
Li Ninghui was elected as an ACM fellow, and his sister and brother both attended the junior class of the University of Science and Technology of China

author:USTC Startup Foundation

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Li Ninghui was elected as an ACM fellow, and his sister and brother both attended the junior class of the University of Science and Technology of China

On January 19, 2022, the International Computer Society (ACM) announced the list of 2021 ACM Fellows, and Li Ninghui, an alumnus of the 88th grade junior class of the University of Science and Technology of China, was selected. A total of 71 scientists from all over the world were selected. These ACM fellows have made extensive and fundamental contributions in a number of fields such as algorithms, computer teaching, cryptography, data security and privacy, medical informatics and network systems.

It is worth mentioning that Li Ninghui and his sister Li Jiayu are both alumni of the junior class of HKUST - Li Ninghui's sister Li Jiayu (8900) was also admitted to the pilot class of the junior class of the University of Science and Technology of China from the same middle school. However, Li Ninghui is the brother of his sister Li Jiayu. Jiayu Li received her Ph.D. in statistics from the University of Chicago and has made great achievements in the financial world.

Among the undergraduate graduates of the University of Science and Technology of China, Jiang Tao (796), Gao Lixin (81 Shao), Luo Jiebo (846), Lu Songwu (859), Tao Dacheng (976), Lü Chenyang (9000) and Li Xuelong (946) were elected as ACM Fellows. Kai Li, Jiawei Han, Ming Li and other graduate students of the University of Science and Technology of China are also ACM Fellows. The number of ACM Fellow alumni selected is much lower than that of IEEE Fellows. Among the professors of the University of Science and Technology of China is Li Xiangyang, executive dean of the School of Computer Science and a newly created chair professor, who is a member of the ACM.

Li Ninghui (88 less)

Li Ninghui was elected as an ACM fellow, and his sister and brother both attended the junior class of the University of Science and Technology of China

In 1988, Li Ninghui was admitted to the Junior Class of the University of Science and Technology of China, a Doctor of Computer Science degree from New York University, and is now a Samuel D. Conte Chair Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Pudu University.

Dr. Li Jiayu (8900)

Li Ninghui was elected as an ACM fellow, and his sister and brother both attended the junior class of the University of Science and Technology of China

Dr. Li Jiayu is a Doctor of Statistics from the University of Chicago and has served as a fund manager for several companies, including UBS, PEAK6, Achievement Asset Management LLC and Balyasny Asset Management L.P. Li Jiayu represents the achievements of chinese HKUST girls in the financial industry.

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