
Close your eyes to hear the afterword to Heaven:

author:A sprig of white apricot
Close your eyes to hear the afterword to Heaven:

The story begins with a gun that goes off the rails.

Mischievous Miko sees his father's shotgun and, out of curiosity, wants to get it, he just wants to see it. Unexpectedly, when he put the gun back in its place, he accidentally fell to the ground and the gun went off fire.

From then on, Mi may only see some black and blurry shadows, and the beautiful colors in the sun can no longer be related to him.

Because of the loss of vision, Miko was rejected by the normal school, and according to the regulations, he had to go to a remote special school for the blind, so that he could learn a skill for later life.

He was playful and lively, but was forced to learn to weave.

Miko angrily resisted, "I don't like it, I don't want to do this." ”

The headmaster looked at Mikke and said meaningfully, "It doesn't matter what you want to do, the focus is on what you can do." ”

Miko listened to the headmaster's words and was devastated, gradually losing hope in the world, and even planning to give up on himself.

He gave up on himself, unwilling to learn braille writing for the blind, and even refused to admit that he could no longer see the various colors that had once been vivid in front of his eyes.

Miko wakes up in the middle of the night at school, standing alone in the aisle, constantly pressing the light switch, but it is pitch black in front of him.

The nun asked, "What are you doing?".

Mikko: "The light bulb is broken..."

The nun looked at Mikke, a little helpless, stubborn Miko standing there stubbornly, lonely and overwhelmed.

At school, Miko likes to stay in the corner, listening to the cheerful voices of other children, always looking up at the sky in frustration.

Until one day, Teacher Tang noticed that Miko was sitting alone, not playing with the children, and came over and sat next to Miko.

The teacher comforted Miko: "When you see a flower, don't you want to smell it?"

Don't you want to walk on it when it's snowing? Hold it and watch it melt in your hands?

You have five senses, why use only one?

Many musicians play so intently that they close their eyes and feel the melody.

If you rely too much on your own eyes, you forget to use your heart and imagination to feel the world, although the eyes can no longer see, but why should you give up using other senses to experience the beauty of life? ”

With the encouragement of Teacher Tang, Mi ke slowly began to accept the status quo.

Close your eyes to hear the afterword to Heaven:

Under the trees on campus, his friend Felice asked Miko: What is your favorite color?


Felice: What does blue look like?

Michael: Like the feeling of the wind blowing on your face while riding a bicycle, or... Like the sea. And brown, touch it, brown like this trunk, very rough, right?

FELICITY: It's very rough, that... What about red?

Mik: Red is like fire, like the sky where the sun is setting.

This feeling can never be felt with only the eyes, close the eyes, feel with the heart to experience another kind of beauty.

Felice and Miko visit the steel mill.

Miko asked the big brother of the steel mill: "There is a terrible fire around you that burns every day, aren't you afraid?"

The big brother of the steel mill smiled: "Anyway, I can't see it, I can imagine it out of thin air." Imagine it's tall and wide, brightly colored, like a bread factory that specializes in making biscuits. ”

Miko finally accepts the fact that he can't see, relaxes, and has a good time with his friends at school.

Miko and the maid's daughter take the school children and sneak away to watch a movie at night, they ride their bicycles on the road like normal children, running freely all the way, a group of people in the theater, talking passionately about the plot of the movie.

Because of his love for movies, Miko began to record the world he heard with sound, the sound of faucets running water, the sound of tables and the ground rubbing, and the sounds of wood chips rubbing, which were ignored, but in his world, they were the most beautiful sounds.

With his unique way of recording the four seasons with his voice, he completed the homework assigned by the school, and also won the recognition and praise of Teacher Tang.

Just when Miko feels that he has a dream and the future is promising, the principal discovers that Miko secretly uses the school tape recorder to record various sounds.

In a school that was only designed to teach the blind, the principal could not tolerate a rebellious, unruly child like Miko.

The headmaster ordered Miko to stop this senseless behavior.

When the battered Miko was ready to give up his ideas, Teacher Tang patiently encouraged Miko and gave him a tape recorder. Miko regains her strength and begins to secretly plan a performance program for the school show.

Miko rehearsed the show with his friends and recorded a sound movie together, and everyone loved this fun game, as if they had found another paradise, and enjoyed it.

More and more children are joining miko's rehearsal program.

One day, after being discovered, the principal was furious, confiscated Miko's tape recorder, and even faced Miko's "mistake after mistake, there is no cure", determined to fire the leader Miko.

This time, Teacher Tang's righteous words did not change the result, and everything was a foregone conclusion. Helpless and frustrated, the teacher sat next to Mikke and comforted Miko.

"You are a very talented child, even if you leave school, you must stick to your dreams. Don't give up. "

Mikke listened to Teacher Tang's words, seemed to understand, although sad, but not depressed, in his heart, he had found another interesting world through sound, and there was no longer the uneasiness and fear of the past.

He already understood what Teacher Tang had said, people have five facial features, in addition to eyes, but also ears, as long as they feel with their hearts, they can see the world as beautiful as before.

Close your eyes to hear the afterword to Heaven:

At the last moment, Miko's friends and steelworkers took to the streets to petition and march, which finally alarmed the mayor, and with the help of the mayor, the principal was pressured to promise Miko to return to the school and continue the performance with his partners.

On the day of the official performance, the invited parents and mayors were asked to blindfold and "watch" the performance of Miko and his friends, and the blindfolded adults calmed down, used their ears to listen to the stories told by the children's voices, and for the first time perceived a different world with their hearts.

They finally "hear" these invisible children, creating another paradise with sound.

After the wonderful performance, Miko was recognized and encouraged by the mayor, because he could not see the world, and the children who had been ignored were also re-concerned and accepted by their parents and society.

Miko and his friends, through the use of sound, learn to perceive the happiness and beauty of the world, find their own dreams.

This is a film based on real people and real events.

Growing up, Michel has collaborated with countless Italian master directors and participated in hundreds of films on sound engineering planning, such as Michelangelo Antonioni's "Spring Break" and Fossen Ozpetter's "His Secret Life". He is Mico Mancassi, the famous Italian blind sound engineer, with his delicate hearing and imagination of the world, he has made great contributions to the development of the Italian film industry.

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