
When you have no money, relatives and friends will also "look down on you"

When you have no money, relatives and friends will also "look down on you"

Wilde said:

"When I was young, I thought money was the most important thing in the world, but when I got old, I found out that this was the case."

There is a saying that "the poor are in the downtown area and no one asks, and the rich have distant relatives in the mountains."

When a person has no money, he will find that there are few relatives and friends around him; and when a person has money and his social status reaches a certain height, the relatives who cannot be beaten by eight rods are also gathered.

A person who has money means that the person's "self-worth is high".

For things of high value, people's subconscious is always "flocking to it".

At a young age, do enough wealth accumulation, not only for their own family, but also for a person's social relationships.

You will find that when you have no money, your relatives and friends around you are deliberately staying away from you.

When you have no money, relatives and friends will also "look down on you"


When you don't have money, your relatives will stay away from you

I saw a post some time ago.

The man posted that after the business failed, he saw the faces of his relatives.

When his business was doing well, several relatives worked with him; close relatives and distant relatives had to woo him and flatter him every time they met.

There was something that the people around him thought of bothering him for the first time.

In those years when the business was good, he also lent hundreds of thousands of dollars to relatives.

But when his business went bankrupt and he owed a lot of money, he wanted to borrow some emergencies from relatives, but found that few relatives around him were willing to help him.

Not only did it not help, but it sneered and fell into the well.

A person standing on a high point cannot see the "true feelings"; a person is at a low point, in order to see the hypocrisy of the people around him.

When you have no money, relatives and friends will also "look down on you"

You will understand that apart from your parents, few relatives in this world are willing to "really help you."

When you win, they just want to come and "get a piece of the pie"; when you lose, they all hide in the distance and quietly watch you joke.

Even the feelings of husband and wife will gradually go to a strange road because of poverty.

There is a saying called: Poor and lowly couples Pepsi lamentation.


Because the life of two people cannot be satisfied even the most basic living needs, and there is not enough economic foundation to support the family, the contradiction between the two people will arise endlessly.

In a sense, a person's economic level directly determines his relationship with relatives and lovers.

When you have money, you have weight in your words; when you have nothing, people talk softly.

Just like Ah Shu in the movie "Mr. Tree", he is a typical person who is ridiculed, looked down upon, and treated as a joke.

What if Ah Shu's identity is reversed? Even if his personality is flawed, the people around him will not care.

When you have no money, relatives and friends will also "look down on you"


When there is no money, the social value attribute will also decrease

In socializing, there are always two words mentioned: networking.

What is networking?

Simply put, networking is an exchange of value between people.

You have money, I have a market, then our cooperation is a win-win situation;

Your value attributes are high, I am on par with your value, and we can be each other's connections.

Networking has always been upwards, not downward compatible.

You have nothing, no money, no ability, low self-worth attributes, and the desire for connections at this time is "self-comforting jokes".

Everyone has their own value.

A person's high social status is his social value;

A person has money and a good family background, which is his economic attribute;

A person with good personality, high emotional intelligence, reliability and integrity is his character value.

When you have no money, relatives and friends will also "look down on you"

A person has no money, no ability, and is easily excluded and isolated by the people around him in social life.

The most immediate phenomenon: classmate reunions.

Many years after graduation, the "value exchange essence" of social relations can be seen best.

You will find that people in similar industries get together;

Girls with children get together;

The people who started the business are another group.

And those who go to work, who don't have much success, sit awkwardly in the corner, not being asked about, and not welcome.

Seeking advantage and avoiding harm is just a subtext in people's social interactions.

When you have no money, relatives and friends will also "look down on you"


It doesn't matter if you are looked up to, what matters is "self-achievement"

No matter who you get along with, you should understand one truth:

In your life, others don't care so much; you live well, others are jealous of you; you are not living well, others may be stealing pleasure behind your back.

Their opinions don't have much to do with you.

Whether you live well or badly is also a matter of self-knowledge like people drinking cold and warm.

On the basis of maintaining a normal mind, do not let go of the cultivation and investment of the self.

If a person does not achieve a certain degree of wealth accumulation when he is young, after middle age, his competitiveness will directly decline.

It is not uncommon for people to become unemployed in middle age.

When you have no money, relatives and friends will also "look down on you"

Only by working hard can we have no regrets.

Only by working hard enough will we not waste our lives.

Whether we end up being poor or rich, at least we have our own ambitions and backbones.

The most frightening thing is that a person chooses to be comfortable at the age of effort, and when he wants to work hard, he finds that he has more than enough and is not enough.

From the point of view of the self:

We work hard to make a career and make money, nothing more than wanting to give our families a good life, and wanting to achieve our own ambitions and desires.

Only by first satisfying the most basic survival and life needs will we have a higher level of pursuit.

When you have no money, relatives and friends will also "look down on you"

Today's Topic:

Have you ever been looked down upon by relatives?

(Article with picture source network)

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