
December car manufacturer sales ranking: 100,000 vehicles is a hurdle, BYD and Tesla are the hottest!

Beijing time on January 13 at 17:00, the Association of Automobiles announced a series of automotive list, the first of which is the manufacturer's retail sales list, this list is still only announced in the top 15, this article to share this December manufacturer retail sales list, see what is the "mystery" behind the simple data:

December car manufacturer sales ranking: 100,000 vehicles is a hurdle, BYD and Tesla are the hottest!

In this issue of the list of 100,000 vehicles is a hurdle, the monthly sales of 100,000 models have 9; the highest sales of manufacturers is FAW-Volkswagen's 156,100 vehicles, although it fell -34.9% year-on-year in December, but still steadily won the monthly championship, 141,600 Geely cars and 140,500 SAIC Volkswagen, respectively, the second and third places in the list, are maintaining a year-on-year decline!

December car manufacturer sales ranking: 100,000 vehicles is a hurdle, BYD and Tesla are the hottest!

Great Wall Motor, which slightly increased by 2.5% year-on-year, ranked fourth with a performance of 125,400 units, while Dongfeng Nissan, which decreased by -20.9% year-on-year, ranked fifth on the list, with sales of 114,000 units! The sixth place on the list is SAIC-GM-Wuling, which also has more than 110,000 vehicles, with sales of 110,500 units!

December car manufacturer sales ranking: 100,000 vehicles is a hurdle, BYD and Tesla are the hottest!

The seventh to ninth places on the list are: FAW Toyota with 106,100 units, SAIC-GM with 103,000 units, and GAC Toyota with 100,000 units; the fastest year-on-year growth is GAC Toyota's 34.4%!

December car manufacturer sales ranking: 100,000 vehicles is a hurdle, BYD and Tesla are the hottest!

The remaining models in the list do not exceed 100,000 vehicles, but there are two models that are "the hottest", that is, Tesla, which has increased by 196.6% year-on-year and BYD Automobile, which has increased by 77.8%; when many manufacturers are year-on-year, Tesla and BYD have benefited from the rapid progress in the field of new energy, and it is reasonable to maintain high-speed growth!

December car manufacturer sales ranking: 100,000 vehicles is a hurdle, BYD and Tesla are the hottest!

In addition, the top 15 on the list include Dongfeng Honda with 87,669 vehicles, Guangqi Honda with 81,466 vehicles, Changan Automobile with 71,558 vehicles, and Chery Automobile with 68,984 vehicles! [The sales data of this article comes from the official media news of the Association on January 13]

December car manufacturer sales ranking: 100,000 vehicles is a hurdle, BYD and Tesla are the hottest!

Screenshot of the official media data of the Association on January 13

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