
When Qianlong was dying, Jiaqing issued the Holy Will, and He Yan saw the killing machine, but did not understand the true meaning

(1) The dangerous situation of Washu

When it comes to the Qing Dynasty, there is a person who cannot get around, and this is Hezhen. In fact, Hezhen's life is also quite inspiring, from a broken disciple to "one person under ten thousand people" hezhongtang, if not too greedy, may become a generation of famous courtiers, after all, Hezhen's talent can be described as second to none.

But Hezhen eventually became one of the most famous negative archetypes in history. And from being caught to being killed, it can be called a thunderous blow. So before this thunder strike, did you show any signs? Actually, there is!

As we all know, after Jiaqing ascended the throne, the power of the Qing Dynasty was still in the hands of the Taishang Emperor Qianlong, and Hezhen was Qianlong's intimate and important minister, still properly in the position of one person below ten thousand people, even Jiaqing was helpless against this phenomenon.

Because Hezhen controls the Military Aircraft Department. This military aircraft department was set up by Yongzheng to strengthen power, in fact, it is "unified power", and it is not an exaggeration to call it the brain of the Qing Dynasty. It is conceivable that Hezhen controls the Military Aircraft Division, and how much power this should be.

When Qianlong was dying, Jiaqing issued the Holy Will, and He Yan saw the killing machine, but did not understand the true meaning

However, as Qianlong grew older, Jiaqing's position became more and more consolidated, and he was sandwiched in the middle, it became more and more redundant, because Jiaqing wanted to be pro-government, and there were two obstacles, one was Qianlong, and the other was the military aircraft department. For his father Qianlong, Jiaqing did not dare to move, so he could only take back or kill the military plane first. In fact, it is also Hezhen.

For the dangerous situation he was in, He Yan did not seem to be aware of it, perhaps for He Yan, his son was a horse, which was equivalent to adding a talisman, and although he was greedy, he was loyal to Qianlong and the Qing Dynasty, and his henchmen were everywhere, all of which made him relax his vigilance, even if Jiaqing suddenly issued a strange holy will, it did not really alarm him.

When Qianlong was dying, Jiaqing issued the Holy Will, and He Yan saw the killing machine, but did not understand the true meaning

(2) Jiaqing's Sacred Will

On February 3, 1799, on the eighth day of the first lunar month of the fourth year of Jiaqing, the Jiaqing Emperor suddenly issued a holy decree: the ministers of culture and military affairs of the ministries and departments, the governors of the provinces, all those who have the responsibility of performing the work, and the ministers of the military camp and other subsequent Chen Song events should be directly before the fall, and no other deputy seals should be allowed to be in the military aircraft department. Ministers of Culture and Military Affairs of the Ministries and Ministries: They shall not inform the Minister of Military Aircraft in advance of what has been done.

That is, from now on, all the folds must be handed over directly to the emperor, without having to pass through the military aircraft, and even copies cannot be given to the military aircraft. And the Minister of Culture and Military Affairs is even more forbidden to tell the Emperor what he wants to tell the Emperor, first of all, the Minister of Military Aircraft (Wakan)!

When Qianlong was dying, Jiaqing issued the Holy Will, and He Yan saw the killing machine, but did not understand the true meaning

When Jiaqing's holy decree was issued, Qianlong was still alive, but he died 4 days later. It can be seen that Qianlong was already in a state of dying at that time. Did Hezhen know about this Holy Will and Qianlong's situation at that time? Must know. So what measures did Hezhen take? There is no measure at all!

Because Qianlong was about to die, otherwise Jiaqing would not have dared to make such a holy decree. Therefore, He Yan could no longer hide behind Qianlong. And as for Hezhen, although he could see that this holy will had a killing chance, he did not understand the true intention--although this holy will was obviously equivalent to depriving the minister of the wasting the power of the minister of the wastage, but for such a result, Hezhen must have expected it, so why did he say that he did not understand the deep meaning?

When Qianlong was dying, Jiaqing issued the Holy Will, and He Yan saw the killing machine, but did not understand the true meaning

(3) He Yan did not understand the deep meaning

One should be analyzed from Hezhen itself: The so-called one dynasty tianzi and one courtier, and as a heavy minister in the Qianlong period, he tied himself to Qianlong from beginning to end, and when Qianlong was there, he continued to be in power, and when Qianlong died, he stepped down and gave way, so he was deprived of power, and he was mentally prepared and could accept it calmly. And even if he steps down, it can be said that he is "down but not down".

The second is to analyze from the environment at that time: He yan has been in business for several years, the party henchmen are all over the world, it is already deeply rooted, and it is necessary to move the whole body, so it is said that if He Yan steps down, he will also go down, if he wants to kill him, it will definitely cause a "big earthquake" in the Qing court, and judging from Jiaqing's performance after coming to power, he is also very well-behaved, so the people who hate Hezhen again are actually trying to overthrow Hezhen first, and then slowly trying to do it, as the ultimate goal, and dare not expect to be killed in one blow.

When Qianlong was dying, Jiaqing issued the Holy Will, and He Yan saw the killing machine, but did not understand the true meaning

Third, from the comprehensive analysis of hezhen's own situation and the environment at that time: it is precisely because of the above two points that he has decided that it is a long-term process to kill himself, so he has not been able to understand, and the real intention is: like a beast catching food, first isolate the target (waskan), followed by a deadly attack.

That is, this holy will not only deprived Hezhen of his power, but more powerfully, first isolated Hezhen, and before he understood his true situation and had not yet made contact with other henchmen, he immediately moved without giving him any chance. That's why he said that although he could see that there was a killing opportunity, he failed to understand the deep meaning, but he still had a fluke in his heart, and even prepared to make long-term plans, otherwise he could not explain why he did not react before he was arrested.

When Qianlong was dying, Jiaqing issued the Holy Will, and He Yan saw the killing machine, but did not understand the true meaning

On February 22, 1799, 19 days after the divine decree was issued, and the 15th day after Qianlong's death, He yan was given death, and the speed is still amazing, but in fact, in this holy will, there are signs. This year, He Yan was less than 50 years old, and before he died, he also wrote a desperate poem: Fifty years of dreaming true, and now he is gone to thank Hongchen. He was full of dragon days and recognized cigarettes as his back.

The poem has always been controversial, and even Cixi was said to be the descendant of Hezhen, who came to take revenge, so he collapsed the Qing Dynasty. But whether this is the case or not, it can indeed be seen in this poem that Washu's unwilling mood at that time, but unfortunately everything can no longer be changed...

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