
He Yan has nine wives, all of whom are strange, and they all made the same decision after He Yan committed suicide

He Yan, a famous corrupt official in history. Logically, such a negative figure should appear more in textbooks, and he can actually become a household name, thanks to the Qianlong Emperor. This is really a figure, did not pass the exam, donated officials, and as a result, he was caught by Qianlong, ran all the way to the military plane, and followed Qianlong everywhere to play in the mountains.

He Yan has nine wives, all of whom are strange, and they all made the same decision after He Yan committed suicide

The big red man in front of the emperor, can no one bother, so the treasury is empty, and his family is very rich. After Jiaqing really took power, he immediately asked him, and it is said that almost no one in the imperial court dared to interrogate him at that time, and finally ended up raiding the family and giving him death. Some people wondered, how could Qianlong tolerate such a greedy person? No emperor liked corrupt officials, and the money of the state at that time was the emperor's money. It can only be said that He Yan is very angry with Qianlong, and even likes his shortcomings.

In ancient times, there was a very bad tradition, that is, the burial system. Especially after the death of the emperor, the concubines of the harem, who did not have the right to choose their own life and death, had to go to another world to accompany their husbands. After he was given a death, his 9 ladies were actually willing to accompany the funeral.

He Yan has nine wives, all of whom are strange, and they all made the same decision after He Yan committed suicide

As a high-ranking official, the number of people in hezhen's backyard was not too much or less. Although he had one wife and eight concubines, he had only one son, whose name was given by Qianlong, and he also married the daughter of the Qianlong Emperor. This son was born to his wife Feng Jiwen. Speaking of this wife, the background is very hard, the granddaughter of Tokaku University Scholar Yinglian. However, this wife, who really did not see the subsequent results, died a year earlier.

After Feng's death, He Yan straightened out the second grandmother Chang Shi, which shows its weight in He Yan's heart, and she has two daughters for He Yan. It is said that the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting are all excellent. In fact, Grandma Chang'er is better at managing money, otherwise, He yan would not straighten it out. She was originally a concubine of a petty official, born beautiful, and this petty official gave her to Hezhen for her own future.

He Yan has nine wives, all of whom are strange, and they all made the same decision after He Yan committed suicide

As for the other ladies, the one who left their names was Wu Qingpi, who was originally a song girl in Suzhou, and later became the concubine of an official, but this official was beheaded for his crime and was given to Hezhen. There is also a theory that Hezhen took a fancy to her and later snatched her up. Two days after she hanged herself, she ended her life in the same way.

There was also a beautiful woman named Cardamom, who was said to have been dedicated to Hezhen by a Merchant of Yangzhou at that time, and when she heard the news of Hezhen's death, she simply jumped from the upper floor and followed. As for the other concubines, it is said that some of them were given to He yan by Qianlong, but none of them left their names. There is also a Western beauty in the backyard of Wakan named Mary, but some people say that this is a fabrication by posterity.

He Yan has nine wives, all of whom are strange, and they all made the same decision after He Yan committed suicide

In ancient times, it was really difficult for women to leave their stories, either with prominent status, such as royalty or noble families, or with considerable literary or artistic achievements. The ladies of Hezhen, on the other hand, left traces in history in another extreme way.

Why are they willing to choose this way to follow Kazuya to another world? He Yan had long been targeted by Jiaqing, but Qianlong had been the Emperor Taishang for several years, and during that time, Jiaqing was quite kind to He yan, but 15 days after Qianlong's death, The good days of He Yan were over. The house has been raided, what is the way for these women to live?

He Yan has nine wives, all of whom are strange, and they all made the same decision after He Yan committed suicide

Washu's son avoided sitting together because he was a donkey. If you don't understand the ancient laws, there is a book that is basically a realistic portrayal, look at the "Dream of the Red Chamber", after the Grand View Garden was copied, what about those former official ladies and wives? These ladies are very aware of their current situation, and instead of ending up in a more miserable situation, it is better to accompany Hezhen, so they all make the same decision to give Hezhen a funeral.

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