of Chery Holding Group: Jetway Automobile will challenge its annual sales target of 300,000 units in 2022

"For the Jietu brand, this year's global sales target is 300,000 vehicles, requiring the Jietu brand to increase the sales target of 200,000 vehicles per year, so that by 2026, the global sales of the Jietu brand will exceed 1 million vehicles."

Recently, at the scene of China's first Travel + Conference and Jietu Automobile Brand Night with the theme of "Our New Journey", Yin Tongyue, Chairman of Chery Holding Group, introduced the sales targets of Jietu Automobile in 2022 and 2026.

Yin Tongyue, Chairman of Chery Holding Group: Jetway Automobile will challenge its annual sales target of 300,000 units in 2022

(Yin Tongyue, Chairman of Chery Holding Group)

The reporter of China Business Daily noted that in 2021, the cumulative sales of Jietu Automobile throughout the year 154077 vehicles, an increase of 17.9% year-on-year, and the sales volume exceeded 10,000 vehicles for 12 consecutive months. As of the end of December 2021, cumulative sales have reached 463814 units.

In the brand night of the evening, Jietu Automobile released a new product strategic plan, comprehensively upgrading the "Travel +" strategy from the brand, product and marketing dimensions, in order to further consolidate the position of the "Travel +" travel ecological leader.

"As chery Group's innovation pioneer, Jetway Automobile will meet market challenges with continuous brand innovation, product innovation and marketing innovation, and build the 'Travel +' ecosystem into a new benchmark for user experience in the automotive industry." Yin Tongyue said.

Broaden the "Travel +" ecosystem

"With travel + as the design gene, Jietu Automobile creates the concept of the ultimate product for customers, serves the travel normalization needs of Jietu customers, and provides each user with a tailor-made mobile home that is most suitable for themselves." Zhou Dinghua, deputy general manager of Jietu Automobile and general manager of the R&D center, said.

The reporter learned that since its establishment in 2018, Jietu Automobile has firmly practiced the "travel +" strategy, through the ecological layout of the whole travel industry chain combining people, vehicles and scenes, to meet the ever-increasing travel needs of users, and continuously expand the "travel +" ecosystem and enrich the "travel +" products.

Relevant data show that in the past 40 months, Jietu Automobile has built more than 1,800 networks, basically built a 50-kilometer car purchase car circle nationwide; has nearly 50 "travel +" ecological alliance partners, created 5 user experience IP, more than 460,000 users, more than 6 million fans, and created the first domestic cutting-edge SUV growth rate.

"In the next few years, Jetway Automobile will invest more than 30 billion yuan in research and development funds for the 'Travel +' strategic planning, enrich the product line, improve the 'Travel +' travel category, and launch 1 to 2 new models every year." At the same time, in terms of new energy, we have made a synchronous and comprehensive layout to make due contributions to 'carbon peaking' and 'carbon neutrality'. Bao Siyu, deputy general manager of Chery Holding Group and general manager of Jietu Automobile, said.

At the evening press conference, Jietu Automobile officially released the layout of X, T, P and V product sequences, which mainly featureDUV, hardcore off-road, hardcore pickup truck and MPV models. The release of the new "Travel +" product strategic planning marks the official opening of the "4+3+N product matrix" era of Jietu Automobile.

Not only that, Bao Siyu also said: "Jietu Automobile firmly practices the 'travel +' strategy, continuously expands the 'travel +' ecosystem, enriches the 'travel +' products, expands the 'travel +' station, and upgrades the 'travel +' platform, which brings more surprises and joy to users in the journey, and also broadens the boundaries and horizons of Jietu, providing more development possibilities." ”

In fact, Jetway Auto has integrated well-known domestic tourism industry resources such as Fantawild, Tuju, Ctrip, Qunar, etc., to build national, branch, local three-level rights and interests, in addition to providing users with value-added rights, but also hopes to achieve positive interaction with users through the "Travel +" ecosystem, so that users can enjoy more scenes and interesting experiences such as preferential prices and exclusive gifts.

The reporter noted that with the comprehensive entry into the "travel +" market segment, the "travel +" ecosystem of Jietu Automobile will continue to expand. It is reported that Jietu Automobile has built 80 "Travel +" ecological alliance units, and according to the plan, the number of "Travel +" equity units of Jietu Automobile in 2022 is planned to grow to more than 100.

In terms of user experience in the "Travel +" ecosystem, as of now, the number of Jietu APP users has reached 340,000, nearly 200 travel peripheral products, more than 1 million pieces of sales, more than 1,800 travel experience activities, more than 100,000 people experience, covering more than 20 provinces and more than 100 cities.

The "Kunlun" architecture is fully empowered

As we all know, technological innovation is constantly subverting and reconstructing the times, but also profoundly affecting the automotive industry. Driven by 5G and AI dual energy, the Interconnection of All Things, new species, new technologies, new formats, and new models are emerging in an endless stream. Automobiles are changing from traditional mobility tools to smart mobile terminals and smart partners in living spaces.

"In the travel +1.0 era, Jietu has mainly created an excellent functional experience from the aspects of vehicle WeChat ecology, passive safety, and material health; in the 2.0 era, Jietu will focus on every travel scene, and through intelligent means, deeply create a scene experience under each scene, making travel more convenient, smarter and more playful!" Zhou Dinghua said.

The reporter noted that relying on Chery Group's 24 years of technology precipitation, Jietu Automobile has created an industry-leading "Kunlun architecture" for "Travel +", supporting the iteration of 5G intelligent driving, and using the industry's leading central computer and Gigabit Ethernet to respond to the needs of unlimited travel scenarios and open the 2.0 era.

It is reported that the "Kunlun" architecture can be adapted to different wheelbase models through the combination of the rubik's cube of the physical module, covering SUVs, CROSS, MPV, etc., and supports a variety of power combinations and drive forms such as fuel, pure electricity, hybrid and fuel cells to meet the user's full-scenario travel.

Specifically, in terms of power, Kunlun architecture provides a powerful Kunpeng power series of Chery Group from fuel fuel to hydrogen power, and the Jetway PHEV power system can achieve fuel consumption as low as 1L per 100 kilometers under WLC conditions. Driving 1,000 kilometers in a fully charged and fueled state can cover 100% of the entire travel scene.

In terms of building the health of Jietujia, the Kunlun architecture platform provides up to 7 kinds of on-board health detection technology, which can detect heart rate, blood oxygen, blood pressure, pressure, electrocardiogram, heart rate variation, body temperature, and more than 100 remote medical experts conduct regular health assessments. In terms of intelligence, the "Kunlun" architecture adopts a Qualcomm 8155 chip with a 7nm, 8-core processor, with a computing power of 30 to 800tops, and has the ability of AI self-learning and self-growth.

In addition, based on user usage scenarios, Jietu Automobile uses user experience thinking to create a new era of travel + intelligent vehicles, and aggregates Xiongshi, Tencent, Mengbo, iFLYTEK, etc. to create I-DRIVE Xiongshi Intelligent Driving and I-CONNECT Xiongshi Zhiyun multi-ecosystems, and deeply shares the I-POWER intelligent effect total technology and M1X/T1X/M3X modular platform.

At the press conference that night, based on the Kunlun architecture and various black technologies to create the Jietu T-X was also officially unveiled, as the first concept car of the T product sequence, Jietu T-X planned a hardcore off-road, luxury off-road and other multiple models according to different user use scenarios, the vehicle length ranged from 4.6 to 5.1 meters, covering a price range of 150,000 to 300,000 yuan.

"At present, the 'Jietu Travel Road Book', which is highly praised by users, will continue to be iteratively upgraded in the 'Kunlun' architecture of the car and machine system." Jietu Automobile said that according to the plan, the first model of the T product series, the T-1 (code name), is expected to be launched in 2023. The P sequence and the V sequence will also be launched in the future.

As the company enters a new stage of development, Li Xueyong, deputy general manager of Jietu Automobile and general manager of the marketing center, said that the "travel +" ecosystem will fully enter the 2.0 stage, from building a travel unit combination to building a travel ecological combination. Construct a "travel +" travel ecology in the three directions of people, vehicles and scenes, interact with each other, define each other, and realize continuous optimization iteration and virtuous circle.

It further said: "Jietu Automobile will continue to uphold the user-centered 'three most' marketing concept, understand users at the level of brand co-creation, product co-creation, and ecological co-creation, get close to users at the online and offline levels, and delight users at the pre-sales and after-sales levels; establish a user operation communication mechanism by 100% directly facing users, 100% direct users, and 100% user direct evaluation; and build a brand, organized, and positioned around new media platforms such as Jietu Auto APP, Douyin, Guanwei, and Guanbo. User operation pattern with content. ”

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