
Attention owners! Tonight at 24:00 will usher in the first rise in oil prices is expected to cost 14 yuan more

【Smart Car Pie News】Although the sales trend of new energy vehicles is now hot, fuel vehicles are still the mainstream in the automobile market. Therefore, the rise and fall of automobile oil prices has become the focus of attention of many car owners. Attention! At 24:00 on January 17, domestic oil prices will usher in a new adjustment.

Attention owners! Tonight at 24:00 will usher in the first rise in oil prices is expected to cost 14 yuan more

At 24:00 today, domestic oil prices will usher in the first rise in 2022. It is understood that the increase in oil prices this time is about 330 yuan / ton, and it is expected that the current round of retail prices will continue to rise, equivalent to about 0.25-0.28 yuan per liter. According to the calculation of 50 liters of fuel tank, filling a tank of oil will cost about 14 yuan more than before. Car owners who want to refuel in the near future can quickly go to the gas station to refuel their cars.

After this price increase, the domestic refined oil price will fully enter the 7 yuan era, and the price of No. 95 gasoline will enter the 8 yuan era, which can be said to be very expensive. It is reported that at 24:00 on the 29th of this month, there will be a new round of adjustment in domestic gasoline prices. At that time, when the Spring Festival is coming, it is another round of oil peak, and everyone can fill the fuel tank of their car as soon as possible.

Tonight at 24:00 the news that the price of gasoline will be raised has also caused discussion among netizens, and some netizens said that they must change to an electric car this year, and the oil price is really too expensive.

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