
【Pregnancy】Comparable to the analysis of pregnancy dreams in a blockbuster (father-to-be)

In the previous article, we talked about the analysis of the dreams of the mother-to-be, and one thing is certain about the dreaming during pregnancy is that not only the expectant mother will have bizarre and strange dreams, but the dreams of the father-to-be are also colorful and miscellaneous during this period.

This is because the father-to-be will be the same mood as the mother-to-be during pregnancy, sometimes extremely nervous, sometimes ecstatic, sometimes anxious, sometimes calm as water, emotions like a roller coaster, and if you can't find an exit, you will transfer to the dream to vent or amplify.

【Pregnancy】Comparable to the analysis of pregnancy dreams in a blockbuster (father-to-be)

In dreams, the subconscious mind will naturally vent these emotions and solve problems safely, thus avoiding psychological problems caused by emotional accumulation. Similarly, if the father-to-be often has these dreams, it also indirectly means that your identity is transforming into a qualified father, because only if you are deeply involved in the entire pregnancy, these emotions will appear and have strange dreams.

So, let's see what emotions the father-to-be's dreams represent.

Dreams about sex

Analysis: Most common in the first trimester, it will gradually disappear, and this dream usually means that you may be worried that pregnancy and having a baby will affect your sex life.

This worry is normal and beneficial, and the father-to-be will know in advance that the relationship will change after having a baby, which is the first step to ensure that the couple is still intimate.

Dreaming that I became a child

Analysis: This shows that you are worried about the responsibilities you will take on, and you are eager for the previously unfettered time.

【Pregnancy】Comparable to the analysis of pregnancy dreams in a blockbuster (father-to-be)

Dreaming that I was pregnant

Analysis: This shows that you sympathize with your wife's efforts, or are jealous of the attention she receives, and want to communicate with your unborn baby.

Dreaming of dropping your baby on the ground or forgetting somewhere

Analysis: Show that you are not confident enough about your upcoming father.

Dreaming of winning in a game

Analysis: This kind of dream may mean that the subconscious fear of the arrival of the baby will weaken your masculinity.

Dreaming of caring for a baby

Analysis: This will help you prepare to be a responsible father, help the father-to-be take on a new role, and be a father who loves the baby.

Dreaming of being alone

Analysis: This kind of dream is very common, indicating that you, like other fathers-to-be, have a feeling of abandonment.

【Pregnancy】Comparable to the analysis of pregnancy dreams in a blockbuster (father-to-be)

Dreaming of raising a baby

Analysis: This shows that the father-to-be is very much looking forward to the arrival of the baby.

Many of the strange dreams and fantasies of fathers-to-be stem from their conscious or unconscious anxiety about their impending fatherhood.

Of course, not all dreams represent anxiety, and half of the dreams reflect the other side of the subconscious mind, but as long as it does not affect sleep, these are beneficial releases for the body.

At the same time, expectant fathers should also learn that expectant mothers get up in the morning to communicate their dreams, which is a very interesting thing and a good treatment method, so that you can easily complete the transformation of parenthood in real life, and also make you more intimate.

If you record the dream, it will better help you to clear your mind for later reflection and laughter.

Take advantage of the buff blessings of this period, and indulge in those gorgeous and bizarre and even incomprehensible dreams, after all, there are ghosts, bad people, and the nightmares of fierce bears chasing people, it is better than dreaming of the happy times of childhood, the appearance of deceased people, and the people who can't get it suddenly belong to themselves.

So, keep dreaming.

This article refers to books

Sears Encyclopedia of Pregnancy

William Sears Martha Sears Linda Holt BJ Snell [Translation] Xun Shouwen

Heidi's Encyclopedia of Pregnancy

[Beauty] Heidi McCoughf et al. [Translation] Pauline Hu

Note: The pictures in this article come from the Internet

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