
2021 new energy manufacturers sales ranking! BYD no. 1, Wuling No. 2, Tesla No. 3

New energy vehicles represent the trend of the future, and 2021 is the most violent year for the outbreak of new energy vehicles, the most eye-catching of which is BYD Automobile, and of course, tesla China, which is more concerned and controversial. Recently, the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers announced the sales ranking of new energy vehicle manufacturers in 2021, which car companies sell the best? Let's take a look.

2021 new energy manufacturers sales ranking! BYD no. 1, Wuling No. 2, Tesla No. 3

BYD Cars

Annual sales: 584,020 units

BYD Automobile has successfully transformed from a fuel vehicle to a new energy vehicle company, and in 2021, BYD sold 730,000 vehicles, of which the sales of new energy vehicles were 584,020 units, an increase of 221.3% year-on-year, and the sales of new energy vehicles accounted for more than 80% of the total sales. Therefore, the car company that mixes the best in the new energy track is BYD Automobile. With the DM-i super hybrid system, it has made new energy vehicles such as Song PLUS DM-i, Qin PLUS DM-i, and Tang DM-i a popular products.

2021 new energy manufacturers sales ranking! BYD no. 1, Wuling No. 2, Tesla No. 3


Annual sales: 431,130 units

SAIC-GM-Wuling sold more than 430,000 vehicles in 2021, an increase of 177.3% year-on-year, and its sales ranked second in the list of new energy manufacturers, and I think the biggest credit goes to Hongguang MINIEV, which is the biggest helper of Wuling Motors, the eternal YYDS. Because Hongguang MINIEV sold 395451 vehicles in 2021, it is said that a car has become a new energy vehicle company. Not an exaggeration at all.

2021 new energy manufacturers sales ranking! BYD no. 1, Wuling No. 2, Tesla No. 3

Tesla China

Annual sales: 320743 units

Tesla China is a completely independent foreign car company, its annual sales in China 320743, an increase of 133.3% over 2020, such a growth trend makes many independent brands unattainable. At present, Tesla has two hot models, namely the Model 3 and the Model Y. Tesla's model experience is quite good, but the controversy is also very large, but the sales rank third among new energy manufacturers, such a performance, what do you think?

2021 new energy manufacturers sales ranking! BYD no. 1, Wuling No. 2, Tesla No. 3

Great Wall Motor (New Energy)

Annual sales: 133997 units

Great Wall new energy vehicles sold 133997 units in 2021, an increase of 138.23% year-on-year, so what are the new energy vehicles in the Great Wall? In fact, the most representative is the Euler series of new energy vehicles, such as Euler good cat, Euler white cat, Euler black cat and other models. Frankly speaking, as a traditional car company, Great Wall Motors laid out the new energy market in advance and ate market dividends in 2021, do you agree?

2021 new energy manufacturers sales ranking! BYD no. 1, Wuling No. 2, Tesla No. 3

GAC Aean

Annual sales: 126962 units

GAC Aeon has developed very rapidly in recent years, it sold 126962 vehicles in 2021, an increase of 111.5% year-on-year, ranking 5th in the list of new energy manufacturers, its sales growth momentum is very strong, I believe that in the next few years, sales can be further improved. The reason is that GAC Aean has a lot of new energy technologies, such as 480V fast charging technology, graphene batteries, and new energy vehicles with a range of more than 1,000 kilometers, which are the winning magic weapons of GAC Aean.

2021 new energy manufacturers sales ranking! BYD no. 1, Wuling No. 2, Tesla No. 3

The following car companies I will explain in detail to you the development presented in 2021, of which Weilai, Xiaopeng, Ideal Automobile and other new car-making forces have developed very rapidly, with a year-on-year increase of more than 100%. Moreover, the total annual sales of the three new forces of "Wei Xiaoli" exceeded 90,000 units, and Xiaopeng Automobile almost broke through the 100,000 unit mark, which is quite outstanding for such achievements.

2021 new energy manufacturers sales ranking! BYD no. 1, Wuling No. 2, Tesla No. 3

In fact, such a development trend shows that in the new energy vehicle brand, in fact, consumers do not care about the brand effect, but more about whether the experience brought by the car itself is good. If you don't believe you to look at the traditional car companies such as Geely Automobile, FAW-Volkswagen, SAIC Volkswagen and other new energy sales are basically the bottom of the existence. So, in the new energy track, as long as the product is good enough, the market is fair, do you agree?

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