
Do you know about sending wedding invitations?

author:Star Wedding

Sending invitations before a wedding is one of the most formal ways to invite guests. In particular, it is necessary to invite the elders in the family to come to the door in person. So what are the exquisite and taboos of wedding posting?

Do you know about sending wedding invitations?

First, the marriage invitation to send taboos

1. Invitations cannot be sent at night

Marriage is an auspicious thing, sending invitations should be sent during the day, if sent at night, it will be slightly unlucky, and the night is already a rest time, disturbing others to rest is not good.

2. WeChat invites WeChat to send wedding invitations, although convenient, but also suitable for people. Mainly friends, peers, colleagues, etc., can be sent in this way, but also pay attention to the difference in content.

Do you know about sending wedding invitations?

2. Precautions for wedding invitations

1. The title cannot be written incorrectly

When writing a wedding invitation, first pay attention to the number of people invited, and the name can not be written with typos. If it is a couple, write xx couples, so that it can better reflect the respect for each other.

2. The invitation style is unified with the wedding style

When choosing a wedding invitation, in addition to choosing your favorite style, you should also pay attention to the unity with the wedding style, so that it will look more compatible.

3. The style of marriage invitations is uniform

Regardless of whether the invitation is sent to a friend or relative, you choose to send the same wedding invitation. If you send different invitations, it will give others too snobby feelings, so the style should be uniform.

Do you know about sending wedding invitations?

The above is the elegance and taboo of wedding posting. At the same time, everyone must pay attention to the format when writing the invitation, do not write wrong!

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