
Xu Maogong, a pure minister, lived a life of wisdom to protect himself, but called bansun Wujie, and personally sentenced him to death 4 years later

The founding hero of the Tang Dynasty, Li Ji (jì), is known as the most understanding person in history. He was a general of the Tang Dynasty, but was favored by three generations of monarchs. He died at the age of seventy-six, and was given the title of Lieutenant and Governor of Yangzhou, and was allowed to accompany him to the tomb of Zhaoling. Compared with other ministers during the Tang Dynasty, Li Ji was the only elder who died, which had a lot to do with his mingzhe's way of life. However, such an understanding person who deliberately avoided the political whirlpool did something out of the ordinary when Emperor Gaozong Lizhi "abolished Wang Liwu". After this incident, Li Ji's fate also changed completely.

Xu Maogong, a pure minister, lived a life of wisdom to protect himself, but called bansun Wujie, and personally sentenced him to death 4 years later

Li Ji stills

Li Ji's original name was Xu Shijian,and he was originally a subordinate of Zhai Rang of the Wagang Army. Later, Zhai Rang was assassinated by Li Mi, and Li Ji followed Li Mi again. After Li Mi's defeat, Li Ji surrendered to Li Yuan, the Emperor gaozu of Tang. Li Ji, who had been a general twice, was reused by Li Yuan. After Li Mi surrendered to Tang, his land was in Li Ji's hands, but he did not ask Li Yuan for merit. Li Ji said: "All the lands are owned by the Wei Dynasty; if I offer them above, it is the defeat of the lord, and I am ashamed to invite the rich and noble for my own merits." Li Yuan greatly appreciated Li Ji's approach, praising him for "not betraying morality, not asking for merit, and being a true and pure subject", and at the same time giving him the surname "Li".

Xu Maogong, a pure minister, lived a life of wisdom to protect himself, but called bansun Wujie, and personally sentenced him to death 4 years later

Li Mi stills

Li Ji does not like to participate in partisanship. Before Li Shimin launched the Xuanwumen coup, he had intended to woo Li Ji, but Li Ji always maintained a neutral attitude and did not help each other. It can be seen that Li Ji has a very personality and understands the middle way. Such a person is not afraid of power, nor is he easily deceived, so Li Shimin was assured to hand over Li Ji to his "weak" son, Li Zhi of Tang Gaozong. However, the weak Li Zhi was not as incompetent as Li Shimin thought, and after Li Zhi ascended the throne, he actually disregarded the opposition of his subjects and wanted to marry his own mother-in-law, Li Shimin's martial talent. After marrying, he was not satisfied, and he also wanted to establish the Wu clan as the queen.

Xu Maogong, a pure minister, lived a life of wisdom to protect himself, but called bansun Wujie, and personally sentenced him to death 4 years later

Stills of Wu Meiniang

In the sixth year of Yonghui (655), Li Zhi summoned four prime ministers, Changsun Wuji, Zhu Suiliang, Yu Zhining, and Li Ji, with the intention of secretly discussing the matter of "deposing Wang Liwu". However, Li Ji took sick leave. As a result, it can be imagined that the eldest grandson took the lead in opposing it, and Yu Zhining did not dare to say more. Li Ji had anticipated that this was a duel with the current emperor, how could he possibly participate. So doesn't Li Ji want to muddy the waters? According to common sense, Li Ji probably adopted the usual "neutral" attitude, not taking sides, and protecting himself. But not long after, Li Ji saw Li Zhi alone and said to Li Zhi, "This is Your Majesty's family affair, why ask outsiders?" A word awakened the dreamer, Li Zhi instantly woke up: Yes, my family affairs, I asked a group of ministers what to do? Li Ji's attitude gave Li Zhi the greatest motivation, knowing that at that time, the ministers of the DPRK and China were almost one-sided and resolutely opposed, and no one dared to support Li Zhi.

Xu Maogong, a pure minister, lived a life of wisdom to protect himself, but called bansun Wujie, and personally sentenced him to death 4 years later

The emperor who is high above

Why did Li Ji vote for Wu Meiniang at a critical moment? This incident dates back to the twenty-third year of Zhenguan (643). In this year, Tang Taizong Li Shimin died. Before his death, the old father, who had been in politics for a long time, arranged a thrilling chess game for Li Zhi. At that time, Li Ji was appointed as the governor of Diezhou (die), but before his death, Li Shimin transferred him to the governor of Diezhou (die in present-day Diebu County, Gansu) as the chancellor of "Tongzhongshu Menxia Sanpin", and suddenly demoted from Chang'an to thousands of miles away. After receiving the transfer order, Li Ji did not say a word, and before he could return home, he went on the road to take up his post. However, a month later, Li Ji received another transfer order to return to Beijing and appoint him to the same third division as a consort of Yipin Kaifu Yi, and the official was reinstated.

Xu Maogong, a pure minister, lived a life of wisdom to protect himself, but called bansun Wujie, and personally sentenced him to death 4 years later

Lonely old minister

What is the intention of this wave of operations? The reason is that Li Shimin does not trust Li Ji. Li Ji was not Li Shimin's confidant, and the fact that he was outside the Xuanwumen Incident was the best proof. Li Shimin once said to Li Zhi: "Although Li Ji has intelligence, you are not virtuous enough. After death, I am afraid that he may not be loyal to you. If he goes to his post immediately, you will promote him, and if you wait and hesitate, you will kill him! "The heart of the emperor can be seen. If Li Ji hadn't been well versed in Li Shimin's character and didn't hesitate to take up his post, I'm afraid that everyone's head would have landed on the ground! Li Shimin degraded Li Ji, and within a few days, Li Zhi ascended the throne and promoted Li Ji again. The father and son duo played an old hero together, and almost let him die.

Xu Maogong, a pure minister, lived a life of wisdom to protect himself, but called bansun Wujie, and personally sentenced him to death 4 years later

Li Shimin stills

Li Ji once followed Li Shimin to make great contributions, which was the founding merit of the Tang Dynasty. He defeated Wang Shichong and Dou Jiande internally, and pacified the Turks, Xue Yantuo, and Goguryeo externally, and never participated in partisanship. After seeing the tricks of Li Tang's father and son, Li Ji was even more reluctant to participate in right and wrong, and staying away from right and wrong was the way to preserve. But Li Ji later openly supported Li Zhi, what was going on?

At that time, the internal politics of the Tang Dynasty seemed very harmonious and stable on the surface, but in fact, the prime minister was in power, and the emperor was incompetent. The forces represented by the eldest son Wuji could even influence Li Zhi's intentions, and Li Ji was not comfortable in it. His identity, which never took sides, was a bit embarrassing, and he couldn't speak. Faced with this situation, when Li Zhi had just ascended the throne, Li Ji repeatedly asked for his resignation. This is Li Ji's concession to the eldest son Wujie, and it also implies that the power of the eldest grandson Wujie has become like the sun in the sky. Although Li Zhi did not want to, he also had to allow Li Ji to resign.

Xu Maogong, a pure minister, lived a life of wisdom to protect himself, but called bansun Wujie, and personally sentenced him to death 4 years later

Elder Minister

It was not until Li Zhi wanted to establish Wu Zhaoyi as the successor, and the political situation underwent subtle changes. Li Zhi dared to openly shout at the eldest grandson. Li Ji saw that Li Zhi's attitude was resolute, and this was a good opportunity to overthrow the eldest grandson. So Li Ji stood in Li Zhi's line. Some people may ask Li Ji not to like to form parties? This is really inconsistent with his style. In fact, Li Ji's greatest wish was to be alone, but at that time, the eldest son Wuji was in power, and he was a pawn left by Li Shimin to balance the power, could he possibly get rid of the claws of the eldest son? Since you are not spared, the best way is to see the opportunity to fight back, and you must kill in one shot.

Xu Maogong, a pure minister, lived a life of wisdom to protect himself, but called bansun Wujie, and personally sentenced him to death 4 years later

A fatal blow

With the support of Li Ji, Li Zhi resolutely cleared the way, and in the sixth year of Yonghui (655), Wu Meiniang was made empress of the Tang Dynasty. Li Ji rose step by step, while the eldest son Wuji, Zhu Suiliang, and others were eventually framed and exiled. Li Ji even participated in the trial of the eldest son Wujie's conspiracy case. In the fourth year of Xianqing (659), Li Ji and Wu Zetian's confidant Xu Jingzong reviewed the case of Changsun Wujie's conspiracy, and in the face of his former political partners, Li Ji not only did not evade his identity, but became a judge. After the trial, the eldest son Wuji was forced to hang himself in Qianzhou.

The elders of the Tang Dynasty were looted, and only Li Ji was recognized by the empress, although the loyal Li Ji was able to enjoy his old age in exchange for winning the favor of Emperor Gaozong and Wu Zetian. But Li Ji never felt indebted to Datang. How did Li Shimin treat Li Ji in the first place? You are not merciful to me and I am not righteous. Even though Li Ji was a pure vassal, he also had to save his own life first, which was cruel imperial politics.

References: Zizhi Tongjian, Old Book of Tang

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