
Kang Yin lishu lin "Zhang Qianbei" appreciation

Kang Yin (1926-1999), beiju Dakang, originally from Leting, Hebei, was born in YiXian County, Liaoning. Yuki calligraphy painting seal engraving. In his youth, he engaged in cultural relics work, painstakingly studying ancient Jin script, Qin seal, calligraphy, painting and sculpture. In 1958, he began to edit the "Seal Book", which took 40 years to complete. In 1984, he was transferred to Capital Normal University to teach. Before his death, he was a member of the Chinese Artists Association and a director of the Chinese Calligraphers Association. He has published "Seal Code", "Dakang Xue seal", "Dakang Seal", "Paleography", "New Theory of Paleography", "A Brief Explanation of the Origin of Words", "Interpretation of the Head of the Sayings", etc.

Kang Yin lishu lin "Zhang Qianbei" appreciation
Kang Yin lishu lin "Zhang Qianbei" appreciation
Kang Yin lishu lin "Zhang Qianbei" appreciation
Kang Yin lishu lin "Zhang Qianbei" appreciation
Kang Yin lishu lin "Zhang Qianbei" appreciation
Kang Yin lishu lin "Zhang Qianbei" appreciation
Kang Yin lishu lin "Zhang Qianbei" appreciation
Kang Yin lishu lin "Zhang Qianbei" appreciation
Kang Yin lishu lin "Zhang Qianbei" appreciation
Kang Yin lishu lin "Zhang Qianbei" appreciation
Kang Yin lishu lin "Zhang Qianbei" appreciation
Kang Yin lishu lin "Zhang Qianbei" appreciation
Kang Yin lishu lin "Zhang Qianbei" appreciation
Kang Yin lishu lin "Zhang Qianbei" appreciation

Kang Yin's calligraphy is mainly based on seals. There are many kinds of seals, about: oracle bones, bells, steles, and hundreds of fonts. The age is thousands of years. Kang Yin's oracle bone seal has been integrated into the local atmosphere of the north and the charm of the Yin ruins script, and it has been formed into the style of "Kang Body Oracle Bone". Zhong Ding Jinwen, the color of the late Shang, the love of the Western Zhou, reflects the traces of the evolution of the book style from the Shang to the Zhou, he uses the pen astringent, dignified, and the lines are thick and strong. The golden stone taste produced by the casting of copper inscriptions is vividly expressed. Majestic and strong, thick and round, dignified and graceful, full of ancient meaning, can show a majestic temperament. As soon as you see Kang Yin's seal book, you can immediately know that this is "Kang's Golden Text".

Kang Yin's "stone drum style" is a small seal for the Qin Dynasty, but he has his own style. Seeing the square inside the circle, seeing the life in stability, it has opened a new road of small seals in the new era, and has its own color of Kang's stone drum. For more than a thousand years, those who wrote seal books, from Li Yangbing in the Tang Dynasty to Qian Shilan in the Qing Dynasty, did not use "iron wire" for it. Although this seal body is also a style, it is beautiful and strong. However, people write with almost no change, so there is a rigid trend. The quaint taste of the Qin Dynasty seal book was almost lost. And the "Kang's Golden Stone" seal book, Park Seal plus Seal, the Great Seal is unique canggu. Kang Yin can use the astringency, slippery, sick and xu of the pen; the dry, moist, light and heavy of the ink, and compete with the ancient books, engravings, castings, and the weathering of nature, and the corrosive artistic effects, without losing the meaning of the brush. He raised the golden stone charm that calligraphers have deliberately pursued for thousands of years to an unprecedented level.

Kang Yin's Lishu is simple and dignified, but also ethereal and flying, melting the Han Monument and Jian Mu in one furnace. His "Seven Kinds of Han Li Linben" is directly aimed at the Han People's Tang Ao. Kang Yin was not satisfied, and also carved a seal of his own, calling himself a "layman".

Kang Yin's letter. When he was young, he attacked the Northern Dynasty Kai, and later took the Fa Sui and Tang Dynasties, and formed his own "Kang family body" for a long time. He combined Wei Zhi's boldness, majesty, and variability into the regular, mature Sui and Tang italics. The penmanship is changeable, the bones are open, the rigidity and softness are harmonious, the ancient xiongqi, the implications, and the wind rules are self-victorious. The sword of Wu Wei was rough and rough, and the unsui and Tang were overly regular in their thousand-word side. Kang Yin's calligraphy is as big as corn. Connoisseurs say that if Kang Yin only attacks the unity of the script, it is enough to start a family.

Kang Yin's book. When he was 30 years old, Fang learned to write. First of all, thanks to Wang Xizhi's "Funeral Disorder" five kinds of fa post, from which the double ink marks are used to understand the changing methods of the ancients. He actually realized that for thousands of years, the so-called "center forward" had been a deceptive talk. To this end, he wrote "On the Brushwork of Cursive Writing" to discuss his peculiar ideas.

Kang Yin's cursive writing. He studied cursive very late, only during the Cultural Revolution. He melted the height and thickness of the Han and Jin Dynasties, the Xiongqi of the Northern Wei, and the lushness of the Jin Wen into the bottom of his wrist. His cursive writing is like a dry vine curved iron. He himself said, "I write too stupidly, less fluently, less lightly, often heavier than enough, and ethereal enough." "In fact, this is just a way of writing. Although cursive is known as grass, it is really taboo grass. The grass should appear ethereal in the solemnity, which is the real grass. Cursive is most afraid of madness, weirdness, frivolity, and weakness.

Kang Yinzhi stone carving, has long become everyone, and unique, the formation of "Kang's Golden Stone". His seal, such as casting ancient and modern, has become a unique style of ancient nature, liveliness and old age. His art of printing stones not only walked alone in the printing altar, but also rated as the first "first person of golden stones" in China.

In the 1950s, some Fang family saw Kang Yin's Intuo in Shanghai and guessed that this person was 50 years old, but in fact, Kang Yin was only in his twenties at that time. Now the world is like a treasure. When Kang Yin was alive, overseas friends who sought prints came to him in a hurry. Its printed name is broadcast at home and abroad. Unfortunately, however, the fame he engraved has drowned out his other artistic reputations. Although this is unfair, it can be seen from it that the Kang Yin Seal Stone is absolutely extraordinary.

Kang Yin's paintings are also in the style of Chinese and Western paintings. Kang Yin learned Chinese painting at an early age and painted more traditional content. In college, he studied Western oil painting. Therefore, he has a good solid foundation in Chinese painting and oil painting. His Chinese paintings, taken from the Six Dynasties, the Tang and Song Dynasties, especially the white paintings, are better laid out. The content is mostly traditional popular legends. For example, "Wen Ji Gui Han", "Magu Xianshou", "Zhong Kui Fights Ghosts", "Cloud Dragon Flying", "Green Mountains and Green Water", the painting method is rigorous, the pen and ink are steadfast, and the antique is antique. His paintings are freehand, mainly painting ancient figures, painting the historical stories of ancient characters, "Zhong Xu Catching goblins" is one of his masterpieces. In his early years, he published more than 20 comic strips such as Du Fu's biography and Li Shizhen's biography, and he made a living as a painter at that time.

Because Kang Yin has the technical foundation of Chinese and Western painting, he is good at sculpture, can be artificial clay statues, and the image is realistic. He can also carve various images in wood.

Kang Yin also has a must, that is, he is good at Yingtuo. The so-called Yingtuo is to use a brush to draw the taste of the monument on rice paper. Although this method was created by the predecessors, the people of the future generations can do very little, and those who are good at this are less beneficial, but Kang Yin is good at this method. The rubbings he depicted were exactly the same as the taste of ancient Dangwa, Sealing Mud, and Han tiles, and even insiders generally could not recognize it. One year, an exhibition was held in Japan, and the pattern on the admission ticket was printed with Kang Yin's vermilion Yingtuo ancient "Phoenix Bird WadangTu". People who don't know the inside story, when they see the pattern, will not believe that it is painted. That kind of realistic rubbing effect, I really don't know what kind of brushwork he uses.

Kang Yin is also proficient in the identification of ancient paintings and ancient artifacts. He copied many Han Dynasty lacquerware paintings. His pro-origin is like an ancient artifact, which can be chaotic. Even an expert is hard to identify. He has a special ability to identify ancient paintings. Some of the ancient artifacts that were difficult to identify became particularly clear to him.

Kang Yin was also a researcher of ancient seals and ancient texts. Over the years, Kang Yin has insisted on studying paleography under difficult conditions and with amazing perseverance, and the thousands of ancient glyphs he has explained have tried their best to use glyphs, objects, artifacts and ancient figures to contrast, illustrating vividly, easily understood, and convincing. The elders of ancient texts believe that Kang Yin's research results in ancient texts have become their own system, and have provided a large number of new historical materials that are conclusive and credible for the study of ancient history...

In addition, Kang Yin is also good at writing poetry, and his poems are quaint and deep, with Du Fu's style. Unfortunately, most of his poems were burned during the turbulent years of the Cultural Revolution.

Kang Yin was also familiar with Zhuzi, The Hundred Families, The Classics, and Opera, and his favorite was Kun opera.

If ordinary people can have one of Kang Yin's abilities and achievements, they are already scholars and celebrities who have learned to be rich and wealthy, but Kang Yin has both. Kang Yin summed up his abilities and achievements as follows: the study of ancient characters is the mainstay, followed by the study of ancient seals, followed by the study of calligraphy, seal carving, painting, archaeology, lacquerware, as well as the study of scripture history, zhuzi, poetry, opera, and acrobatics. He said, "Under the third kind, everything is a matter of aftermath." The experts commented: "The rest of the skills, enough ten people!" ”

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