
Unseal the human body and you will have a magical life!

Unseal the human body and you will have a magical life!

Often seen in some martial arts or xianxia novels such a plot, many characters because of the body was artificially added "seal", resulting in no matter how hard they work, the ability is always not normal play, in the coincidental opportunity, once the "seal" is lifted, the character's ability has suddenly undergone a qualitative change, becoming an invincible master in the world.

So, is there a "seal" in ordinary people?


If the "seal" is a shackle that restricts our ability to play, then there is indeed a "seal" in our ordinary people, and there is often more than one.

In this article, we will explain in detail the most important "seal" that exists in ordinary people, so that everyone can learn to slowly break it and maximize their potential.

After patiently reading this article, you will understand why there are "seals" in us and you do not know how these "seals" limit our ability to play, how to break through the "seals" and other knowledge.


First, let's look back on your happy times and think about it, what are you happy for?

It may be because of the harvest of wealth, love, power, attention, respect, recognition, praise...

What about your sad times?

Similarly, it could be the loss of wealth, love, power, attention, respect, recognition, praise...

Did you find it? You think you're an independent individual, but you've never been independent.

I don't know when we are deprived of our autonomy from the outside world, and we and external objects (the external objects mentioned here include people, things, or things from the outside. Tightly glued together, we become vassals of foreign objects, without even gaining a moment of independence.

Unseal the human body and you will have a magical life!

This is an important "seal" on us, our soul is deeply sealed on the external object, and the change of the external object determines our change. Harvest love, we are happy, lose love, we are sad; harvest wealth, we are happy, lose wealth, we are sad; harvest power, we are happy, lose power, we are sad...


It is precisely because of the existence of this "seal" that we are materialized again and again and become slaves to external objects.

The quality of the development of external objects determines our good or bad, and unconsciously, we involuntarily draw an equal sign between external objects and ourselves.

Because a good love makes us happy, we will naturally think that our life is equal to a beautiful love;

A considerable wealth makes us excited, so we will naturally think that our life is equal to a considerable wealth;

A smooth career makes us proud of the spring breeze, so we will naturally think that our life is equal to a smooth career...

However, external objects are always unreliable, and there are always ups and downs, so we will follow in the footsteps of external objects with moodiness and gain and loss.


Worse, we don't know what we've become slaves to.

When fluctuating emotions such as irritability and moodiness appear, we are at a loss and look for medical advice everywhere.

Experts tell you that you should learn to relax your mind, learn to divert your attention, and learn to look down on all gains and losses. You did it according to the expert method, and found that there was some effect at that time, and after a while, everything was as usual, and the storm of emotions would continue to hit.

The reason why these methods cure the symptoms and not the root causes is that the crux of the problem has not been found, and the "seal" on your body is still as solid as a rock, and it does not move. You can avoid it for a short time, but as long as you don't break through it, you will never get out of the emotional quagmire.

Unseal the human body and you will have a magical life!


The essence of this "seal" is to rudely bind us to external objects, and the key to breaking through the "seal" is to actively untie us from external objects.

When we get the approval of others, we are overjoyed; when we lose the approval of others, we are discouraged. The outer object is like a cylinder, tied to us deadly at both ends with iron chains. Smooth external objects = flowers bloom, foreign objects are not smooth = hanging heads.

At this time, it is necessary to untie it from both ends.

When the spring breeze is triumphant, tell yourself that smooth foreign objects drive your happy mood, but by no means smooth foreign objects equal happy moods; when the mountains and rivers are exhausted, tell yourself that just as your happiness is not because of foreign objects, the ups and downs can not let yourself be lost.

In other words, to truly be free from external objects, it is necessary to learn to give yourself freedom. Being happy when we are happy does not mean that we are sad when we are frustrated, and we can have many choices when we are frustrated. In fact, we can choose to be happy and frustrated.

It sounds inexplicable, happy when you are happy, easy to understand, but happy when you are frustrated is a bit puzzling.

This is the embodiment of the terrifying power of the "seal", and its inertia makes us afraid, dare not think, and dare not do it.

Let go of your sense of fear, who says you can't be happy when you're frustrated? If you have the courage and perseverance, you will also find that it is not too difficult to be happy when frustrated.


The "seal" is frightening because of its inertia, so in order to completely break through the "seal", it is necessary to overcome the original inertia through efforts.

Constantly telling myself that the gain or loss of external objects does not determine our emotions, I have more independent choices, I am free. After a period of time, the original inertia will be replaced by the new inertia.

When new inertia is established, that is when you break through the "seal." At this time, you will find that your world is completely new, everything is full of hope, and your emotions have never been so stable.

What's even more amazing is that according to the famous "Law of Attraction", in such a state of mind, you are not distracted by anything you do, every minute and every second makes you enjoy it extraordinarily, and the potential is fully realized, and those things that once controlled your body will be involuntarily enslaved by you.

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