
Ding dong! Winter vacation safety tips from prosecutors, please pay attention to check!

From the prosecutor

Winter vacation safety tips

The annual winter break is just around the corner

And so can the children

Turn on the "Free Yourself" mode

Ding dong! Winter vacation safety tips from prosecutors, please pay attention to check!

And less constraints from schools and teachers

Parents want it

Enter the "holiday worry" mode

Ding dong! Winter vacation safety tips from prosecutors, please pay attention to check!

While enjoying a great holiday

Parents should also pay more attention

Protect your children

Let the children spend their lives in peace and happiness

A wonderful holiday


Prosecutors are kindly reminded

Ding dong! Winter vacation safety tips from prosecutors, please pay attention to check!

Safety guidelines

Ding dong! Winter vacation safety tips from prosecutors, please pay attention to check!
Ding dong! Winter vacation safety tips from prosecutors, please pay attention to check!

At present, the new crown epidemic situation is showing a multi-point sporadic situation, the epidemic situation abroad is still severe, we must not relax our vigilance, we must do the following points during the winter vacation:

1. Reduce the activities of visiting relatives and friends, and promote online New Year's greetings;

2. Do a good job of personal protection in all aspects of food, accommodation, travel, shopping and entertainment, and develop good personal hygiene habits such as "wearing masks, washing hands frequently, ventilating frequently, gathering less, one meter line, and using public chopsticks";

3. Individual family gatherings should preferably be controlled under 10 people. Reduce unnecessary gatherings and try not to go to crowded places, especially closed places.

Ding dong! Winter vacation safety tips from prosecutors, please pay attention to check!
Ding dong! Winter vacation safety tips from prosecutors, please pay attention to check!

Home safety should pay attention to, parents try not to let the child leave their line of sight, dry in winter, it is easy to cause accidents such as fire. Therefore, everyone's safety awareness must be improved to avoid accidents.

1. Do a good job of safety hazard investigation in balconies and other areas, educate children not to throw things downstairs, do not climb balconies, doors and windows or other high places, and beware of falling and falling;

2. Do not leave the child alone at home, do not go out alone;

3. Tell the child not to open the door to strangers and cultivate the child's sense of self-prevention;

4. Educate children to stay away from unsafe factors such as electricity, fire, and water, and do a good job of home safety protection measures.

Ding dong! Winter vacation safety tips from prosecutors, please pay attention to check!

In the cold winter month, near the Spring Festival, remind parents and friends to abide by traffic rules and travel in a civilized and safe manner.

1. Children must be accompanied by adults when going out, and children must be educated to abide by traffic rules and not chase and play on the road;

2. When taking children to walk on the road, try to let the children walk inside, pay attention to prevent vehicles coming from behind;

3. Do not let the child sit in the co-driver when driving, lock the doors and windows of the car and fasten the seat belt when driving;

4. Remind the child not to stick his head and hands out of the window; do not leave the child alone in the car;

5. Go to public places to talk about order, not crowded, obey the command, stay away from crowding, and avoid stampede.

Ding dong! Winter vacation safety tips from prosecutors, please pay attention to check!

Communicate and communicate with children more, actively guide children to develop good life and learning habits, smile more, be more confident, not discouraged when encountering setbacks, and live happily every day.

1. Take time to communicate and communicate with children every day, enhance parent-child feelings, and try to enrich the content of children's lives;

2. Urge children to go to bed early and get up early every day, and insist on participating in one hour of physical exercise every day;

3. Educate children to be civilized and polite, cultivate children's good habits of thrift and thrift, and do not spend money indiscriminately, and require children to do what they can do themselves;

4. Guide children to eat scientifically, do not overeat, do not picky eat, do not over-eat sweet, salty and fried food, do not eat "three no food", expired food, do not buy food without licenses and small stall vendors without quality assurance;

5. Educate children not to play with flammable and explosive toxic substances such as preservatives and desiccants in commodity packaging;

6. Scientifically arrange children's self-study plans, develop good learning and living habits, cultivate hobbies and interests, and promote the all-round development of morality, intellectual, physical, and aesthetic work.

There is no winter that is insurmountable, and there is no spring that does not come. In the process of waiting for spring, we must protect ourselves and improve ourselves, and wish every student a different harvest in this special winter vacation, ride the wind and waves, cut through thorns, learn well, and show better themselves to teachers and classmates after the start of school.

Ding dong! Winter vacation safety tips from prosecutors, please pay attention to check!

The Prosecutor will, as always, guard you.

Looking forward to the spring solstice, enjoy the blossoms together!

Editor 丨Shen Yujie

Audit 丨 Yang Zhiyuan

Welcome to pay attention to the Yang County Procuratorate.

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