
How can the development of central enterprises be further improved? How to fight the "closing battle" of the three-year action? -- The spokesman of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council responded to hot issues in state-owned central enterprises

author:Overseas network

Source: Xinhua Net

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, 19 January: How can the development of central enterprises be raised to a higher level? How to fight the "closing battle" of the three-year action? -- The spokesman of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council responded to hot issues in state-owned central enterprises

Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Xi

The 2021 economic operation report card of central enterprises was "released" on the 19th. In the new year, how can the development of central enterprises go to a higher level? How to fight the "closing battle" of the three-year action of state-owned enterprise reform? At the press conference held by the State Council New Office on the 19th, Peng Huagang, secretary general of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council and spokesman of the State Council, responded in detail to relevant hot issues.

In 2021, central enterprises achieved operating income of 36.3 trillion yuan and net profit of 1.8 trillion yuan, an increase of 19.5% and 29.8% respectively year-on-year, and the profit margin of operating income, R&D investment intensity, full labor productivity and asset-liability ratio also successfully completed the expected targets.

"The efficiency growth of central enterprises has reached the best level in history." Peng Huagang said at the press conference that in the past year, despite facing various risks and challenges, the mainland's economy has continued to recover steadily, providing a good external environment for the development of enterprises.

According to reports, although the current external environment is becoming more complex and severe, central enterprises have clarified the challenging goals and tasks for 2022 -

The growth rate of total profits and net profits should be higher than the growth rate of the national economy; the asset-liability ratio should be controlled within 65 percent; the profit margin of operating income should be increased by another 0.1 percentage point, the labor productivity of all employees should be increased by another 5 percent; and the investment in research and development funds should be further increased.

"For central enterprises, the first thing to do is to achieve their own steady growth, and to seek progress in stability is to contribute to the growth of the national economy." Peng Huagang said that state-owned central enterprises will combine the completion of the task of stabilizing growth with the promotion of high-quality development, so as to promote stability and consolidate stability, and make greater contributions to economic and social development.

To successfully achieve the above goals, it is a key move to seek vitality and motivation for reform. At present, the three-year action of state-owned enterprise reform has completed 70% of the target tasks and achieved a series of important stage results.

Taking restructuring and integration as an example, the number and intensity of relevant reform projects last year have aroused widespread concern. Peng Huagang said that this year will further strengthen the top-level design, focusing on industries and fields with prominent industrial structural contradictions, serious homogeneous competition, and scattered innovation resources, and overall planning, reorganization, and integration of the overall goal direction and key tasks.

Specifically, in terms of strategic reorganization, in accordance with the principle of "mature one household, promote one household", we will steadily promote the restructuring and integration of iron and steel and other fields, and study and form new central enterprise groups in related fields in a timely manner; and actively promote the professional integration of grain reserve processing, port terminals and other fields.

Mixed ownership reform is an important way to improve the vitality of state-owned enterprises. Last year, central enterprises implemented more than 890 mixed reform projects through market-oriented methods, and introduced more than 380 billion yuan of social capital.

At the same time, starting from strengthening industrial chain cooperation and cultivating new growth points, central enterprises carry out equity participation and investment in private enterprises through market-oriented methods. Up to now, more than 6,000 foreign shareholding enterprises have been accumulated.

Peng Huagang said that the next step to carry out mixed reform should be in accordance with the requirements of improving governance, strengthening incentives, highlighting the main business, and improving efficiency, classifying and promoting hierarchical advancement, and fully studying the necessity and feasibility of promoting mixed reform according to the functional positioning of enterprises.

According to him, this year is the end of the three-year action of state-owned enterprise reform, and state-owned assets and central enterprises will focus on doing a good job in three aspects: grasping the end of the work according to the target tasks, focusing on the key and difficult points, and focusing on consolidating, expanding, and promoting.

Peng Huagang said: We will strengthen our confidence and determination to do a good job in state-owned enterprises and develop and expand the state-owned economy, maintain the strategic determination to become stronger, better, and more powerful and state-owned enterprises, anchor the target, go all out to tackle tough problems, and ensure that the three-year action will be decisively won and that the reform results that can stand the test of history will be achieved.

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