
Douban 8.9 "Hearing Heaven": Wrapped in a colorless coat, it is the child's desire for love and freedom Today, I will interpret the moving brought to us by this clichéd storyline from the three aspects of the narrative structure, character shaping and emotional expression of this film. 01, the use of linear narrative to completely show Miko's "special" growth path, so as to cause the audience to have emotional resonance 02, a variety of character image shaping gradually into the hearts of the people, multiple angles to interpret the differences in human nature, not only enrich the charm of the character personality, but also affect the audience's emotions 03, the film uses scene conversion to deepen the storyline, through the lens language to express feelings, thus sublimating the film emotions written in the end:

author:The wind blew away the gentleness

Hearing Heaven is a film based on a true story. The protagonist is based on the famous Italian blind sound engineer Mico Mancassi. Director Cristiano Bolton once learned that Miko grew up in an "isolated" school, and then remade into a movie with the consent of the protagonist. This movie Douban has been marked by more than 20,000 people, and the Douban score is as high as 8.9 points, which is higher than 96% of the feature films.

The plot of the film is simple, mainly about a ten-year-old boy Michael who loses his sight due to an accident and is forced to go to a boarding school for the blind due to legal regulations. At first, he felt frustrated and confused because he left his parents and partners, but later, through the teacher's education and the sincere treatment of his friends, Miko slowly walked out of the self-enclosed world. Here he began to explore the world in his own peculiar way – collecting the sounds of nature. In this process, he has been blocked by the principal and ostracized by his classmates many times, but with the help of Teacher Tang, he re-accepted the world in another way of listening through his talent and efforts, and bravely expressed his inner passion.

In fact, the storyline of this movie is a bit cheesy, a child of an ordinary family loses the courage to live because of an accident, and finally with the help and encouragement of others, he re-faces himself and finds himself in the dark. But it was this film that fell into the cliché that won the tears and praise of many audiences. I think it must be the protagonist's positive attitude towards a broken life in the film that touched us and made us cherish our lives even more.

Douban 8.9 "Hearing Heaven": Wrapped in a colorless coat, it is the child's desire for love and freedom Today, I will interpret the moving brought to us by this clichéd storyline from the three aspects of the narrative structure, character shaping and emotional expression of this film. 01, the use of linear narrative to completely show Miko's "special" growth path, so as to cause the audience to have emotional resonance 02, a variety of character image shaping gradually into the hearts of the people, multiple angles to interpret the differences in human nature, not only enrich the charm of the character personality, but also affect the audience's emotions 03, the film uses scene conversion to deepen the storyline, through the lens language to express feelings, thus sublimating the film emotions written in the end:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > today, I will interpret the emotions brought to us by this clichéd storyline from three aspects: the narrative structure, character shaping, and emotional expression of this film. </h1>

Narrative structure: The overall narrative method is delicate and infectious, and the storyline that seems to fall into the cliché is ups and downs, simply and clearly presenting the story content in front of the audience, triggering a sense of identity and philosophy

Character shaping: The characters with their own characteristics are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the unique way of getting along with each other gives the film a unique charm, thus enriching the character and charm of the characters

Emotional expression: From the way we get along with each other to glimpse the details of life, simple and simple campus life brings us a different emotional experience, thus setting off the atmosphere and sublimating feelings

Douban 8.9 "Hearing Heaven": Wrapped in a colorless coat, it is the child's desire for love and freedom Today, I will interpret the moving brought to us by this clichéd storyline from the three aspects of the narrative structure, character shaping and emotional expression of this film. 01, the use of linear narrative to completely show Miko's "special" growth path, so as to cause the audience to have emotional resonance 02, a variety of character image shaping gradually into the hearts of the people, multiple angles to interpret the differences in human nature, not only enrich the charm of the character personality, but also affect the audience's emotions 03, the film uses scene conversion to deepen the storyline, through the lens language to express feelings, thus sublimating the film emotions written in the end:

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >01, using a linear narrative to completely show Mico's "special" growth path, thus arousing emotional resonance among the audience</h1>

Set against the backdrop of a child's childhood, Miko and his friends play peek-a-boo in the rice paddies, and everything looks beautiful and harmonious. However, in an accident, he was injured. This accident Mi Ke can't play with his friends as usual. Because of this accident, Miko lost the opportunity to watch the world. Although Mikke's parents have been trying to find a way to save him, the results have been different.

Mikke, who has lost both eyes, is no longer as happy as before, and he no longer plays with his friends. But bad news always likes to flock to you. Miko's parents were told that Miko needed to be sent to school for blind children. Because in Italy in the 70s, blind children could not go to the same school as normal children. For children with physical disabilities, they must endure not only physical torture, but also social discrimination: the loss of equal education methods and normal living environments.

Miko is sent to a boarding school for a strange blind child, which makes Miko, who was originally lonely and autistic, even more disgusted with the world. In the film, we can see that at the beginning, Miko has a great hostility to this strange environment, and he is always working against Teacher Tang in class. Fortunately, Teacher Tang, who has a humanistic teaching concept, does not abandon Mi Ke, and uses his own "spring wind and rain" education method to make Mi Ke feel the world's love for him, and gradually Mi Ke began to walk out of his autistic heart under the influence of Teacher Tang, slowly learned to listen to everything around him, and finally through his unique perception of external sounds and unremitting efforts, he became a famous blind sound engineer.

Douban 8.9 "Hearing Heaven": Wrapped in a colorless coat, it is the child's desire for love and freedom Today, I will interpret the moving brought to us by this clichéd storyline from the three aspects of the narrative structure, character shaping and emotional expression of this film. 01, the use of linear narrative to completely show Miko's "special" growth path, so as to cause the audience to have emotional resonance 02, a variety of character image shaping gradually into the hearts of the people, multiple angles to interpret the differences in human nature, not only enrich the charm of the character personality, but also affect the audience's emotions 03, the film uses scene conversion to deepen the storyline, through the lens language to express feelings, thus sublimating the film emotions written in the end:

In the film, we can see the director using a linear narrative structure to show us a story of a tragedy evolving into a legend. At the beginning of the film, we will feel sorry and heartache for the tragedy of Miko losing his eyes, but with the ups and downs of the storyline, Miko gradually becomes the "big hero" in our minds, and at the end of the film, Mike has become a famous blind sound artist through his continuous efforts and persistence. From the tragic "counterattack" to the legend, Miko allows us to witness how the love of the problem child for the world is so hot.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >02, a variety of character image shaping gradually into the hearts of the people, multiple angles to interpret the differences in human nature, not only enrich the charm of the character, but also affect the audience's emotions</h1>

Behaviorist teaching representatives: Knowing that freedom is precious, they imprison children with rules and regulations

Behaviorists only look at behavior without analyzing the psychological motivation behind it, and adopt an objective attitude to look at anything. American psychologist and educator Naggins believes that the correct response to the student's response needs to be strengthened; the incorrect response needs to be corrected, but through corporal punishment, the student does not dare to repeat it.

The principal in the film is a representative of typical behaviorist teaching, and once he was a healthy, ordinary child like Mikke, but he was blinded by accident. He is also blind, but he is not aware of the inner needs of the children, he is only concerned with educating these children with the same disease as textile workers who work in the flowing water. In fact, as a principal, he should be more concerned about the mental health of his students, but he has created a dead school and imprisoned their minds with harsh requirements. Perhaps in the principal's mind, losing sight is losing all opportunities to contact the better world.

Douban 8.9 "Hearing Heaven": Wrapped in a colorless coat, it is the child's desire for love and freedom Today, I will interpret the moving brought to us by this clichéd storyline from the three aspects of the narrative structure, character shaping and emotional expression of this film. 01, the use of linear narrative to completely show Miko's "special" growth path, so as to cause the audience to have emotional resonance 02, a variety of character image shaping gradually into the hearts of the people, multiple angles to interpret the differences in human nature, not only enrich the charm of the character personality, but also affect the audience's emotions 03, the film uses scene conversion to deepen the storyline, through the lens language to express feelings, thus sublimating the film emotions written in the end:

In the film, Miko and Villio fight, and are known to the principal, who physically punishes Miko and asks him to reflect and is not allowed to eat. Later, because of stealing the school tape recorder, he was locked up and could not go to class. These are all manifestations of the principal's behaviorist teaching. In his eyes, if you make a mistake, you will be punished, and there is no right or wrong. When he found out again that Mi had completed the teacher's homework on the seasons with the tape recorder, his heart began to be afraid and afraid, because he did not want to admit that a blind child actually had the ability to explore the world. And told Teacher Tang to take a good look at Miko.

In my opinion, Miko has achieved what he has today, and the principal's behaviorist teaching has had a certain influence on him. Perhaps because of the principal's repeated suppression, which stimulated Miko's strong sense of resistance in his heart, he achieved Miko's strong pursuit of the inner world.

2. Humanistic teaching representatives: All men are created equal, and the weak need more care

Humanistic educator Rogers said: "Love is deep understanding and acceptance. "Every child is an angel who has fallen to earth, and his heart longs to be understood and accepted.

In the film, Teacher Tang, who "teaches according to his aptitude and has no class", is the same for blind children or other children with psychological defects. He knows that the weak need more love and help, of course, blind children should be treated as normal children to care for, to love. When Mike completed the homework assigned by Teacher Tang about the seasons, Teacher Tang had a lot of praise for him, because in Teacher Tang's eyes, every child is excellent and deserves to be praised.

Douban 8.9 "Hearing Heaven": Wrapped in a colorless coat, it is the child's desire for love and freedom Today, I will interpret the moving brought to us by this clichéd storyline from the three aspects of the narrative structure, character shaping and emotional expression of this film. 01, the use of linear narrative to completely show Miko's "special" growth path, so as to cause the audience to have emotional resonance 02, a variety of character image shaping gradually into the hearts of the people, multiple angles to interpret the differences in human nature, not only enrich the charm of the character personality, but also affect the audience's emotions 03, the film uses scene conversion to deepen the storyline, through the lens language to express feelings, thus sublimating the film emotions written in the end:

Later, after the principal learned of this incident, he locked Miko in confinement on the grounds that Miko had moved the school's things without permission. But Teacher Tang did not give up on Mikke, on the contrary, Teacher Tang knew that Miko liked to use the radio to collect a variety of different sounds, and had a talent in this regard, so he secretly gave the radio to Miko. Teacher Tang did not deprive Mi ke of his hobbies because he was a blind child.

When Teacher Tang adopted the teaching concept of "humanism", he was naturally respected and loved by the children. It is also the humanistic teaching concept that Teacher Tang has always adhered to that has influenced those children who are physically defective and full of frustration and confusion about life, so that they can feel the inner world like a normal person.

3. Problem children: eager to be understood, accepted, and loved

In the "Horse Saying", it is written: "There is Bole in the world, and then there is the Thousand Mile Horse." Maxima is often present, but Bole is not. "Presumably, it means that mentors are hard to find.

In the film, these children have been treated ordinary because they met Teacher Tang, who "has taught and has no class", and their extraordinary lives have been treated ordinary. When a group of children, led by Miko, began to use the things around them to simulate various sounds, and finally recorded a wonderful and interesting story through the joint efforts of everyone. The children hope to use their works to win the applause of parents at the cultural performance. But the stubborn principal wants the children to pretend to be "normal people" and perform a rehearsed program in front of their parents.

Douban 8.9 "Hearing Heaven": Wrapped in a colorless coat, it is the child's desire for love and freedom Today, I will interpret the moving brought to us by this clichéd storyline from the three aspects of the narrative structure, character shaping and emotional expression of this film. 01, the use of linear narrative to completely show Miko's "special" growth path, so as to cause the audience to have emotional resonance 02, a variety of character image shaping gradually into the hearts of the people, multiple angles to interpret the differences in human nature, not only enrich the charm of the character personality, but also affect the audience's emotions 03, the film uses scene conversion to deepen the storyline, through the lens language to express feelings, thus sublimating the film emotions written in the end:

Attentive and gentle Teacher Tang saw the children's efforts and enthusiasm, and saw the children's desire to be understood and accepted, he did not hesitate to confront the principal, but also to help the children complete their dreams. In the film, Teacher Tang is a beam of light in the dark world, guiding these children who cannot see the light to find the light, and teaching this group of children the ability to listen to the world and explore the world.

In our view, these children are different from ordinary people, but their ability to explore the world makes us feel that they are no different from ordinary people. Perhaps this is the unique charm that the film brings to us, and it is also the real purpose of the director.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >03, the film uses scene transformation to deepen the storyline, express feelings through the lens language, and sublimate the emotions of the film</h1>

Different people watch "Hearing Heaven" have different emotional access. What attracts me the most about this film is the expression of emotion in the language of the lens.

Douban 8.9 "Hearing Heaven": Wrapped in a colorless coat, it is the child's desire for love and freedom Today, I will interpret the moving brought to us by this clichéd storyline from the three aspects of the narrative structure, character shaping and emotional expression of this film. 01, the use of linear narrative to completely show Miko's "special" growth path, so as to cause the audience to have emotional resonance 02, a variety of character image shaping gradually into the hearts of the people, multiple angles to interpret the differences in human nature, not only enrich the charm of the character personality, but also affect the audience's emotions 03, the film uses scene conversion to deepen the storyline, through the lens language to express feelings, thus sublimating the film emotions written in the end:

The transformation of diverse scenes brings visual experiences to the audience, thus stimulating the emotional development of the entire storyline

At the beginning of the film, a group of children play peek-a-boo next to a yellow rice field. It always reminds us of our own childhood. At that time, we had toys, snacks, partners, and could enjoy life as carefree as Michael. But because of an accident, Miko lost the ability to have this kind of life. Then the film turns to a dead school with gray as the main color, showing us step by step Miko's next living environment. Later, Miko gradually stepped out of his inner world, playing like a "normal person", watching movies, and making friends. The main color of the movie adds color a little bit, with close friends, birds and flowers, lightning and thunder... Since then, Miko's living environment has gradually changed from "gray" to "color".

Maybe this is the need for the development of the storyline, but in my opinion, this is the director's elaborate plot. The director uses the transformation of multiple scenes to affect the audience's inner world, and the difficulties in the middle of the way more accurately capture the audience's emotional fluctuations.

Douban 8.9 "Hearing Heaven": Wrapped in a colorless coat, it is the child's desire for love and freedom Today, I will interpret the moving brought to us by this clichéd storyline from the three aspects of the narrative structure, character shaping and emotional expression of this film. 01, the use of linear narrative to completely show Miko's "special" growth path, so as to cause the audience to have emotional resonance 02, a variety of character image shaping gradually into the hearts of the people, multiple angles to interpret the differences in human nature, not only enrich the charm of the character personality, but also affect the audience's emotions 03, the film uses scene conversion to deepen the storyline, through the lens language to express feelings, thus sublimating the film emotions written in the end:

The simple and plain lens language affects the audience's tangled and floating inner world, thus triggering the audience to produce emotional elements

At the end of the film, the monologue subtitles say:

In 1975, after several years of pressure, the Italian government abolished schools for the blind through a political law, allowing the blind to attend general schools. Miko left school at the age of 16, and although his eyesight never recovered, he went on to become the most famous sound editor in Italian cinema.

Perhaps many people think that this movie is too cheesy, and a problem child counterattacks to become a famous editor. This routine is too cheesy and nothing new. It shouldn't be a classic. And in my opinion, this movie has become a classic. It not only expresses the fate of Miko personally, but also represents the beautiful beginning of the fate of many problem children in the future.

The director's simple and plain lens language after the end of the film not only expresses his concern for such events, but also affects the audience's emotional outpouring, and finally makes good use of the film's publicity effect to convey to the audience the desire of problem children for equality, freedom and love, as well as the love and dream pursuit of the world.

Douban 8.9 "Hearing Heaven": Wrapped in a colorless coat, it is the child's desire for love and freedom Today, I will interpret the moving brought to us by this clichéd storyline from the three aspects of the narrative structure, character shaping and emotional expression of this film. 01, the use of linear narrative to completely show Miko's "special" growth path, so as to cause the audience to have emotional resonance 02, a variety of character image shaping gradually into the hearts of the people, multiple angles to interpret the differences in human nature, not only enrich the charm of the character personality, but also affect the audience's emotions 03, the film uses scene conversion to deepen the storyline, through the lens language to express feelings, thus sublimating the film emotions written in the end:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > written at the end:</h1>

Yu Qiuyu, a famous literary scholar in China, said: "Excellent movies lie in describing the various changes in life. "In the view of modern artists, good works can bring people a unique life experience, it comes entirely from life, and everyone can feel the same experience."

In my opinion, for a good work, the director must not only describe the life trajectory in the story clearly, but more importantly, the shock that these life trajectories bring to the audience. Excellent works are probably able to let us taste the taste of life and feel its sour, sweet and bitter. As its name suggests, all misfortunes will be your luck. Because of the teachers who "teach according to their aptitudes", the lives of defective children have a great turnaround. It touched us not only teacher Tang's understanding and acceptance of the children, forgiveness and tolerance, encouragement and affirmation, but also the persistence and pursuit behind this movie.

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