
The other six virtues of parenthood

author:Elegant flat beauty

1. Don't scare your child too often when you're young.

For example, ghosts come, tigers come, disobedience and sleep will be caught by bad people, and so on. In this way, parents are relieved, but it increases the child's insecurity in the outside world, and will also cause the child to be afraid of ghosts and afraid of the dark nightmares.

2. Don't compare your child to other people.

This can increase a child's sense of shame or disapproval. Let the child feel that if he is not excellent or perfect, he is not worthy of being loved or even loved.

3. Parents should not over-guide their children in details, which will eliminate the child's sense of self and initiative.

For example, if parents interfere too much in their children's homework, children will feel that reading is not for themselves but for their parents. For example, in some small things, always tell the child how to say and how to do it, etc., which will make the child feel that he is a puppet who does not understand anything.

4. Do not discourage the child's curiosity about the opposite sex, which is a deprivation of the child.

For example, there are scenes of hugging and kissing on TV, and parents should not change stations or block their children's eyes. For example, if a child likes a certain star, let him like it. Excessive restrictions by parents in this regard will increase the child's sexual shame, resulting in the child's inability to look at his body and sexual needs normally, and will also affect the child's adult relationship with the opposite sex or marriage.

5. Don't interrupt your child at will.

Interrupt the child often, and the child will feel rejected or have a problem with himself. Listening to the child finish speaking, the child will feel that he is accepted, which is also very helpful for the parent-child relationship.

6. Don't say that the child is like so-and-so, such as being unreliable and unconscionable like your father. This is a serious demeaning to the child and will make the child feel that he has no value.

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