
Do you know the funny things about those cars? It turns out that the tires discarded every year can pile up a mountain

Every man has his favorite car, but when we buy a car, have you ever thought about those interesting things about cars?

Do you know the funny things about those cars? It turns out that the tires discarded every year can pile up a mountain

1, the world's first motor vehicle

The world's first automobile with an engine was invented in 1885 by a German mechanic, Karl Benz, who founded the company in October 1883 to produce and sell engines, and finally the engine factory. The world's first motor vehicle was eventually invented two years later. This car already has most of the characteristics of modern cars, such as spark ignition, water-cooled circulating steel tube frame, leaf spring suspension, rear wheel drive, front wheel steering and handlebar lights, various parts, this car did not have a steering wheel at the beginning of its invention, it needed a special sense of direction when driving, and it was a three-wheeled car.

Do you know the funny things about those cars? It turns out that the tires discarded every year can pile up a mountain

2, the world's largest motorhome

The world's largest motorhome is a caravan produced in 2004, its model is known as the Midnight Rider, this behemoth weighs quite heavily, reaching 23,000 kilograms, driving 21 meters long, can accommodate nearly 45 people, and has a separate bar and three resting rooms.

Do you know the funny things about those cars? It turns out that the tires discarded every year can pile up a mountain

3, the shortest car in the world

In addition to the world's largest motorhome, there is also one of the shortest cars in the world, and the name of this car is called mirai, which means future in Japanese, which means that this car has extraordinary functions. The car can only carry one person, and its height is only 46 centimeters.

Do you know the funny things about those cars? It turns out that the tires discarded every year can pile up a mountain

4. Tire mountain as high as a mountain

In our daily life, tires do not need to be replaced frequently, just need to keep the tire pressure normal on time, and even have one. Cars will not replace several tires in their lifetime, so people often think that the tires of the car will not produce too much waste, but the fact is that the number of car tires that are discarded every year is more than 2.5, and many cities have tire mountains.

Do you know the funny things about those cars? It turns out that the tires discarded every year can pile up a mountain

5, the world's most popular car

Normal people think of the world's most popular car, it must be all kinds of handsome sports cars, but the actual popular car is the Fox Golden Turtle car, which has been sold more than 20 million units worldwide, and he is also known as the most popular car of the 20th century. In fact, the Fox Golden Turtle car is also called the Beetle, and it is also the prototype car of the Hornet in the movie Transformers.

Do you know the funny things about those cars? It turns out that the tires discarded every year can pile up a mountain

6, the cheapest car in the world

The cheapest car in the world that everyone doesn't know about is the TATA nano. It's a regen candy-like car that's rear-wheel-drive and can reach speeds of up to 105 kilometers per hour, and it's only priced at about $2,000.

Do you know the funny things about those cars? It turns out that the tires discarded every year can pile up a mountain

7. Not liked wipers

Now what people don't know is that the car's wiper was almost extinct, when the car's wiper was just invented, most drivers think that this is a kind of eye interference to driving, is very dislike this kind of wiper, until the end of the 20th century, the wiper was not accepted by people, at that time people also fell into the law of true incense, only to know that the wiper is an invention that can change the world.

Ladies and gentlemen, what other interesting things do you know about cars? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss, the picture comes from the network, please contact to delete the infringement.

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