
The movie "Hearing Heaven": You have not lost your dreams, but just changed the way of meeting because there is a world in your heart, so you are different, whether you live well or badly depends on what kind of world your heart is

author:Shallow Delight Roll

There is a fire in everyone's heart, we were all born with high hopes, and our parents always wanted to find out through a certain place that we were different.

Therefore, girls want to be princesses, and boys have a heroic dream in their hearts.

It's just that as we get older, as we pour into the crowd, those little differences are eliminated. We even become conformist and ordinary in pursuit of being the same as others.

No one will ever tell themselves deeply that you are different and that your dreams will come true. Instead, more and more people will pour you a basin of cold water, telling you that you are just a person who is too ordinary, or even a person who is useless.

It's just, is that really the case?

What we need is just a person who can ignite our own hopes, and if that person doesn't exist, why not fulfill ourselves.

The movie "Hearing Heaven": You have not lost your dreams, but just changed the way of meeting because there is a world in your heart, so you are different, whether you live well or badly depends on what kind of world your heart is

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > you are different because you have a world inside you</h1>

The film "Hearing Heaven", based on the personal experience of Italian blind sound effects artist Mico Mancassi, tells the story of a blind child, Mico, who strives to touch his dreams.

Miko was originally an ordinary happy child, although born in a poor and remote area, but it did not prevent him from having a good childhood life with his friends.

He has loved movies since he was a child, and he has a dream in his heart, hoping to become a master of movies.

However, under the impetus of a certain curiosity, he played with the shotgun and accidentally injured his own eye. Since then, his world has lost contact with the colorful.

Mikke was forced to go to a school for the blind, but he did not like what was taught at the school. Schools teach weaving and typing just so that they can survive in society.

The movie "Hearing Heaven": You have not lost your dreams, but just changed the way of meeting because there is a world in your heart, so you are different, whether you live well or badly depends on what kind of world your heart is

He stole the school tape recorder to record various sounds to complete the homework assigned by the teacher. However, this act of his was reprimanded by the headmaster, who was also blind, a man who had entered old age, and must have been wounded in his heart, and those injuries made him live only to survive.

But, fortunately, someone can affirm that Mikke, his teacher Tang found his unusual curiosity, he would soothe the boy's sadness of losing the light of the world, and guide his inner hope.

Just as Teacher Tang said, people have five senses, why do you use only one? You can listen, you can feel. Like the best music masters, they often feel it with their eyes closed.

In fact, everyone is different. God has closed a door for you, and he will surely open a window. It's just that many times, we will only guard the door that has been sealed and cry about the unfairness of life, but ignore the light that comes in from the side.

People are afraid of loss and have a psychology of aversion to loss. It is precisely because this psychology is at work that we are easily immersed in the sadness that has already happened, forgetting that time is passing, and we are just changing the way.

The movie "Hearing Heaven": You have not lost your dreams, but just changed the way of meeting because there is a world in your heart, so you are different, whether you live well or badly depends on what kind of world your heart is

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > you're doing well or badly depends on what kind of world you have inside</h1> you

Life always yearns for something, because that is the color of life, and it is precisely because of this yearning that it determines whether you have a pleasant pace under your feet.

In the world, we once came here, thinking that we could change a lot of things, thinking that the dreams in our hearts would blossom and bear fruit one day.

However, in the end, most people become more and more mediocre, living their lives as just living, and not knowing why they live. In short, everyone is the same, only in this way, is the safest.

Just like the headmaster in the movie, his old-fashioned and stubbornness does not mean that he is a bad person. On the contrary, he is a man who has been hurt by life, and he only wants to live carefully.

It is undeniable that no matter what posture you take in the world, you will inevitably stumble. But what makes people different is that the voice that guides your inner world is not big enough and attractive enough.

The movie "Hearing Heaven": You have not lost your dreams, but just changed the way of meeting because there is a world in your heart, so you are different, whether you live well or badly depends on what kind of world your heart is

Boy Miko and his classmates create sound stories, and he can collect enough rich sounds from his most everyday life to support a fairy tale.

He can't see, but he can hear, and even say, that when he's not looking, it's easier to focus all his attention on the feelings.

A person with a dream is uniquely charming and infectious, so his classmates are willing to join in and become the roles in his story, so his teacher Tang is desperate to say what he thinks is the teaching concept.

Just like the movie "Forrest Gump", Forrest Gump is a simple man, but he can do one small thing after another perfectly. As he began to run, slowly, a group of people gathered around him.

Forrest Gump at this time is like the fire of this group of people. People are yearning for the light, but many times, their inner voice is not strong enough, they are easy to follow the light of the more powerful person.

Life in the world, whether you live well or badly depends on how your heart reflects the world. Because you can only see by believing, if you never believe, then even if you have the guidance of a voice in your heart, you feel that it is just an illusion.

The movie "Hearing Heaven": You have not lost your dreams, but just changed the way of meeting because there is a world in your heart, so you are different, whether you live well or badly depends on what kind of world your heart is

Write at the end:

Man lives brightly because of his pursuit, and fills his soul by listening to the voice of his heart.

Maugham said in Blade: "Have you ever asked yourself one thing: Man, what is life for? Regardless of your disregard, every day you are full of enthusiasm and struggle, but you are deeply trapped in human desires, and what accompanies you may be a moment of peace, or a great nothingness. There will be some confused voices in the depths of each of us, and most people don't care about this choice. ”

When material satisfaction is followed, what we seek more is psychological satisfaction. Therefore, we have ideals, poetry, and distant places.

However, some people always think that the world is like this, and life is also a coincidence. Although there is reluctance in the heart, it can only be a person who escapes from everything.

Yearning for your own faraway place, perhaps, you can't really go there. But at the very least, it's closer to the desired happiness.

May our meeting, not sooner nor later, at the best of times. Like to stay, we all have a world, the rest of our lives are long, only wish to be together.

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