
"Hearing Heaven": If fate is a journey that has no return, who will be your guiding light After the film was released, it won the tears and word of mouth of many audiences. Today, I will start from the film's deep educational concept, take you to the insight behind the life, and combine the narrative technique of the film to interpret the unique charm of the film's inspiration and growth. Write at the end:

author:The wind blew away the gentleness

Tao Xingzhi, a great educator in modern history, once said: "True education is an activity that imprints the heart and the heart, and only by sending it from the heart can it touch the depths of the soul." Mr. Guo Moruo praised him: "Kong Zhongni two thousand years ago, Tao Xingzhi two thousand years later."

"Hearing Heaven" is based on the story of director Cristiano Burton based on the story of his long-time work partner, the famous Italian blind sound engineer Mico Mancassi. During a conversation with Mikke, the director learns that Miko grew up in an isolated school. Because in Italy in the 70s, blind children could not go to the same school as normal children. For children with physical disabilities, they must endure not only physical torture, but also social discrimination: the loss of equal education methods and normal living environments.

The director was touched by Mikke's story, and with his consent, he filmed "Hearing Heaven", hoping that this film would bring comfort to those who were physically handicapped and have a positive attitude towards life. Believe that if God closes a door, he will open a window for you. Let's listen to the world in a special way, express our hearts, and create dreams.

This touching story, "Hearing Heaven", mainly tells the story of a ten-year-old boy, Miko, who lost his sight due to an accident and was forced to go to a boarding school for the blind due to legal regulations. There he overcame the frustration and confusion caused by the loss of vision, through the teacher's education and the sincere treatment of his friends, So That Miko slowly walked out of the self-enclosed world, and later he re-accepted the world through his own talent and efforts in another way of listening, bravely expressing his inner passion.

"Hearing Heaven": If fate is a journey that has no return, who will be your guiding light After the film was released, it won the tears and word of mouth of many audiences. Today, I will start from the film's deep educational concept, take you to the insight behind the life, and combine the narrative technique of the film to interpret the unique charm of the film's inspiration and growth. Write at the end:

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > this film was released and won the tears and word of mouth of many viewers. Today, I will start from the film's deep educational concept, take you to the insight behind the life, and combine the narrative technique of the film to interpret the unique charm of the film's inspiration and growth. </h1>

1. Behaviorist teaching and humanistic teaching collide with each other and directly hit the audience's heart

In the film, many people are touched by the gentle teacher Tang in the dead and silent school, and at the same time, they hate the principal who ignores the children. On the surface, Teacher Tang and the principal treat students in two completely different ways of education, but in fact, their educational philosophy represents behaviorist teaching and humanistic teaching, respectively.

The principal in the film is a representative of typical behaviorist teaching, born blind, he should be more concerned about the mental health of students, but he has created a dead school, with harsh requirements to imprison their thoughts. Because in his cognition, losing sight is losing all opportunities to contact the beautiful world. When he discovers that Mi can use the tape recorder to complete the homework assigned by the teacher about the seasons, his heart is terrified. It's just that he doesn't want to admit that a blind child has the ability to explore the world, and tells Teacher Tang to take a good look at Miko.

Behaviorists only look at behavior without analyzing the psychological motivation behind it, and adopt an objective attitude to look at anything. American psychologist and educator Naggins believes that the correct response to the student's response needs to be strengthened; the incorrect response needs to be corrected, but through corporal punishment, the student does not dare to repeat it.

For example, Miko fights with Velio, is physically punished by the school Miko, makes him reflect, and is not allowed to eat. Later, because of stealing the school tape recorder, he was locked up and could not go to class. These are all manifestations of the principal's behaviorist teaching. In his eyes, if you make a mistake, you will be punished, and there is no right or wrong. It is also because of the principal's repeated suppression that Miko's strong pursuit of the inner world has been achieved.

It is precisely because of the principal's behaviorist teaching that the greatness and nobility of Teacher Tang, the representative of the humanistic teaching of "spring wind and rain", are highlighted. Because of Teacher Tang's respect and understanding, tolerance and care for the children, the children gave up fighting and united to find their own world and find the meaning of their own lives.

The humanistic educational concept is based on "respecting human values". Teacher Tang continues the educational concept of Confucius, an ancient educator in China, of "teaching according to aptitude, teaching without class". But the stubborn principal has to train each child to become an assembly line worker. The correct educational philosophy is completely ignored. But in Teacher Tang's view, each child is a different individual, they have their own way of education, and they should feel the charm of education. It is precisely because his educational philosophy has touched each of our audiences that we understand that children with differences in IQ should also be baptized by education.

"Hearing Heaven": If fate is a journey that has no return, who will be your guiding light After the film was released, it won the tears and word of mouth of many audiences. Today, I will start from the film's deep educational concept, take you to the insight behind the life, and combine the narrative technique of the film to interpret the unique charm of the film's inspiration and growth. Write at the end:

When Teacher Tang adopted the teaching concept of "humanism", he was naturally respected and loved by the children. Humanistic educator Rogers said: "Love death is deeply understood and accepted." "Every child is an angel who has fallen to earth, and his heart longs to be understood and accepted. It is also the humanistic teaching concept that Mr. Tang has always adhered to that has influenced those children who are physically deficient and full of frustration and confusion about life.

2. The insight into the life behind the educational concept makes the audience feel and touch infinitely

In a good work, the director must not only describe the life trajectory in the story clearly, but more importantly, the shock that these life trajectories bring to the audience. Yu Qiuyu, a famous literary scholar in China, said: "Excellent movies lie in describing the various changes in life. "In the eyes of modern art scholars, excellent works can bring people a unique life experience, it comes entirely from life, and everyone can feel the same experience." I think that excellent works are probably able to let us taste the taste of life and feel its sour, sweet and bitter.

"Hearing the Sky" is a film that looks bland, but it brings us audiences a mixed life situation. In my opinion, it is a good work.

1. Adopt the shooting method of direct narrative to guide the audience to think about life

From the beginning to the end, this film adopts the method of direct narration shooting, borrowing the lens picture to present the truth of the story bit by bit in front of the audience. The film begins with Miko and his friends playing a game in the field, and then he and his father go early to take a seat in order to watch TV, because of an accidental loss of vision, forced to go to school for the blind. These all use a simple direct shooting method, so that the audience can more intuitively feel the life thinking brought by the movie.

The simple and straightforward lens allows us to see the hardships and bitterness of a flawed life. It also allows us to see the impact of educational concepts on children's physical and mental health, and also to see the pursuit of hopes and dreams of these special children. The film uses "gray" as the emotional tone, transporting each viewer to another time and space in the story. In the story, we experience the situation that we must face as human beings and think about our own lives.

"Hearing Heaven": If fate is a journey that has no return, who will be your guiding light After the film was released, it won the tears and word of mouth of many audiences. Today, I will start from the film's deep educational concept, take you to the insight behind the life, and combine the narrative technique of the film to interpret the unique charm of the film's inspiration and growth. Write at the end:

2, the sudden appearance of accidental accidents, let us be grateful for life, grateful for the past.

In the film, Mi Ke is a carefree child, living a life of parental pampering and friends every day, but because of a sudden accident, he lost his eyes. Because of this accident, Miko was forced to go to the school for the blind, where Miko was depressed and confused. However, because of Miko's anti-social attitude, he suffered a lot in school. However, he unexpectedly found the light of hope in his heart. Because of the loss of vision, Miko became sensitive to hearing and began to search for the world he longed for. During this period, through his own efforts and the help of teachers, classmates and friends, he finally completed a great program performance. Eventually, he became a famous blind sound engineer in Italy.

The occurrence of all accidents seems so natural to us, just as our lives, often only in the memory can we find that the occurrence of those accidental accidents has made us what we are now. As the saying goes: "When God closes a door, he opens a window for you." "Maybe those accidents are a window that God has opened for you." Often we all blame the damage caused by those accidents, but we never see the window that opens in the accident. It is precisely because Miko lost his vision that he has become more sensitive to hearing that he has become what he is today.

When we are old and look back on our lives, everything happens so naturally and naturally. For example: when do you go to school, when do you work, when you get married and have children... Looking back now, do you think that the accidents that happened in my life are not worth mentioning? Life is like this, only when you feel the five tastes and miscellaneous tastes, it means that you have been living in this world. All of us should be thankful for the suffering that life brings us, because those that make us stronger live in this world. We should be grateful for the past, because those that we have learned to cherish in life.

"Hearing Heaven": If fate is a journey that has no return, who will be your guiding light After the film was released, it won the tears and word of mouth of many audiences. Today, I will start from the film's deep educational concept, take you to the insight behind the life, and combine the narrative technique of the film to interpret the unique charm of the film's inspiration and growth. Write at the end:

3. Explore the unique charm of movies and interpret the enlightenment of education for us

"Many of the imprints on a child's psyche are inadvertently imprinted by adults. Everything we do to our child will blossom and bear fruit, not only affecting his life, but also determining his life. --Montessori

(1) Accept and understand the child, and be the guiding light on the child's growth path

Teacher Tang gave Miko the greatest affirmation when miko completed his homework, and gave miko the material support of his dreams when miko was extremely disappointed. Because he saw the difference in this child, and he also saw that this child accepted the injustice of the world to him little by little. I think in the eyes of Teacher Tang, every child has the right to have dreams, and they should forge ahead for the hope in their hearts. As it is said in "The Spring of the Cattle Herding Class": "Never give up lightly, there is always hope waiting ahead." "

In real life, each of our children is different and has their own unique ideas, and we can't look at them with colored eyes because they have strange ideas. At this time, they need our understanding. Education is about respecting and understanding, respecting individual differences, understanding different ideas, accepting their uniqueness, and then reinforcing and guiding children in the right way. Be a guiding light on the child's growth path, giving the child the greatest understanding and support.

(2) Forgive and tolerate children, and be the child's most intimate soul mate

"All education of children must follow a principle, that is, to help children develop naturally physically and mentally. --Montessori"

In the film, in the face of Miko's frustrated attitude when he refuses to learn braille and throws the writing board on the ground, Teacher Tang is not angry. He told Miko that good musicians play with their eyes closed, because they can feel the power of music more strongly. Teacher Tang's approach to this way actually touched me. I think if it happened to the headmaster, miko would definitely be punished. In the face of this unreasonable impulse of the child, Teacher Tang not only did not blame but also forgave and tolerated Miko. I think that's the power of humanistic education.

In fact, every child is the embodiment of a good child and a bad child. They all make all sorts of mistakes. If we correct their mistakes through violence and verbal abuse, it will only make the child hate you more, and you will lose any opportunity to communicate.

Whether it is the family, school, society, should be given tolerance, parents and teachers, to use sincerity to impress children, with tolerance, forgiveness to face them, seriously to understand their ideas, perhaps you will become a good spiritual partner, in the process of children's growth to give them the greatest support.

"Hearing Heaven": If fate is a journey that has no return, who will be your guiding light After the film was released, it won the tears and word of mouth of many audiences. Today, I will start from the film's deep educational concept, take you to the insight behind the life, and combine the narrative technique of the film to interpret the unique charm of the film's inspiration and growth. Write at the end:

(3) Encourage and affirm the child, let the child smile and face life confidently

In the film, Teacher Tang knows Miko's unique feelings for sound, so he privately gives the tape recorder to Miko as a gift, and asks Miko not to tell others. This is the teacher's affirmation and encouragement of Miko's musical talent. In addition, at the end of the film, in order to help the children complete their works, Teacher Tang did not hesitate to confront the principal and let the children complete their own works. In fact, these are all kinds of encouragement and affirmation for children. It is also because of these sudden concerns that the children like Teacher Tang more.

Psychologists believe that children's perception of themselves will be affected by the outside world. When you say to your child: You are fine, you are the best. The child will use this psychology to hint at himself, and then act and work his own. When you say to your child: You can't do it, you're too stupid. It will only bring a negative emotion to the child, and after a long time, the child will automatically generate a conceited psychology, resulting in a negative attitude towards life.

For special children, we must find the glowing points on their bodies. To encourage, to affirm, to support them, to make them feel that they are also a person who can have hopes and dreams. Instead of ruthlessly suppressing their enthusiasm and depriving them of the ability to explore the world. Only with hope can they face life with a smile.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > written at the end:</h1>

As its name suggests, all misfortunes will be your luck. Because of the teachers who "teach according to their aptitudes", the lives of defective children have a great turnaround. It touched us not only teacher Tang's understanding and acceptance of the children, forgiveness and tolerance, encouragement and affirmation, but also the life behind this movie.

"Hearing Heaven": If fate is a journey that has no return, who will be your guiding light After the film was released, it won the tears and word of mouth of many audiences. Today, I will start from the film's deep educational concept, take you to the insight behind the life, and combine the narrative technique of the film to interpret the unique charm of the film's inspiration and growth. Write at the end:

Good movies don't lie in the director's shooting methods and the actors' performance skills, but in what we can really feel as an audience. Through this film, the director reminds us of the importance of educational philosophy and also reminds us what kind of education our children should receive.

Zheng Yuanjie said: "Education is not management, but demonstration and guidance. This sentence is the best compliment to this movie. It's also the beauty I feel. Every child is a real being, they have their own ideas, we just need to guide the children and help them find their own world. Only by finding their true selves and being their true selves can they gain the ability to perceive the world.

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