
Menopause is a big hurdle! Doctors remind: Women should still pay attention to these few things after menopause!

After the age of 12-15 years old, women are affected by the rapid development of secondary sexual characteristics, and women will usher in the first menstrual maturity, which means that your ovaries already have basic functions, and as they age, the ovaries will have the ability to ovulate, and women have reproductive and reproductive functions.

Unlike men, female fertility does not begin with puberty and is accompanied by lifelong, which is mainly related to the ovaries.

Menopause is a big hurdle! Doctors remind: Women should still pay attention to these few things after menopause!

The life span of the ovaries is very limited, when the woman enters the stage of 45-55 years old, it will begin to gradually age, once the number of oocytes in the ovaries is exhausted, the follicles lose their response to gonadotropins, and women will usher in menopause. Menopause means that women have completely lost their fertility and entered the stage of old age.

As far as women in our country are concerned, the vast majority of them are actually completely menopausal before the age of 50. Although women have menopause, there are still many precautions, especially the following points can not be ignored:

Menopause is a big hurdle! Doctors remind: Women should still pay attention to these few things after menopause!

1. Contraception within 1 year

Women's menopause will go through three stages: pre-menstruation, menopause and later period, and after women's menstruation stops, it can only mean that the ovarian function is lower, but it does not necessarily disappear completely immediately.

Some women will still have occasional menstrual cramps within a year after menopause, which indicates that the ovaries may still have the ability to ovulate, but at this time, women have already passed the optimal age of childbearing, whether it is pregnancy or childbirth, there are risks, so it is necessary to do a good job of contraception at this time;

Menopause is a big hurdle! Doctors remind: Women should still pay attention to these few things after menopause!

2. Pay attention to bone health

Usually, when a woman is around 35 years old, her bone mass has actually reached its peak state, after which bone mass will gradually begin to lose. After entering the menopause period, due to the abnormal fluctuation of estrogen and progesterone in the body, the rate of bone loss will accelerate, and middle-aged and elderly women are prone to osteoporosis problems.

Therefore, in daily life, we should pay attention to appropriate calcium supplementation, cooperate with regular physical exercise, and make their bones strong;

Menopause is a big hurdle! Doctors remind: Women should still pay attention to these few things after menopause!

3. Pay attention to gynecological diseases

Many women mistakenly believe that after menopause, they will completely say goodbye to various gynecological diseases. As everyone knows, women after menopause may still be found by gynecological diseases, especially senile vaginitis.

Therefore, postmenopausal women should pay attention to private hygiene and do a good job of cleaning before and after sex. It is best to wear a condom with your partner, which can avoid both unintended pregnancy and cross-infection of pathogens;

Menopause is a big hurdle! Doctors remind: Women should still pay attention to these few things after menopause!

4. Regulate emotions

Affected by hormone fluctuations and fears of accelerated aging, many women will have obvious mental and neurological changes during menopause, such as easy pessimism and irritability, and suspicious personality.

Personality changes will further affect the endocrine system, and eventually form a vicious circle, so women should learn to regulate their emotions, cultivate more hobbies, often socialize and go out, so that the mentality can relax;

Menopause is a big hurdle! Doctors remind: Women should still pay attention to these few things after menopause!

5, skin care can not be less

Although menopause does not lead to aging, menopause is a symptom of aging, and its appearance means that women have entered the aging period. Therefore, in order to delay the arrival of aging, women should do a good job in related skin care work, buy skin care and sunscreen products suitable for themselves, and pay attention to fully removing makeup before going to bed every night.

Finally, I would like to remind you that after entering menopause, physical aging has become a fact, and we should do a good job in regular physical examination, especially to regularly screen some common diseases of the elderly, such as three high diseases, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, etc., so that you can safely enter the old age and meet the new stage of life.

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