
"Hearing Heaven": When we think about the world with our hearts, the road to our dreams is no longer only a 01 curiosity to care for children, learn to grow in discovery 02 teach children to face physical defects calmly, and establish self-identity. 03 Innate sensitivity and innate bluntness are actually not contradictory.

author:It's a nightmare

If you have a pair of beautiful eyes, it always shines with wisdom, and the world around you can become different everywhere you go. Suddenly one day, the eyes lose their light, can you still keep your original intention unchanged and continue to feel the beauty of the world?

If you've been interested in movies since you were a kid, especially when you see those colorful images, you dream that you'll be able to shoot them in the future. But God has joked with you and robbed you of your eyesight, will you still stick to your dreams?

Sometimes we suffer a fatal blow at an untimely time! However, those who can survive in the cracks and see the dawn in the darkness have persevered to the end and achieved extraordinary lives.

"Hearing Heaven": When we think about the world with our hearts, the road to our dreams is no longer only a 01 curiosity to care for children, learn to grow in discovery 02 teach children to face physical defects calmly, and establish self-identity. 03 Innate sensitivity and innate bluntness are actually not contradictory.

Miko. Mankasi, at the age of eight, lost his sight due to an accident. But instead of giving up on himself, he used his unique and keen talent for sound to become a professional sound engineer in the film industry, where he was known for his visual arts. He has worked with many well-known Italian directors, has been involved in the engineering of 340 film sound productions, and has established his own sound production company in Rome.

The movie "Hearing Heaven" is the director Christino Bolton, when chatting with Miko, was moved by Miko's growth story, based on Mico's real experience.

The story is set in Italy in 1970, a time when there were inhumane legal restrictions on visually impaired children. In addition to providing them to attend special schools, they are also isolated from normal people. Even for ease of management, train them to be weaving workers and operators.

For them, there is not even freedom, let alone dreams? However, under the unfair treatment of his own shortcomings and society, Miko still opened a new chapter in his life. Not only that, but he also won the respect of society for his peers, promoted legal reforms, and allowed visually impaired children to attend normal schools.

"Hearing Heaven": When we think about the world with our hearts, the road to our dreams is no longer only a 01 curiosity to care for children, learn to grow in discovery 02 teach children to face physical defects calmly, and establish self-identity. 03 Innate sensitivity and innate bluntness are actually not contradictory.

Someone said of Miko: God has closed a door for you, and must open a window for you. In a sense, there is no objection to this sentence, but not everyone can see the beauty of life through this window!

Just like the protagonist of the movie "Call Me First", who suffers from Veri's disease, when most people are considered to be freaks and can only stay at home and hide in life, he has become an inspirational model in the education world!

So what can we really learn from them?

When we become parents, the growth of children is like a marathon for us. In the race against time, it is not actually endurance, nor is it telling children that they have dreams and have everything, but the following qualities!

"Hearing Heaven": When we think about the world with our hearts, the road to our dreams is no longer only a 01 curiosity to care for children, learn to grow in discovery 02 teach children to face physical defects calmly, and establish self-identity. 03 Innate sensitivity and innate bluntness are actually not contradictory.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">01</h1>

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > care for children's curiosity and learn to grow in discovery</h1>

A large part of Mikke's success stems from the fact that he has a brain that is good at discovery, good at thinking, and has a rich imagination. This is not because of the personality derived from blindness in the eyes, but because of his innate attributes.

For example, when his friend asked him what the color was, Miko said, "Blue is like riding a bicycle, the feeling of the wind blowing on his face; brown is like a tree trunk is rough; red is like fire, like the sky when the sun goes down." ”

The description of this paragraph can be well seen that he has a rich imagination and can concretize an abstract thing. This is also the foreshadowing buried at the beginning of the film, which makes a good preparation for him to be able to express any kind of sound in kind later.

For example, when Teacher Tang assigned homework for the four seasons, Mi could record the sound of wind, rain, thunder, and birds on a tape recorder, and named it "Rain Over the Sky".

It was a unique assignment, and he would think of clapping his hands with his fingers to imitate the sound of raindrops falling, and he would think of blowing wine bottles to imitate the sound of the wind. Compared with other blind children in school, he seems to be much more exciting than other blind children in school, and this is the power of "thinking".

"Hearing Heaven": When we think about the world with our hearts, the road to our dreams is no longer only a 01 curiosity to care for children, learn to grow in discovery 02 teach children to face physical defects calmly, and establish self-identity. 03 Innate sensitivity and innate bluntness are actually not contradictory.

Why didn't Miko, like other children, study and live according to the arrangements in school? At the beginning of the film, his interaction with his father shows that this Miko must be different. Because the family education given by Dad is humane and open-ended.

Miko likes to break things in the house, and then assemble and repair them, and Dad never criticizes and corrects such behavior, but encourages them. This is the best way to take care of your child's intellectual curiosity! A child who likes to explore and discover must like to think.

When I see this, I can't help but think of the Jews, who have a population of just over 10 million, but there are more than 100 Nobel Prize winners! So excellent, stemming from their educational habits, so that children learn to think, expand their horizons in thinking, and constantly seek new breakthroughs.

Therefore, when the child has unlimited curiosity and learns to think, he can basically easily control his life. As a parent, we must not extinguish this nature and ability of our children.

"Hearing Heaven": When we think about the world with our hearts, the road to our dreams is no longer only a 01 curiosity to care for children, learn to grow in discovery 02 teach children to face physical defects calmly, and establish self-identity. 03 Innate sensitivity and innate bluntness are actually not contradictory.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">02</h1>

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > teaches children to face physical defects and build self-identification. </h1>

Miko was born in an ordinary family and was well taught by his father since he was a child, but when his eyes were wounded by a misfire gun, he still had a lot of negative emotions. Coupled with the legal restrictions of the society at that time, his body and mind were traumatized and not repaired in time.

He rebelled, fought, skipped school, didn't follow school rules, and was a bad boy in the eyes of all teachers. The turning point of the matter came from Teacher Tang's teaching:

When you see a flower, don't you want to smell it? When it's snowing, don't you want to walk on it and hold the snow in your hand and feel it melt?

Tell you a secret, when the pianist is playing, he will close his eyes, so that he will feel more intense music. The notes will metamorphose and become more powerful, and the music will seem to become a concrete touch. You have five senses, why use only one?

yes! We have five senses, why use only one? We learn to see and speak in a few years, but we need a lifetime to learn to listen. You see how important it is to listen, and if you have the opportunity to feel the world in listening, how can you not be lucky?

"Hearing Heaven": When we think about the world with our hearts, the road to our dreams is no longer only a 01 curiosity to care for children, learn to grow in discovery 02 teach children to face physical defects calmly, and establish self-identity. 03 Innate sensitivity and innate bluntness are actually not contradictory.

It was as if Miko had found the door to a new world, and the boring school life began to make sense. He embarked on a big adventure, with his best friend writing the story, and he was the general director of sound effects, inviting his classmates to interpret the characters in the story with their voices.

They galloped in the sky of imagination, and they poured all their enthusiasm into presenting a wonderful story performance for teachers and their parents. No one can imagine how a group of children who have lost their sight can express their story through sound. That's more moving than looking at it directly.

Only when we face up to our own shortcomings can we better realize our potential. Not only that, but he was also very much in recognition of what he was doing. He did not give up easily because of the obstruction of the principal, he believed that blind children could also watch movies, and even use their voices to express what they wanted.

This is the importance of identifying with ourselves: do we know who we are? And have a clear and stable sense of identity with who you are. Children with a high sense of self-identity, active and independent, do not complain, do not regret, will have a clear goal in life. Children with a low sense of self-identity will fall into self-doubt, self-denial, and behavior will also please others in order to get the affirmation of others.

Therefore, in the process of growing up, no matter what kind of difficulties are encountered, there must be enough sense of self-identity, so that they will not give up lightly and be defeated by the difficulties in front of them.

"Hearing Heaven": When we think about the world with our hearts, the road to our dreams is no longer only a 01 curiosity to care for children, learn to grow in discovery 02 teach children to face physical defects calmly, and establish self-identity. 03 Innate sensitivity and innate bluntness are actually not contradictory.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">03</h1>

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > innate sensitivity and natural bluntness, which is not contradictory. </h1>

Miko has a natural sensitivity to life and nature, he closes his eyes, he will think of the mouth, palms, toes, ears, he will express everything around him in a unique way. People with vision will be more intuitive when they see the scenes he expresses, and people without vision will be more realistic when they look at the scenes he expresses.

"Sensitivity" can make up for the shortcomings of children, which is not only presented in the movie, the famous American blind and deaf writer Helen Lee. Keller, a good example. She lost her hearing and vision as a child because she suffered from scarlet fever.

Her governess, Shady Van, is a developer of "sensitivity", and she taught Helen the sensory skills she had used throughout her life with a slow mindset. This is also one of the most direct reasons for her later remarkable achievements.

"Hearing Heaven": When we think about the world with our hearts, the road to our dreams is no longer only a 01 curiosity to care for children, learn to grow in discovery 02 teach children to face physical defects calmly, and establish self-identity. 03 Innate sensitivity and innate bluntness are actually not contradictory.

But Miko is not only sensitive, he is also blunt, throughout the film, he encounters more doubts, objections, but when he focuses on the world of sound, he will get carried away. Even if he was criticized by the principal, expelled from school by the principal, and said that he could not do it, he never gave up his inner pursuit.

Junichi Watanabe said in the book "Blunt Sensitivity" that blunt sensitivity refers to the ability to be dull, which is a quality of life that resists stress. People with such qualities can calmly face setbacks and pain.

Therefore, the sensitivity allows Miko to observe the world with his heart and present the wonderful world with his heart. And the blunt sensitivity allows him to focus on his own world, not to be disturbed, even if he encounters opposition, he will not immediately "jump" and mess up!

Sensitivity and blunt sensitivity are not contradictory, can have both of these abilities, and reasonable use, you can find a good opportunity for development, and perseverance in development!

When a child grows up, we tend to pay attention to the cultivation of his knowledge and ignore the development of inner emotional intelligence. In fact, there are many studies that show that the level of emotional intelligence determines the height of children's growth. The development of sensitivity and blunt sensitivity can improve the ability of emotional intelligence.

"Hearing Heaven": When we think about the world with our hearts, the road to our dreams is no longer only a 01 curiosity to care for children, learn to grow in discovery 02 teach children to face physical defects calmly, and establish self-identity. 03 Innate sensitivity and innate bluntness are actually not contradictory.

"Hearing Heaven" is a very inspirational story and a very simple story. It intuitively tells us that heaven can not only see, but also hear, there is not only one way to the dream, as long as there is a heart that is good at discovering and thinking, any road can cast a perfect life.

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