
What is the "golden leopard" terrier of the popular network, in fact, it is an expectation of our future


Have you been swept away by the overwhelming "golden leopard" avatar on the Internet, presumably until now there should be some small partners in the blindfold, how to wake up well, the classic film and television drama "Journey to the West" in a golden leopard monster avatar suddenly became popular on the Internet, and even appeared on the hot search of major platforms, so the question is, everyone is curious about how this stem came from?

(For entertainment only, please do not over-interpret)

What is the "golden leopard" terrier of the popular network, in fact, it is an expectation of our future

The harmonic terrier unexpectedly became popular, "leopard" = "violent/hugging"

Here I first come to the origin of the "Golden Leopard" head terrier, according to the currently known information sources, this stem first came from a video creator of a certain tone, he was the first to change his avatar to the golden leopard head in "Journey to the West", because the pronunciation of the word "leopard" in the golden leopard is homophonous with the "storm" in the overnight wealth, so under the harmonic sound, the golden leopard = money "violent", and "leopard" is also homophonous with the word "hug", which can only be directly understood as money "hug".

What is the "golden leopard" terrier of the popular network, in fact, it is an expectation of our future

All in all, there is a mood, that is, in the days to come, money soars overnight, holding money home, etc., anyway, just like the previous "koi" terrier, it is a kind of vision and expectation of netizens for a better future.

"Confused" netizens

Of course, in this incident, the biggest attraction is not the head of the golden leopard itself, but the operation of netizens "different hearts", when they first saw the stem and head of the "golden leopard", the netizens mocked its ugly in a one-sided manner, and some even issued what era it was, and also engaged in this set of superstitious things, etc., showing a "sober in the world" look.

What is the "golden leopard" terrier of the popular network, in fact, it is an expectation of our future

However, as a result, the mouth shouted disgust, do not believe, but the body action is silently changed to their own avatar to the appearance of "golden leopard", the most critical, netizens also according to their actual needs of the avatar for a variety of "custom" modifications, properly into a wishing sticky note.

Just like the online review, "Obviously one by one, they all said that they didn't believe in rumors and didn't spread rumors, but they just don't know why their heads have become the heads of golden leopards."

What is the "golden leopard" terrier of the popular network, in fact, it is an expectation of our future

Of course, from another level, I personally feel that the explosion of this avatar also reflects the huge pressure of our current young people's lives to a certain extent, and the explosion of the "Golden Leopard" avatar is an expectation for a better future and an intuitive embodiment of the material helplessness of reality.

What is the "golden leopard" terrier of the popular network, in fact, it is an expectation of our future

About the origin of the Internet explosion of the Journey to the West "Golden Leopard" avatar stem is temporarily talked about here, since it is almost the Spring Festival, the final ending part is not going to talk about any profound truth, just the scene, put on some netizens custom "Golden Leopard" avatar, let's see if there is one of their favorite, by the way also use this heat to give their future a good head.

"Changeable Golden Leopard" head

(1) "Rich Version" Leopard: Just want to feel the feeling of getting rich overnight.

What is the "golden leopard" terrier of the popular network, in fact, it is an expectation of our future

(2) Mask leopard: no disease and no disaster, health is the greatest blessing.

What is the "golden leopard" terrier of the popular network, in fact, it is an expectation of our future

(3) Big gold chain leopard: The big gold chain hangs up, and the new spring turns around and becomes a local tycoon.

What is the "golden leopard" terrier of the popular network, in fact, it is an expectation of our future

(4) Minnie Mouse's version of Fortune Leopard: Fortune + Cute (Never Old).

What is the "golden leopard" terrier of the popular network, in fact, it is an expectation of our future

(5) Fortune Leopard: New Year Fortune.

What is the "golden leopard" terrier of the popular network, in fact, it is an expectation of our future

(6) Fortune Leopard II Version: Fortune and Fortune, wish is so simple.

What is the "golden leopard" terrier of the popular network, in fact, it is an expectation of our future

(7) New Year red packet: it means that the red packet is full and the receipt is soft.

What is the "golden leopard" terrier of the popular network, in fact, it is an expectation of our future

So many kinds of cute "golden leopard" with their own different beautiful meanings, there is always one that will suit you, of course, for adults like me, I want to change one every day, because compared to choosing one, I plan to take all the good wishes away.

Which golden leopard you want the most in your heart, welcome to leave a message.

(The picture in the article comes from the relevant network)

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