
Is a baby who is "squeezed" too much smarter? Blindly following the birth is not advisable, and high INTELLIGENCE is not squeezed out

Is a baby who is "squeezed" too much smarter? Blindly following the birth is not advisable, and high INTELLIGENCE is not squeezed out

According to statistics, the number of "first-class genius children" with an IQ of more than 160 accounts for only 0.1% of the total population.

Parents' concern for their children's IQ begins during pregnancy. From the beginning of finding a "highly intelligent" person to marry, to now trying to give birth to a smart baby in the way of a normal birth, there is no less pit in the process.

Is a baby who is "squeezed" too much smarter? Blindly following the birth is not advisable, and high INTELLIGENCE is not squeezed out

The expectant mother insisted on giving birth smoothly, and the reason was to laugh at the doctor

Sugar mother once met a mother-to-be during the obstetric examination, when she sat on a chair crying with the test results in her hand, and the husband, mother-in-law and doctors around her have been advising her, it is really not possible to cut it, safety is the most important, but the mother-to-be said that she does not agree with anything.

Is a baby who is "squeezed" too much smarter? Blindly following the birth is not advisable, and high INTELLIGENCE is not squeezed out

People around her thought she was afraid of scars on her belly, but then the mother-to-be explained and made the doctor laugh.

The expectant mother wiped her tears and said to the doctor: "Normal delivery is good for the child, other mothers have said that the child's head is squeezed by the birth canal is smarter, I am not afraid of pain, I can hold on"!

The doctor criticized her very harshly: Whoever said so, you brought her to confront me! I've been giving birth for so many years, and I haven't heard of anyone whose child is smarter because of a normal birth. If you can't give birth to a normal birth in this situation, and the child's brain is deprived of oxygen, can you still be smart!

Is a baby who is "squeezed" too much smarter? Blindly following the birth is not advisable, and high INTELLIGENCE is not squeezed out

Hearing the doctor say this, the expectant mother gave up the normal birth and went home with her husband in frustration.

Is a baby who is "squeezed" too much smarter? Blindly following the birth is not advisable, and high INTELLIGENCE is not squeezed out

Normal birth can not "squeeze the baby smart", expectant parents do not cling

In fact, sugar mother is also very supportive of the mother-to-be caesarean section, the birth of the baby can not be by their own nature, insisting on a smooth delivery will make the baby lose the opportunity to become smarter.

The second stage of normal delivery is the high incidence of hypoxia in the baby, when the labor process is too long, there is less amniotic fluid, and the mother will not use force, the fetal treasure is very dangerous.

Is a baby who is "squeezed" too much smarter? Blindly following the birth is not advisable, and high INTELLIGENCE is not squeezed out

The fetus's tolerance to severe hypoxia is within 5 minutes, the longer the chronic hypoxia, the greater the damage to the brain, many fetal treasures are normal during pregnancy, but because of the lack of oxygen in the second stage of labor, resulting in mild or severe cerebral palsy, it is really a pity.

Whether you can give birth to a child, you must consider the fetal position, the maternal physical condition and the gestational age and other conditions, blindly insist on the smooth birth pit yourself and the child, once the baby's brain is damaged, where is the wisdom to speak of?

Is a baby who is "squeezed" too much smarter? Blindly following the birth is not advisable, and high INTELLIGENCE is not squeezed out

Is a baby who is "squeezed" too much smarter? The truth may not be what you think

The saying that the baby born is smarter has been passed down in the mother's circle for a long time, and there are many parents around the sugar mother who use the characteristics of their children to compare and want to confirm their views.

Is a baby who is "squeezed" too much smarter? Blindly following the birth is not advisable, and high INTELLIGENCE is not squeezed out

One of the more widely circulated sayings is that the baby's brain is squeezed by the birth canal during normal labor, which makes the internal groove of the brain deeper, so it is smart, but this is just a rumor. In fact, as of now, there is no scientific data to prove that the way of childbirth affects the intelligence of the baby.

Brain nerves that affect the level of a baby's intelligence begin to form in the 3rd week of pregnancy, and the way the mother gives birth has very little impact on this.

Is a baby who is "squeezed" too much smarter? Blindly following the birth is not advisable, and high INTELLIGENCE is not squeezed out

Seeing that expectant mothers and expectant fathers here may be a little anxious, and a normal birth cannot help the baby become smarter, so is there any other way? Don't worry, Sugar Mom tells you a few real ways.

Is a baby who is "squeezed" too much smarter? Blindly following the birth is not advisable, and high INTELLIGENCE is not squeezed out

Normal birth does not make the baby smart, and pregnant high-IQ babies do

The heritability of general intelligence accounts for a greater proportion as the child ages. According to statistics: from young children to adults, the proportion of genetic intelligence has increased from 30% to about 70%.

From this point, it can be seen that the baby's IQ still has a lot of room for development in the day after tomorrow, and the earlier you start the intervention, the better the effect.

Is a baby who is "squeezed" too much smarter? Blindly following the birth is not advisable, and high INTELLIGENCE is not squeezed out

Everyone wants to make the baby smarter, but it is a bit risky to use the way of normal birth, it is better to help the baby have a high IQ through the following ways.

1) You can make some preparations during pregnancy

If you want to conceive a smart baby, you can make some preparations when the woman is pregnant, the fetus has a strong perception of the outside world, and under the same other conditions, it is smarter to do this when pregnant.

Expectant mothers can use their brains more during pregnancy, in addition to chasing dramas and sleeping during pregnancy, expectant mothers can also read more paper books and do some puzzle games. Not only can it alleviate the situation of "one pregnancy for three years", but also is good for the intellectual development of the fetal treasure.

Is a baby who is "squeezed" too much smarter? Blindly following the birth is not advisable, and high INTELLIGENCE is not squeezed out

Sugar mom likes to do Sudoku during pregnancy, stick to it can indeed see the effect, you can also try to find your favorite way to use your brain, pay attention to the combination of work and leisure.

Around 8 weeks of pregnancy, the number of brain cells in the fetal treasure is about 125,000, and it increases to 20 billion cells around 19 weeks of pregnancy.

Fetal treasure brain development needs corresponding nutrition, expectant mothers can eat more eggs yolk, chicken liver, lean meat and soybeans, which can provide the amino acids needed in the formation of fetal brain cells.

2) The "stimulation" after birth, there is a baby conducive to brain development

If you miss a good time to get pregnant, it's not too late to give some benign stimuli after your baby is born.

Is a baby who is "squeezed" too much smarter? Blindly following the birth is not advisable, and high INTELLIGENCE is not squeezed out

Qualified mothers, try to choose breastfeeding, taurine in breast milk can help increase the number of brain cells, promote the differentiation and maturity of baby nerve cells. In addition, during the breastfeeding process, the mother and the baby have skin contact and more interaction, which can produce benign stimulation of the baby's brain.

In recent years, many celebrities have also joined the breastfeeding camp, and they understand this truth: no amount of money can replace the benefits that breast milk brings to the baby.

3) There is no harm in accumulating knowledge

"Wisdom lies in diligence, genius lies in accumulation", the famous mathematician Hua Luogeng once described those who look very intelligent as not necessarily born, behind which there is no shortage of diligent study.

Is a baby who is "squeezed" too much smarter? Blindly following the birth is not advisable, and high INTELLIGENCE is not squeezed out

Parents should be clear about this, even if the child's IQ after birth is not the most outstanding one, but the more knowledge accumulated, the more the child understands, the problem can be easily solved, compared to those who will only play small smart children, this is the real smart.

As long as parents pay attention to guiding the child according to the rhythm of his development, and do not compare with those prodigies and geniuses, the child will become more and more intelligent.

Candy Mom has something to say:

Sugar mother advises those expectant parents who are ready to give birth, normal birth is not as simple as "squeezing" the fetal treasure, if the children born smoothly are smart, then when there is no caesarean section in the past, why will there be a gap between the children?

Choosing the right way of delivery and paying attention to the above important things is the real help for the baby.

【Today's topic】Which do you think is smarter, the baby born vaginally or the baby who was born by caesarean section?

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