
Lamborghini sales hit a new high, Rolls-Royce broke the 100-year record, why did luxury cars sell better?

The recent year of 2021 is a very difficult year for most people, many people will feel that time flies quickly after the epidemic in 2020, and most industries are also very difficult, but it is more surprising that when we feel that the market is so difficult, the world's top luxury luxury cars do not have this feeling at all, especially some recent news, Lamborghini's sales have hit a record high, and the top market luxury car Rolls-Royce has directly broken the record of a hundred years. What's going on here? Why is the economically bad luxury car better sold?

Lamborghini sales hit a new high, Rolls-Royce broke the 100-year record, why did luxury cars sell better?

First, the world's top luxury car sales hit a record high?

According to Interface News, recently, supercar manufacturer Lamborghini announced its sales figures for 2021. Over the past year, the brand broke the history of 2020 and set a new record: 8,405 vehicles were delivered worldwide, an increase of 13% year-on-year.

Chairman and CEO Stephan Winkelmann said: "This record affirms our work in four directions – the solidity of the strategic plan, the excellent international reputation of the Lamborghini brand, the competence and enthusiasm of our employees and the exceptional professionalism. This is also evidenced by our 173 dealers in 52 markets, who have continued to struggle with us over the past year, which has been fraught with challenges and uncertainties. ”

Regionally, all three lamborghini sales regions achieved double-digit growth: the Americas (+14%), Asia Pacific (+14%) and Europe, the Middle East and Africa (+12%).

According to the report of Lei Technology, not long ago, the famous top luxury car Rolls-Royce also announced its own sales, Rolls-Royce official data show that in 2021, the cumulative sales of 5586 cars, an increase of 49% year-on-year, this data set the company's 117-year record high.

Lamborghini sales hit a new high, Rolls-Royce broke the 100-year record, why did luxury cars sell better?

In 2021, Rolls-Royce achieved sales growth in the global market, and Many markets such as China, the United States and the Asia-Pacific region set record for the best sales in history. The most popular models are Gust and Cullinan, which account for 40% of sales. Cullinan's cheapest model is also priced at more than 6 million, with sales of more than 2,000 vehicles, and sales easily exceed 10 billion.

Coincidentally, Porsche's data also illustrates this point, Germany's "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" website reported that Porsche released data showing that in 2021 Porsche global sales of more than 300,000 vehicles, an increase of nearly 30,000 vehicles year-on-year, an increase of 11%, the highest sales year so far is 2019 (about 280,000 vehicles), Porsche sales also created a historical record, sales in all regions increased, the United States increased by more than 20%, Europe increased by 7%. China sold nearly 96,000, an increase of 8%, accounting for one-third of global sales, and is Porsche's largest single sales market.

These data are dazzling, and people can't help but ask, the sales of these world's top luxury cars are really good, right, what is the reason for this?

Lamborghini sales hit a new high, Rolls-Royce broke the 100-year record, why did luxury cars sell better?

Second, why is the economically bad luxury car better sold?

In the face of the surge in sales of luxury cars of major brands in the world, many people will be very surprised, is it not that the epidemic has triggered an economic downturn, and many industries in many parts of the world have had a very difficult time? Why is there a record sales of all major luxury cars? This situation is also too weird, what should we think?

First, the pandemic has accelerated polarization while affecting the economy. According to the Beijing Business Daily, the U.S. Institute for Policy Research and the U.S. Tax Fairness Association report that the total wealth of billionaires in the United States has increased by $2.1 trillion, or 70 percent, since the outbreak of the new crown epidemic last March. Among them, the total wealth of the top and middle layers has increased, but the wealth of the top layer has increased more obviously. After the stock market crash in March last year, the wealth of the top rich rose sharply, and the wealth of the top 1% increased by $4 trillion, which is more than the wealth held by the 50% of Americans at the bottom of the social wealth that year combined. In fact, these data are very in line with the laws of economics, we start from the perspective of economics, the more economic is not good, in fact, the More obvious the Matthew effect, before the economic development is very good, due to the many opportunities, whether it is rich people or people without money can actually get benefits in economic development, this time on the contrary, the distribution of wealth will be more balanced, ordinary people can also make money. However, once there is a problem in the economy, especially in the case of a serious economic shock like the epidemic, ordinary people who rely on selling their labor to survive will become poorer and poorer because it is increasingly difficult to make money, but for the rich who make money from capital, it will actually be easier to make money, which will naturally lead to the polarization of the market, and for the rich, the richer will naturally increase the consumption expenditure of luxury goods, so we can observe that whether it is a mansion in Manhattan, or a Lamborghini, Rolls-Royce and Porsche luxury cars have seen rapid sales growth.

Lamborghini sales hit a new high, Rolls-Royce broke the 100-year record, why did luxury cars sell better?

Second, the epidemic is triggering a change in the entire concept of consumption. Previously, in 2016, we discussed the impact of the earthquake on the change of consumption tendency in Chengdu, which is still a regional consumption impact in a short period of time, and the disaster of the epidemic sweeping the world is actually more far-reaching on consumption, and the change of consumption tendency is very clear. Before the epidemic, many people's attitude towards consumption has maintained a more cautious attitude, but after the epidemic came, due to its rapid spread, most people's consumption concepts have begun to change, and this change is very obvious in luxury consumption, which is that compared with before the epidemic, everyone's consumption mentality after the epidemic is often more inclined to the mentality of timely entertainment. As the head of Rolls-Royce put it, "Last year's high sales were mainly due to the pandemic making people realize that they should have fun in time, which is the reason for the growth in luxury sales." Coincidentally, seeing this is not only the luxury car giants, but also the world's major luxury companies, according to Bloomberg news, since the end of 2019, Chanel has increased the global price of some of its classic handbags by nearly two-thirds, two years of price increases have almost become the world's luxury giants of the common operating ideas, and luxury giants even grasped the psychology of consumers, which is the more I increase the price of consumers, the more rushed to buy, this aspect is because consumers are willing to have fun in time, On the other hand, the expectation of rising prices continues to push consumers to rush to buy luxury goods.

Lamborghini sales hit a new high, Rolls-Royce broke the 100-year record, why did luxury cars sell better?

Third, how should we think that luxury cars are better sold? For the current increasingly prosperous luxury car market, we still need a sober and calm cognition, which is for the entire market, the surge in sales of luxury cars is the impact of changes in consumption tendencies in a short period of time, but with more and more luxury cars began to promote the development trend of electrification, in this case, in fact, the market advantage of luxury cars is likely to become a market disadvantage, in the case of extremely low retention rate of electric vehicles, how many people can be accepted by electrified luxury cars will be an unknown. On the other hand, we must also understand that for most ordinary people, these millions of luxury cars are actually very limited in their relationship with us, and we still need cheaper and more leather and more easy-to-use scooters, so look at luxury cars to make money, we ordinary people still have to learn to save life.

Lamborghini sales hit a new high, Rolls-Royce broke the 100-year record, why did luxury cars sell better?

Therefore, seeing the new high of the luxury car market, we still need a more objective and rational perspective to analyze and judge.

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