
Liver is not good, pay attention to these 5 aspects, after sticking, liver function or getting better and better!

With the continuous improvement of living standards, the increase in social pressure leads to people's lives and diets becoming very irregular, and also greatly increases the probability of liver disease.

The data shows that 700,000 new liver cancer patients are added to China every year, and among all cancers, liver cancer has the second highest mortality rate.

Therefore, the liver is very important to the human body, which often stay up late, smoke, drink people, will bring burden to the liver, as well as long-term consumption of food harmful to the liver, but also easy to produce toxin accumulation, resulting in liver poisoning.

Therefore, there are many people with bad liver in daily life, for this kind of population, you need to do 5 things frequently to make the liver get better day by day.

Liver is not good, pay attention to these 5 aspects, after sticking, liver function or getting better and better!

First, drink a cup of boiled water on an empty stomach in the morning

Most people will be thirsty after waking up in the morning, after all, after sleeping all night, water will be discharged with urine and sweat, and drinking water on an empty stomach in the morning can not only compensate for the water required by the body, but also dilute the blood viscosity, which has the effect of discharging liver and kidney toxins, promoting gastrointestinal activity, and preventing constipation.

Secondly, at 10:00 a.m., you can drink a cup of herbal tea that clears the liver and relieves depression, which has the effect of refreshing, detoxifying and anti-fatigue, such as rose tea and goji berry tea are good choices, they can play a role in depressing the liver and regulating liver qi, helping the liver detoxify.

Liver is not good, pay attention to these 5 aspects, after sticking, liver function or getting better and better!

Second, don't take medicine indiscriminately

When people eat cereals, they will inevitably get sick, and when they have diseases, they must go to the hospital to diagnose and treat them, and taking medicine is the most common and effective way to treat diseases.

However, we should also pay attention to the fact that although drugs can cure diseases, they will also cause harm to the human liver, because most drugs will be metabolized in the liver, including some health care products, and sometimes irrational use of drugs, but will affect liver function.

Liver is not good, pay attention to these 5 aspects, after sticking, liver function or getting better and better!

Third, adhere to psychological stability

According to a survey by the World Health Organization, more than 90% of diseases are related to psychological status.

Therefore, in addition to regular physical examinations, people with poor liver should also pay attention to psychological states in the process of liver care, after all, Chinese medicine also believes that anger injuries to the liver will always cause various effects on the liver for a long time.

So don't let your mental state affect your physical health.

Liver is not good, pay attention to these 5 aspects, after sticking, liver function or getting better and better!

Fourth, adhere to normal weight

Adhering to a normal weight is one of the basic tasks to prevent the occurrence of liver disease, because weight gain will increase the burden on the liver and increase the risk of developing fatty liver disease, so ensuring a normal weight is conducive to nourishing and maintaining liver health.

Then obese people need to develop a scientific and reasonable weight loss plan, although the weight loss process will be difficult, but for the sake of liver health, it is necessary to stick to it, no matter how difficult.

Liver is not good, pay attention to these 5 aspects, after sticking, liver function or getting better and better!

Fifth, eat reasonably

Scientific diet is also an indispensable aspect of liver health care, eating healthy food helps to reduce the burden on the liver, such as eating more carrots, which contains a lot of vitamin A, which helps inhibit the proliferation and expansion of liver cancer cells, and has a good nursing effect on liver function.

At the same time, for people with poor liver, you can eat some egg conditioning, eggs are rich in high-quality protein, can promote liver health, avoid liver function hazards.

As the saying goes, eating goji berries can supplement the kidneys, not only that, eating goji berries can also make the eyes bright, which has a good effect on avoiding eye fatigue, and at the same time, it can also maintain liver health and adhere to the normal function of the liver.

Liver is not good, pay attention to these 5 aspects, after sticking, liver function or getting better and better!

According to the above introduction, people with poor liver should have an understanding of the above 5 aspects.

We need to know that since many liver diseases are hidden when they occur, daily physical examinations are of great significance for the detection of liver diseases to avoid late detection and greater harm to the body.

In addition, people with poor liver also need to pay attention to reasonable daily living habits, try not to stay up late, ensure adequate sleep quality, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, ensure that the psychological state is stable, and for a long time, liver function will become better and better.

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