
Why did Guo Jia, Pang Tong, and Zhou Yu all die young? It turned out that they had all done this thing too badly

Why did Guo Jia, Pang Tong, and Zhou Yu all die young? It turned out that they had all done this thing too badly

Like us ordinary people are very envious of those who have a super high IQ, when they go to school, there are a few classmates who desert in class and play games after school, but every exam is at the top, and they really have to be convinced.

From ancient times to the present, there are many talented people who have made certain contributions to their professions, and some people are greatly regretted because they died early.

The Three Kingdoms era of our country was a period of great heroism, especially the struggle between the strategists of all sides was addictive, among them

Guo Jia, Pang Tong, and Zhou Yu belonged to the three camps of Wei, Shu, and Wu.

It was one of the best general divisions in their respective camps, but unfortunately, all of them died young, so what was the reason? Just because they all violated the "Heavenly Dao" and did the "Heavenly Dao" thing too extremely, what is going on? Let's take a look at it.

Why did Guo Jia, Pang Tong, and Zhou Yu all die young? It turned out that they had all done this thing too badly

Some people feel that the first strategist of the Three Kingdoms is not Zhuge Liang or Sima Yi, but should be Guo Jia. When Cao Cao Chibi failed, he said that if Guo Jia was there, he would not have obtained this field, which shows his position in Cao Cao's mind.

You think that after death, you can make Cao Cao remember it, then you must be more dependent on it before you die. Favored by the lord is bound to be jealous, there are some people suing him, although Cao Cao does not care, but invisibly gave Guo Jia pressure, he is exhaustive,

But the brain was overexpended and eventually exhausted.

Why did Guo Jia, Pang Tong, and Zhou Yu all die young? It turned out that they had all done this thing too badly

Pang Tong was Liu Bei's deputy military division, and after he offered liu Bei to take Fucheng, the Shu army held a banquet in Fucheng to celebrate, and after a few glasses of wine, Liu Bei was full of vigor and danced with his hands, and he was already overwhelmed.

At this time, Pang Tong unceremoniously accused Liu Bei of seizing other people's places, doing immoral things here and still rejoicing, not concealing it, and did not feel very shameless? Liu Bei was quite embarrassed to be blamed, although he was a false benevolence and false righteousness, but you Pang Tong can't be so blunt! But Liu Bei was speechless and could only suppress his anger.

Later, Pang Tong was killed by a random arrow at Luofengpo,

It was because the plan he had offered was too sinister

He trapped Liu Bei in ruthlessness and injustice, and he himself was arrogant and arrogant, and he acted excessively.

Why did Guo Jia, Pang Tong, and Zhou Yu all die young? It turned out that they had all done this thing too badly

Zhou Yu's original status in Eastern Wu was very high, Sun Ce was already very powerful when he was there, and after winning the Chibi War, his reputation and status reached a new height, and his merits were high, which aroused Sun Quan's suspicions, but he could not stop him, first, Eastern Wu could not do without Zhou Yu, and second, Zhou Yu still had military power in his hands, and it was not easy to cause him to be in a hurry to commit trouble, Sun Quan had no other way, and he could only find some small trouble to play a role to vent his displeasure.

Later, Zhou Yu died precisely because he was breathing everywhere and his heart couldn't stand it.

These three top strategists all died in their prime, although Guo Jia was overused, Pang Tong was rude, and Zhou Yu was overly threatening, but their deaths were all because of one thing.

That is a violation of the Way of Heaven

。 What do you think?

Reference: Romance of the Three Kingdoms

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