
Dad blamed her mother for losing her mobile phone, 4-year-old daughter angrily rebuked her father, netizens: the little cotton jacket leaked wind

A few days ago, Shaanxi Baoji. A video of a father blaming his mother for losing his mobile phone, and a 4-year-old daughter angrily denouncing her father became popular on the Internet, causing widespread concern among netizens. The picture shows that the mother lost the newly bought mobile phone, the father was very angry and said a few words to the mother, at this time the 4-year-old daughter was not happy, and immediately angrily rebuked the father: "You don't say that my mother is OK!" ”

Dad: "Your mom lost her phone!" ”

4-year-old daughter: "If you lose it, you lose it!" ”

Dad smiled and said, "Mom just bought it!" ”

4-year-old daughter: "You spit on my face!" ”

After listening to it, the father directly laughed breathlessly, and the mood that was still angry just now was already clear, and he hugged his daughter and kissed her fiercely.

Dad blamed her mother for losing her mobile phone, 4-year-old daughter angrily rebuked her father, netizens: the little cotton jacket leaked wind

People often say that daughters are the little cotton jackets of their parents, and they know from an early age that they must protect their parents. Although this 4-year-old girl is not very old, when she saw her father murdering her mother, she immediately stood up to protect her mother, and she must have loved her mother more from the bottom of her heart, and I believe that her mother must have been particularly touched at that time.

Mom and Dad's love for their children is the same, they regard their children as their own hearts and livers, but as parents, we are best not to quarrel in front of the children, which will cause harm and impact on the child's psychology, we should strive to let the child live in a loving family.

Dad blamed her mother for losing her mobile phone, 4-year-old daughter angrily rebuked her father, netizens: the little cotton jacket leaked wind

Netizens saw this behind the scenes of the discussion, all came to express their own views, a netizen said: The last sentence "you spit on my face" is too classic, this is a typical girl thinking, things are things, you just can't kill me, really is a super cute little cotton jacket, a serious will make her father laugh. We adults quarrel with children and can't win, because she doesn't play her cards according to the routine, and you have no idea what she will say next.

Dad blamed her mother for losing her mobile phone, 4-year-old daughter angrily rebuked her father, netizens: the little cotton jacket leaked wind

There are also netizens said: This small cotton jacket leaked wind, she changed her heart, making her father incoherent, but this father really does not understand things, the wife lost the mobile phone and then bought a new one on the end of the matter, but also spit on the baby's face, it is simply too ignorant, after all, quarrels can not solve the problem.

Dad blamed her mother for losing her mobile phone, 4-year-old daughter angrily rebuked her father, netizens: the little cotton jacket leaked wind

Some netizens also believe that people say that the daughter is the father's lover, in fact, it is wrong, the daughter is the mother's intimate little cotton jacket. Mom's mobile phone is lost, who wants to lose it or why? Originally lost the mobile phone mother is uncomfortable, as a man without comfort, even if it is, actually blame the mother, simply too speechless.

Dad blamed her mother for losing her mobile phone, 4-year-old daughter angrily rebuked her father, netizens: the little cotton jacket leaked wind

Xiaobian feels that the views of netizens have their own reasons, but Xiaobian also has his own views.

A person to lose the mobile phone must be inadvertently lost, their own heart must not be comfortable, at this time if there is another person to criticize, it is easy to let the party negative energy burst, this is not good, as a mature man, the wife lost the mobile phone should be well comforted, buy her a new mobile phone, tell her next time to take the mobile phone on the line.

This 4-year-old daughter is indeed a peacemaker, and she can help her parents resolve conflicts, which is commendable. At the same time, I also hope that all parents can set a good example for their children, after all, parents are a mirror of their children, and the way parents deal with things directly affects their children's life and determines their children's future. What do you think about that?

Dad blamed her mother for losing her mobile phone, 4-year-old daughter angrily rebuked her father, netizens: the little cotton jacket leaked wind

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