
A letter from the District Committee of the Zhuanhua Youth League and the Education and Sports Bureau of the 2022 winter vacation to parents

Dear Parents and Friends,


The chronology changes, and the years flow gold. In the extraordinary year of 2021, our parents and schools work together, teachers and students work together, accompany the children to grow up healthy and happy, and jointly water the future of the motherland, here, we express our heartfelt thanks to you!

The winter vacation has arrived, and the Spring Festival is coming. In order to let children spend a "safe, civilized, pleasant and healthy" holiday and Spring Festival, the District Committee of the Zhuanhua Youth League and the Education and Sports Bureau of the Zhuanhua District hereby warmly remind:

Don't slacken off in epidemic prevention and control

1. Do not believe in rumors, do not spread rumors, and learn about relevant information from the official media rather than from other sources.

2. Always maintain a good sense of personal protection, do a good job of personal health monitoring, and cooperate with the school to register and report the health information and travel information of family members as required.

3. Scientifically standardize the wearing of masks, frequent hand washing, regular ventilation, and maintain safe social distancing.

4. Do not gather together, do not gather, maintain good hygiene habits and healthy lifestyles, and urge family members to complete the new crown virus vaccination in a timely manner.

5. Advocate local winter vacation and Spring Festival, do not leave the coast unless necessary, do not go to foreign and domestic medium and high-risk areas, and do not travel long distances across provinces. If you have contact with people in areas at risk of outbreaks, please report the situation truthfully to the school and the community.

6. Pay attention to food hygiene and safety, carefully purchase and process cold chain food, and do not buy online and sea shopping items from medium and high-risk areas and countries (borders).

A letter from the District Committee of the Zhuanhua Youth League and the Education and Sports Bureau of the 2022 winter vacation to parents

Safety education should not be careless

1. Pay attention to dietary safety. Educate children to eat reasonably and regularly, do not overeat, eat less snacks, do not buy expired spoiled snacks, do not eat uncooked and cooked food, do not eat unclean or spoiled food, do not eat unfamiliar food in the wild, and prevent disease from entering the mouth and food poisoning. Develop good hygiene practices to prevent norovirus, gastroenteritis and other epidemic diseases.

2. Pay attention to traffic safety. Teach children to strictly abide by traffic rules, do not run red lights, take crosswalk lines when crossing the road; do not play or chase on the highway, anti-freeze and anti-skid; do not ride unlicensed, unlicensed, overloaded vehicles, do not take strangers' cars; pay attention to the situation on the road when walking, and avoid playing mobile phones.

3. Pay attention to anti-slip and anti-drowning. Do not play on snowy and icy roads, do not skate alone or in groups; do not play in rivers, ponds and other waters; do not pick up items that fall into rivers and other waters. If you encounter a companion drowning, do not blindly go into the water to save people or hand in hand to rescue, shout for help in time and call the police.

4. Pay attention to home safety. Do not let young children be alone at home; educate children to pay attention to fire safety, pay attention to electrical and gas safety; when going out, be sure to check and close the power supply of doors, windows and electrical equipment; do a good job of family balconies, window sills, roof platforms and other area safety precautions, teach children not to climb, beware of falling, fall; educate children not to throw items downstairs; educate children to abide by binzhou City's relevant regulations on prohibiting fireworks and firecrackers, do not set off fireworks and firecrackers.

5. Pay attention to network security. Educate children not to indulge in mobile phones, games, and the Internet, not to participate in uncivilized entertainment activities, and to adhere to self-esteem, self-respect, and self-respect; to prevent telecommunications and network fraud, not to tip and recharge on online platforms, and to avoid property losses; not to trust netizens, not to spread rumors, not to create rumors; to encounter network violence, extortion, etc., and to inform parents immediately; do not click on red envelopes sent from strange links, and do not trust street rewards and temptations to scan codes for registration.

6. Focus on mental health. It is necessary to pay close attention to the child's psychological condition, maintain communication and interaction with the school, guide the child to manage emotions scientifically, and spend the holiday happily in body and mind.

A letter from the District Committee of the Zhuanhua Youth League and the Education and Sports Bureau of the 2022 winter vacation to parents

Don't be blind in holiday planning

1. Establish a scientific concept of education and the concept of becoming a talent, follow the laws of education and the laws of children's physical and mental growth, and rationally determine children's growth goals. It is necessary to change the tendency of "only scores" and "only further education", cultivate children's ability to learn independently and think independently, and let children have their own wonderful life.

2. Do not participate in all kinds of off-campus training, and welcome parents and social figures to supervise and report.

3. Help children scientifically formulate holiday study plans, encourage children to participate in household work and social practice activities appropriately, develop the habit of "loving reading, reading good books, and reading the whole book", so that children can broaden their horizons, enlighten wisdom, and cultivate temperament; in daily life, imperceptibly carry out character education such as filial piety to parents, courtesy to others, and help others, and strengthen the education and inheritance of traditional culture and folk customs during the Spring Festival.

4. Accompany the child more, listen to the child's ideas, communicate more, communicate more, and establish a good parent-child relationship; pay close attention to the child's emotions and psychological problems, such as finding that the child's mood fluctuates greatly, timely guidance, and vent the child's bad emotions.

5. Urge children to have a reasonable schedule, ensure adequate sleep time, reduce children's dependence on mobile phones, computers and other electronic products, and protect vision health.

A letter from the District Committee of the Zhuanhua Youth League and the Education and Sports Bureau of the 2022 winter vacation to parents

The ambition of Qinggen, the practice of far-reaching; without quitting, the future can be expected. Parents and friends, let us work together to hand over the baton of children's growth and build a better tomorrow for children! Once again, I sincerely thank you for your understanding and support of The Education, and wish you and your family a prosperous life in the Year of the Ugly Tiger, a work like a tiger, and a tiger in life!

Binzhou Municipal Bureau of Education and Sports, Chinese Communist Youth League

Binzhou Municipal Committee of Zhanhua District

January 17, 2022





Transferred from: Education and Sports Bureau of ZhanHua District

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