
She is the wife of Chen Yun, married to her husband at the age of 19, raised 5 children, and the eldest son was an official to the rank of vice state


Since ancient times, equality between men and women has been the most concerned issue in society, and the social status of women in the predominance of patriarchal society is worrying. Over time, many countries and nationalities have neglected equality between men and women, making women's status once fall to the bottom. In the Chinese nation, there is no shortage of admirable and self-improvement heroines in history, such as the empress Wu Zetian as we know it, the hero Hua Mulan, etc. This series of deeds is enough to prove that women also have outstanding features in many aspects.

Until the revolutionary period, there were also many female fighters in the revolutionary ranks, and in the most dangerous moments, they could even endure the harsh environment on the road of the Long March, and they could also keep secrets when they were tortured by the enemy. The revolutionary women we want to introduce today are also very good, they joined the revolution at a young age, and later married Chen Yun, the backbone of the revolution.

She is the wife of Chen Yun, married to her husband at the age of 19, raised 5 children, and the eldest son was an official to the rank of vice state


Yu Ruomu was born in 1919 in Jinan, Shandong Province, and the day after her birth happened to be the "May Fourth Movement", and she grew up under the baptism of advanced ideas. Yu Wakaki's parents were well-known local intellectuals, and his father, Yu Mingxin, was admitted to the most prestigious university in Shandong when he was young, and later studied at Waseda University in Japan, and was one of the few advanced intellectuals at that time.

After returning from school, Yu Mingxin devoted himself to the cause of education in China, trying to change the concept of a new generation of young students in his own way, so he was also known as one of the "four great educators" in Shandong. The father is so good, then the descendants of the Yu family who are his children are naturally not far behind.

She is the wife of Chen Yun, married to her husband at the age of 19, raised 5 children, and the eldest son was an official to the rank of vice state

Yu Ruomu's brothers and sisters were successively admitted to well-known universities in China, and under the sponsorship of their father, they studied abroad and learned advanced ideas that could not be learned in China. Under the influence of such a strong learning atmosphere, Yu Ruomu is not willing to be inferior, desperately absorbing all knowledge, relying on his own talent and hard work to occupy the forefront of the school for many years, and is the most well-behaved and sensible student in the eyes of teachers and students. However, due to various reasons, Yu Ruomu came to Beiping with her family, and her outstanding results enabled her to successfully pass the Beiping Municipal Girls' First High School and be exposed to a relatively high-quality educational environment and resources.


In 1935, the "129" movement affected people from all walks of life, among which the most vocal group was the student group, who put down their textbooks and participated in this huge movement, even Yu Ruomu, who had always been well-behaved and sensible, refused the arrangement of his family and threw himself into the revolutionary cause.

She is the wife of Chen Yun, married to her husband at the age of 19, raised 5 children, and the eldest son was an official to the rank of vice state

The 16-year-old Yu Ruomu was thin and weak in the bustling crowd, but the revolutionary fire in her heart was burning more and more vigorously, and the blood in her whole body seemed to boil with the deafening scream. After the "129" movement, Yu Ruomu joined the organization at the recommendation of his second brother, relying on his status as a student to cover the intelligence work of underground party members.

The following year, the 17-year-old Yu Ruomu was deeply appreciated by her superiors and approved her request to join the Chinese Communist Party, further stimulating Yu Ruomu's confidence in the revolution.

In 1938, Yu Ruomu was transferred to the Central Organization Department in Yan'an, and her first task was to go to The Northern Shaanxi Public School to learn revolutionary knowledge. At this time, the leader of the Party Central Committee, Chen Yun, was sent back to Yan'an for recuperation due to illness, and the party urgently needed a suitable person to take care of Chen Yun's daily life and take on the relevant work of the secretary. The clever Yu Ruomu participated in the selection and eventually stood out among the candidates, allowing her to gain further access to the revolutionary leader who would later influence her life.

She is the wife of Chen Yun, married to her husband at the age of 19, raised 5 children, and the eldest son was an official to the rank of vice state


Under The careful care of Yu Ruomu, Chen Yun's injuries quickly healed, and he also developed a good feeling for this young and beautiful female student. On weekdays, Chen Yun, who has always been frugal and frugal, would buy some novelties to give to Yu Ruomu, although these things were very common for Yu Ruomu, who was born into a famous family, she still gradually fell in love with Chen Yun, who was delicate in thought. In the end, the two crossed the emotional barrier and successfully married, yu Ruomu was 19 years old at the time, and Chen Yun was 33 years old!

Although the wedding was very frugal, and Yu Wakagi's family could not be present in person due to the war, such a life was enough to make Yu Wakagi feel happy and happy.

Due to work reasons, the two were forced to separate shortly after having children, and Yu Wakaki pulled the children to grow up alone. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Yu Ruomu was transferred to the National Science Planning Commission, and in his later years, he was also appointed honorary director and honorary chairman of the Chinese Nutrition Society, and had a lot of research in nutrition.

She is the wife of Chen Yun, married to her husband at the age of 19, raised 5 children, and the eldest son was an official to the rank of vice state


After work, Yu Ruomu did not leave behind the education of his children, and the two sons and three daughters made outstanding achievements in their respective posts. The eldest son, Chen Yuan, was a senior student at Tsinghua University and later became a vice-state leader, and the younger son, Chen Fang, devoted himself to the financial field and served as the chairman of the company. The eldest daughter, Chen Weili, served as the general manager of the China International Technical Intelligence Cooperation Corporation, the second daughter, Chen Weihua, worked in the Ministry of State Personnel in the early days, and then became a people's teacher under her father's arrangement, and the third daughter, Chen Weilan, became the vice president of the National School of Administration by her own efforts.

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