
Why Musk is adored by countless men, he has fulfilled the four dreams of men

author:Mind brother kk

#Wisdom##Musk##男人 #

First, Musk has money, but that's not the most important reason.

Because there are more and more rich people in the world, many rich people are still scolded, and Musk, on the contrary, sits on more than 60 million fans, and a random tweet is hundreds of thousands, millions of likes.

Second, Musk dreams of greatness, not to fight with the people, not to collude with the rentier class.

Musk insists on his dream, not to speculate, not to collect rent, not to sell oil and coal, not to touch the upper power. He is engaged in high-tech, and the design is very beautiful, for example, Tesla's handsome line design alone has thrown other cars ten streets.

So, the name "Musk",

Represents the forefront of the times,

Representing the sea of stars,

Represents a clear stream.

Why Musk is adored by countless men, he has fulfilled the four dreams of men

Image source: Musk's coolest interview

This is the top personal brand.

Many rich people do not understand that at a certain level, the "reputation" thing is extremely precious.

If you still disregard food, grab food with the weak by any means, and pretend to be charitable on the surface, then it will not be far to be spurned.

And Musk has become a clear stream in the rich world,

He's rich, but nobody has an opinion on him.

It's a miracle.

Third, Musk's experience has been difficult and tortuous and frustrating.

People don't hate the rich, they just hate the people who occupied Rome in the first place.

Musk's starting point is average and very grounded.

Born in decadent South Africa, he was abused by his father in his childhood, his parents divorced, and he was often bullied and beaten by his classmates at school, and his face was covered in blood.

If he were another child, his self-confidence would be crippled and he would become a non-committal, but he did not.

Of course, Musk's mother took the most crucial step: divorce, lead the little Musk, the whole family to immigrate, away from the garbage heap.

In ancient times, there were three migrations of Mengmu, and now there are mamu immigrants.

Since then, Musk, who has the space to play, has begun to spread his wings and fly high.

But the road to entrepreneurship is still full of twists and turns.

At first, two companies were founded and worth hundreds of millions, but the third time was very miserable, Tesla was ridiculed and denied by many famous experts, three failed to launch space rockets, and the houses were sold for investment, almost on the verge of bankruptcy.

At this time, in addition to luck, Musk's strong heart comes into play.

Despite his near-internal breakdown, he endured great pain and encouraged his companions, "It's all right, let's do it again."

Therefore, the biggest difference between the strong and the weak is:

Encounter difficulties how to react

Why Musk is adored by countless men, he has fulfilled the four dreams of men

Image source: Network

For Musk,

Difficulties not only did not destroy his self-confidence,

On the contrary, it inspired his strong fighting spirit,

As Nietzsche said: Those who can't kill you will make you stronger!

This is also the greatest charm of a man.

Fourth, Musk's 4 wives and girlfriends, the key is: Musk never does lick dogs.

Musk is a tough guy, and he doesn't know any gender.

Not only hard for men, but also for women,

Regardless of your male or female, you must not affect his career, otherwise you will get out of the egg immediately.

As for handing in the pay card, it is even more impossible.

This has hit the inner weakness of countless men, especially Chinese men, and effectively countered the idea of female boxing.

Musk is very busy at work, and his wife complains to him, "Can you accompany me?"

Musk: "How much time do women really need to spend with them?" One day a week is not enough? ”

The wife is doing housework at home, and she has complaints in her heart,

The wife said, "You don't do some housework, and I'm not your employee."

Musk: "If you were my employee, you would have been fired a long time ago. ”

Many people always say "straight male cancer",

So the question is: Is there something wrong with straight men?


At least Musk thinks.

The wife said, "I can't do it, I want a divorce."

Musk "Okay, send me a signature"

Musk in the busy work, squeezed out time to find a total of four wives, each with high appearance, high INTELLIGENCE, simply a time management master.

Although the four wives are divided, they all maintain a good relationship with Musk and never say a bad word about Musk, which is another miracle.

Why Musk is adored by countless men, he has fulfilled the four dreams of men


A high-quality wife is good,

Breakups are all decent,

High-end atmosphere on the grade.

If you really want to find the reason, at least Musk thinks he's right.

Even if it was his fault, he quickly forgot,

Because he's busy,

The sea of stars is his favorite.

May the return of Wanli still be a teenager!

This is Musk.

It's hard to describe Musk's charm in words, free, frank, dare to think, dare to take risks, rational, strong, and live out of self,,,

If there is only one word to describe him, it is


He was just cool!!!

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