
In order to wash away the "shame of Jingkang", how did the Southern Song Dynasty take revenge on the Jin Dynasty? 7 million gold people ended up miserable

"Jing Kang shame, you wei bloody courtiers hate when to extinguish." Yue Fei's remark made it clear that he was determined to crusade against the Jin Dynasty. This sentence is followed by the next sentence -

Zhuangzhi starved of meat, laughed and drank the blood of the Huns,

What kind of tragic story is hidden behind this almost murderous verse?

In order to wash away the "shame of Jingkang", how did the Southern Song Dynasty take revenge on the Jin Dynasty? 7 million gold people ended up miserable

"The winner is the king, the loser is the coward" This is a phrase that has been recognized by both ancient and modern times, and it is also a portrayal of real life. In ancient times, whoever became a winner had the power to "execute" the loser, and no matter how cruel the process of "execution" would be, it would be carried out unconditionally.

Civilization and brutality have always been accompanied by each other, which was perfectly reflected in the Song Dynasty. A super-economic power with countless quintessences and genius poets,

What kind of sparks were generated from the unreasonable Jin Dynasty, Liao Dynasty, and Great Mongolian Parliament? Looking at the Song Dynasty, you can see.

The embarrassing Northern Song Dynasty

The Song Dynasty is a well-known dynasty, in this dynasty there were beyond the civilization of the time "paper exchange" and poetry everyone, whether it is Ouyang Xiu, or Su Shi are the giants in the poetry world, and there are many places in the Chinese poetry world that are dominated by Song Dynasty poets.

In order to wash away the "shame of Jingkang", how did the Southern Song Dynasty take revenge on the Jin Dynasty? 7 million gold people ended up miserable

Such an artistic dynasty, if allowed to develop, may create a dynasty that has been ancient to the present, but reality has thrown this idea into the mud.

The Song Dynasty was a dynasty that established a state with martial arts and ruled the country with culture, but after the founding of the country, there was a phenomenon of "emphasizing literature and suppressing martial arts".

It was this phenomenon that led the Song Dynasty into an increasingly weak situation. As the saying goes, "a hundred useless is a student", such a sentence can be said to be the root cause of the demise of the Song Dynasty, only study literature, but do not pay attention to national defense matters, if there is no foreign enemy, then there is no worry, but the rich dynasty will not have people who covet it.

The enemy of the Northern Song Dynasty was in the north, that is, the Liao State, and the enemy of the Northern Song Dynasty was the Jin Dynasty, which was farther away than the Liao State. Although the Jin Dynasty rose much later than the Liao State, the Jin Dynasty was strong in force, and gradually the Jin Dynasty snatched the real power of its land from the hands of the Liao State.

In order to wash away the "shame of Jingkang", how did the Southern Song Dynasty take revenge on the Jin Dynasty? 7 million gold people ended up miserable

Before the rise of the Jin Dynasty, the Liao Dynasty and the Song Dynasty had been in a confrontational relationship.

For the Song Dynasty, the Liao Dynasty's occupation of Youyun Sixteen Prefectures was a great insult to itself, after all, many of the ruling power of Youyun Sixteen Prefectures was controlled by the Han People, and the sudden attack of the Liao Dynasty made the Song Dynasty extremely dissatisfied.

Since the establishment of the Song Dynasty, Zhao Kuangyin, the grandfather of the Song Dynasty, has been fighting against the Liao Dynasty for the Sixteen Prefectures of Youyun, but has not achieved a relatively good military situation. Again and again, and again, every emperor in the early Song Dynasty fought a war with the Liao Dynasty for several years.

However, in the middle and late period of the Liao Dynasty, there were many political and military errors, which led to the weakening of the Liao Dynasty. As a neighbor of the Liao Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty had always harbored ill intentions towards the neighbor of the Liao Dynasty, and the Song Dynasty knew this very well.

In order to wash away the "shame of Jingkang", how did the Southern Song Dynasty take revenge on the Jin Dynasty? 7 million gold people ended up miserable

Therefore, the Hu Song Dynasty secretly united with the Jin Dynasty to attack the Liao Dynasty.

But what the Song Dynasty never expected was that this move of "driving away the tiger and swallowing the wolf" actually put the Song Dynasty into a more inferior situation.

After the Jin Dynasty destroyed the Liao Dynasty in 1125, it turned around and set its sights on the Song Dynasty in the south, and since then the Song Dynasty has ushered in its own "raised" Jin Dynasty. Compared with the greed of the Liao Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty was even worse, and the Jin Dynasty would not want to swallow it when it saw such fat meat of the Song Dynasty.

Only two years after the destruction of the Liao Dynasty, that is, in 1125, the Jin Dynasty launched the "Jin Campaign to Destroy the Song Dynasty" to the Song Dynasty. At first, the Song Dynasty held the idea of dying in the face of the attack of the Jin Dynasty, and the soldiers strongly resisted, clinging to every inch of the Song Dynasty's land.

In order to wash away the "shame of Jingkang", how did the Southern Song Dynasty take revenge on the Jin Dynasty? 7 million gold people ended up miserable

The war, which should have lasted for a long time, was stopped by the song dynasty's top brass and ended the war by negotiating peace, and the Jin Dynasty also ostensibly agreed to the Song Dynasty's opinion, but as everyone knows, the promises of the Jin Dynasty are lies.

The following year, the Jin Dynasty tore up the Treaty and sent back the horse gun to transfer the large army back to attack the Song Dynasty.

The sudden counterattack caught the Song Dynasty by surprise, and Jin Taizu drove straight to Kaifeng in two ways with the soldiers of Yan Zongwang and Yan Zonghan, and destroyed the city of Kaifeng. At this time, it was the turn of the year, and the time when Song Huizong and Song Qinzong were captured was 1127 of the following year.

However, the real demise of the Song Dynasty should actually be the time when the Jin soldiers broke the city of Kaifeng, since then the Northern Song Dynasty was destroyed, the Northern Song "Two Saints" were captured, and the royal family living in Kaifeng City and the people in the palace were all transferred north to the Jin Dynasty, and the number of people who moved north this time was about three thousand, and this was only the number of people in the royal family.

In order to wash away the "shame of Jingkang", how did the Southern Song Dynasty take revenge on the Jin Dynasty? 7 million gold people ended up miserable

This attack by the Jin Dynasty on the Song Dynasty made the Later Established Southern Song Dynasty ashamed, calling it "Jing Kang Shame". Every Southern Song Dynasty person had a great hatred for that night, hoping that one day he could use force to appease the shame of the past.

The Insults of the Jin Dynasty to the Song Dynasty were far more than that, and after the "Ersheng" were escorted to the Jin Dynasty, the Ersheng were treated several times that did not conform to them.

For example, the emperor's sheep-leading ceremony was extremely insulting, and even after the death of Emperor Huizong of Song, he was thrown into the pile of dead people as biofuel for later generations.

United Mongolia Strike Gold

The inhuman treatment of the Ersheng in the Jin Dynasty made the people of the Southern Song Dynasty sad and painful, so there were many battles against the Jin Dynasty and many famous generals against the Jin Dynasty, but most of these famous generals became victims of the war, and the chips of the Song Dynasty to seek peace, so the famous generals have not been the key to the victory of the Song Dynasty.

In order to wash away the "shame of Jingkang", how did the Southern Song Dynasty take revenge on the Jin Dynasty? 7 million gold people ended up miserable

For reasons of geographical location, there has always been a trend in ancient China, the closer to the north, the more powerful and barbaric the local people, although the degree of civilization is not high, but its personal combat effectiveness is extraordinary.

To sum up, even more distant than the Jin Dynasty is another ethnic group, the Mongols.

Under the leadership of Genghis Khan, the Mongols gradually unified the forces in the northeast and Inner Mongolia, and changed from their original status of paying tribute to the Jin Dynasty to no longer fearing the Jin Dynasty.

In 1206, Temujin, genghis Khan, established the Great Mongol State, and soon afterwards a war against Jin began. At first, the Mongols adopted a policy of attacking the Western Xia first and then taking the gold, but as their power grew, the Mongols far surpassed the Jin Dynasty.

In order to wash away the "shame of Jingkang", how did the Southern Song Dynasty take revenge on the Jin Dynasty? 7 million gold people ended up miserable

The Great Mongols were supposed to take advantage of their great power to conquer the Jin Dynasty, but the Mongols were greatly provoked in the west. Located at the junction of East and Central Asia, there is a country called Khwarazm, which treats Mongolia as a soft persimmon and is free to hold.

Again and again, he accidentally touched Genghis Khan's bottom line, so Genghis Khan turned the attention of the whole country to the side of Hua Lazimo and launched a huge offensive against Hua Lazimo. The final result can be imagined, after all, Mongolia is the hegemon cultivated by the East Asian Monster Association.

In 1227, due to the death of Genghis Khan, most of the Mongol soldiers retreated to their main territories and stopped long-distance foreign conquests. In 1229, Wokoutai officially replaced Temujin's Mongol throne and launched an all-out war against Jin.

In order to wash away the "shame of Jingkang", how did the Southern Song Dynasty take revenge on the Jin Dynasty? 7 million gold people ended up miserable

In the face of the menacing Mongol Empire, the Jin Dynasty had already lost its courage, and the results were as the Mongols imagined. The Mongol soldiers marched south, besieging the city and pulling out the village, which was unstoppable. In 1232, the Jin Emperor could not hold on, so he abandoned Fenjing and moved the capital to Defu.

The Southern Song Dynasty, which was in the south, saw this scene and immediately chose the position of the Mongolian side and launched a strategic offensive against the Jin Dynasty. Such a situation between the two sides is far from being able to bear by the weak Jin Dynasty.

In 1234, the Jin Emperor passed the throne and then committed suicide, and in the same year, the Jin Dynasty collapsed.

The Zongmiao Temple of the Jin Dynasty was burned down, and the imperial harem was wantonly plundered by the Mongol and Southern Song generals. The famous general of the Southern Song Dynasty, the "defensive mobile master" Meng Jue, led his subordinates to bully the family of Jin Aizong in turn, and what is more, he also asked the painter accompanying the army to copy the scene and name it "Taste the Later Map".

It was compiled into a picture album and published nationwide.

In order to wash away the "shame of Jingkang", how did the Southern Song Dynasty take revenge on the Jin Dynasty? 7 million gold people ended up miserable

The Jin people, who were once higher than the Song people, have since become the street rats that everyone shouts and beats, and after the fall of the Jin Kingdom, the imperial family was divided up by the Mongols and the Southern Song Dynasty, and the crying along the way back to Hangzhou was tremendous. The original population of 70 million golden people, sharply reduced to 100,000 people, such a sad result,

And this is the ending that the Song Dynasty expects to see.

brief summary

The Song Dynasty's move to unite with mongolia seemed clever, but it was not, after all, the Song Dynasty died in the Mongol Empire. Why do literati defend their families and defend the country, and they are useless students.

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