
For this strategic task in Shanghai, a proposal was revised 13 times, she said: It is worth it

author:Shangguan News

At 00:00 on January 8, a proposal on the construction of Shanghai International Consumer Center City was officially submitted, the news in Wang Jun's mobile phone WeChat group rang for a while, and the members who participated in the proposal brushed the screen: "Changed 13 drafts, and the proposal that unites everyone's efforts has finally been completed!" ”

"Consumption is closely related to everyone, and it is more related to the long-term development of Shanghai, which is worth polishing repeatedly!" As one of the main authors of the joint proposal, Wang Junchang, a member of the CPPCC Municipal Committee and president of Shanghai Guojin Investment Co., Ltd., breathed a sigh of relief, "We must absorb everyone's good suggestions, like running a marathon." ”

Wang Jun has served as a member of the CPPCC Municipal Committee for three years, and since the first time he wrote a joint proposal, he has repeatedly tempered her to become a "proposal master". Over the years, she has paid attention to the major strategic tasks of Shanghai's urban development such as artificial intelligence and new infrastructure, visited enterprises and government departments, conducted solid research, and repeatedly polished proposals, condensing the concerns of her and many committee members.

The construction of international consumption centers, focusing on

"Member Wang, the construction of tax-free rebate channels and the consumption rule of law environment must be added, which is the standard of internationalization!" On the evening of January 4, a member of the committee who participated in the joint proposal for the construction of the Shanghai International Consumption Center City called Wang Jun three times in a row, and he was about to submit it.

At 3:00 a.m., Wang Jun, who had just finished the work meeting, immediately replied when he saw the news: "I agree with your opinion, the improvement of the rule of law environment is of great importance to international cities." After some communication, Wang Jun was more determined in his idea and had to strive to write these two articles into the proposal.

On July 19 last year, the Ministry of Commerce announced that with the approval of the State Council, it would take the lead in cultivating and building an international consumption center city in five cities, including Shanghai. 12 days later, the Shanghai International Consumption Center City Mobilization Conference was held. More than two months later, Shanghai launched a planning plan to ensure its implementation from seven aspects.

At the same time, a proposal with the participation of 30 members was also brewed. Wang Jun, who has experience in writing proposals for many times, volunteered to write, and she stayed up for several nights to integrate the thinking of the committee members and completed the first draft of 15 pages. At that time, the construction of tax-free channels and the rule of law environment were the key issues she paid attention to.

"International consumption, how can there be no duty-free shop?" Wang Jun's investigation found that there are currently only two duty-free shops in Shanghai, and the average daily billing of tax refund shops is about 100, while there are 5-10 financial institutions in the tax refund service industry such as Japan, Singapore, and South Korea, with an average daily opening of more than 10,000 orders, and the energy level gap is obvious.

"Not only is the number small, but there is no linkage effect between the airport and the duty-free shops in the urban area." Wang Jun found that the consumption objects of duty-free shops in the city are mainly aimed at foreigners, and there are more restrictions on domestic consumption objects, resulting in a relatively limited scale of duty-free shopping, which is not conducive to the construction of international consumption centers. She suggested that we should speed up the linkage layout of duty-free shops and airport duty-free shops in the city, enrich the channels, scenes and experiences of duty-free shopping, and improve legislation to further create a good environment for the rule of law for consumption.

Wang Jun's awareness of problems largely comes from the habit of thinking about benchmarking, and her experience of studying and working abroad also provides a broader international vision for her to perform her duties.

In her view, although the number of various cultural performances in Shanghai has been quite large, compared with foreign countries, cultural consumption still lacks bright spots. In the proposal submitted this year, Wang Jun suggested that we learn from the operation methods of SOHO in London's West End and Broadway in New York, enhance the attractiveness of Cultural Consumption in Shanghai, focus on giving full play to the advantages of cultural and performing arts resources such as the "Big World of Performing Arts" series of brands around People's Square and the Binjiang Art Museum Belt, sort out and integrate the city's business travel cultural and sports activity resources, and comprehensively promote the construction of the performing arts market system.

A proposal took 180 days to propose new infrastructure

Wang Jun has a strand of tenacity in his body. Last year, because of her early concern for new infrastructure, she took the initiative to ask Miao to write a proposal. After nibbling on all the information collected within a month and consulting with different experts, she wrote the first draft of Shanghai's new infrastructure construction proposal, proposing the introduction of a construction planning plan, etc., from the formal establishment of the proposal group to the final draft, which took 180 days.

This hard work has not been in vain, and the relevant suggestions have been transformed into important measures for government departments to promote digital transformation, providing a decision-making reference for building new infrastructure, developing digital industries in core areas, promoting industrial digitalization, and improving the energy level of digital economic development.

"As a proposal writer, it's false to say you're not tired, but you're tired and happy." Wang Jun's most memorable experience is the experience of performing his duties, which is not the first time he took on the joint proposal writing work the year before. It was a proposal on artificial intelligence, after a series of heated research and discussions, many late-night quiet lights and night battles, Wang Jun rectified 12 drafts, and finally submitted at midnight on New Year's Day.

"Although one proposal was changed 12 times, I think it is worth it." In the process of writing the proposal, she communicated with the government department many times and found that although there are more than 1,000 core artificial intelligence enterprises in Shanghai, and the scale of related industries has exceeded 70 billion yuan, ranking the first echelon in the country, there is still a lack of local leading enterprises, and the lack of talent is an important part of it.

In recent years, Shanghai has vigorously introduced and brought together a group of artificial intelligence leading talents, and the relevant departments have combined the needs of key core technology research and key scientific research units such as new research and development institutions to research and compile a directory of artificial intelligence shortage talents development, and build a talent chain around the innovation chain.

"Artificial intelligence can't be without people." Wang Jun found that compared with Shenzhen's "Peacock Plan" and other introduction policies, Shanghai's talent introduction policy lacks correspondence with talents in the field of artificial intelligence, resulting in talents "cannot be introduced, retained, and raised", and even lost to Beijing, Shenzhen and other places. She suggested that measures should be formulated around domestic and overseas high-end talents, scarce talents, key talents, etc., establish a high-quality talent pool, and set up support policies such as subsidies for technology research and development expenses and rewards for scientific research achievements at different levels.

The relevant suggestions have been affirmed and actively adopted by the relevant departments. The Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology said that it "has a strong reference value", for the proposal of "introducing artificial intelligence technology and industrial talents", the study will be included in the directory of the development of scarce talents in key scientific and technological fields, and the unit where the talents are located is determined to be in line with the city's strategic development goals and key industrial development directions, and can actively coordinate and strive to be included in the key institutions for support.

Go to the forefront of the industry to listen to the voices of practitioners

In Wang Jun's view, if you do not investigate and do not speak, you cannot do a good job of research and study only to check the data, but also create conditions to go to the field research. In the process of researching the "new infrastructure" proposal, although the study and discussion has been carried out, Wang Jun always feels "poor tone" and hopes to go to the forefront of the industry to listen to the voices of practitioners and see the real development.

Soon after, she and the committee members came to the innovation demonstration base for field research, had in-depth exchanges with the heads of science and technology innovation enterprises, and learned about practical problems such as poor implementation of policies at the district level in the development of new infrastructure and lack of access to funds. This "grounded" survey gave her a lot of inspiration, and many ideas were incorporated into the proposal.

In college, Wang Jun's study and research direction focused on macroeconomics, and more attention paid to macro strategy, which was also reflected in her performance of her duties. This year, in addition to participating in the joint proposal for the construction of the Shanghai International Consumption Center, Wang Jun himself also wrote a proposal for the construction of the Hongqiao International Open Hub.

"My place of work is relatively close to Hongqiao, and I am also doing investment and development, so I am familiar with this field." Wang Jun found problems from his side and said bluntly: "In the past two years, I feel that the development of Hongqiao International Central Business District is not strong enough, and there is still a gap with the plan. Although many office buildings have been built in the business district, the vacancy rate is not low. ”

Wang Jun visited and investigated many enterprises and found that there were many enterprises with high dependence on high-speed rail that would indeed move to work near the Hongqiao hub, but gradually one by one left, and the surrounding supporting facilities did not keep up in time is an important reason. In this year's proposal, she suggested strengthening policy coordination and mechanism optimization, creating a good working support environment, and listed specific matters.

From a more macroscopic perspective, Wang Jun believes that in the construction of the Hongqiao International Open Hub, the difference in the development of the north and south belts is still more obvious. The northbound expansion belt has a better economic foundation than the southbound expansion belt, and the total GDP accounts for more than 60% of the total north-south expansion belt, while the southbound expansion belt is relatively lagging behind. She suggested that the industrial space of "headquarters + base" should be laid out to achieve the dislocation and linkage development of the "two belts", and more importantly, it is more important to give full play to the leading role of the "one core" of the Hongqiao International Central Business District.

The attention to the industrial layout is not unrelated to Wang Jun's professional identity, as an investor and decision-maker, you must have a clear judgment on the advantages and disadvantages of the industry. "In my work, I used to communicate with enterprises with questions, ask them about their shortcomings and deficiencies, and the direction of the next step of improvement, to some extent, which is complementary to the performance of CPPCC members." Wang Jun said.

Column Editor-in-Chief: Zhang Jun Text Editor: Gu Jie Title Image Source: Interview Subject Courtesy photo

Source: Author: Gu Jie

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