
What exactly is the eleventh obstetric check-up during a pregnancy? (1st-4th Maternity Check-up)

What exactly is the eleventh obstetric check-up during a pregnancy?

Today we will talk about the 1st-4th maternity check-up.

12 weeks: first check of weight and blood pressure

Fetal heart rate urine test blood draw uterine size posterior cervical pellucida

16 weeks: Second maternity screening for Down's disease Amniocentesis

20 weeks: The third obstetric examination is overtaken and the first fetal movement

24 weeks: Fourth obstetric screening for gestational diabetes

28 weeks: Fifth hepatitis B antigen syphilis serum test German measles

32 weeks: Sixth maternity check-up lower extremity edema Preeclampsia occurs to prevent preterm birth

34 weeks: Seventh obstetric examination black and white ultrasound to assess fetal weight

Week 36: The eighth inspection prepares for production

Week 37: The ninth check-up pays attention to fetal movements

38 weeks: The 10th fetal examination is put into the pot and ready for delivery

Eleventh check-up at 39 weeks

40 weeks: due date

Week 41: Consider spawning

12 weeks

The first time I have a formal obstetric examination, I receive the "Maternal Health Manual" and I have a basic examination

Every expectant mother officially begins her first maternity check-up at the 12th week of pregnancy. Since it has entered a relatively stable stage at this time, the general hospital will apply for a "maternal health manual" for mothers. In the future, when the doctor does various obstetric examinations for each expectant mother, he will also perform and record them separately according to the examination items recorded in the manual. Inspection items mainly include:

What exactly is the eleventh obstetric check-up during a pregnancy? (1st-4th Maternity Check-up)

1. Measure body weight and blood pressure.

2. Consultation: The doctor usually asks the expectant mother's weight before she became pregnant, which is used as a reference for the future expectant mother's weight gain during pregnancy. The ideal weight gain throughout pregnancy is 10 to 12.5 kg.

3. Listen to your baby's heartbeat: Doctors use doppler fetal heartbeats to listen to your baby's heartbeat.

4. Urine test: mainly to test the mother's diabetes and proteinuria two values, to determine whether the expectant mother herself has diabetes or poor sugar tolerance, insulin secretion metabolic diseases, kidney function is sound (metabolic protein problems), preeclampsia, gestational diabetes and other diseases.

5. Examination of various parts of the body: The doctor will examine the thyroid, breast, and pelvic cavity of the expectant mother. Since the pelvic cavity is examined internally, it is necessary to avoid overstimulation of the uterus.

Therefore, the doctor will let the expectant mother lie flat on the diagnostic table and use her hand to touch whether there is a lump above the mother's abdomen. If a lump is felt, it is necessary to suspect whether it is an ovarian tumor or a uterine fibroid, but most of them are benign tumors.

6. Blood draw: Expectant mothers do blood tests, mainly to test the blood type of expectant mothers, hemoglobin (to check the degree of anemia of expectant mothers), liver function, kidney work and syphilis, hepatitis B, AIDS, etc., so as to prevent the future.

7. Check the size of the uterus: from the 6th week of pregnancy, the uterus begins to gradually become larger; By the 12th week of pregnancy, the uterine floor will be above the pubic joint; By the 20th week of pregnancy, it crosses the pelvic cavity to the navel.

Therefore, from 20 to 35 weeks of pregnancy, the number of centimeters measured by the doctor from the place of the pubic symphysis to the base of the uterus can be roughly equal to the number of fetal weeks. This number of weeks can also be used as the basis for the normal development of the fetus, usually based on ±3 cm to make an inference, that is, less than 3 cm, representing the smaller fetus; Greater than 3 cm, representing a larger fetus.

8. Screening of the "pellucida of the fetal neck": Expectant mothers can do this test at 11 to 14 weeks of pregnancy, which can know at an early stage whether the fetus is a high-risk group for Down's disease.

Mainly to ultrasound to see the thickness of the pellucida of the fetal neck, if the thickness is greater than 2.5 (or 3), the probability of the fetus suffering from Down syndrome will be higher, then the doctor will recommend that the expectant mother do another amniocentesis to see if the chromosomal abnormalities are not.

13 to 16 weeks

Second obstetric examination, Down screening, amniocentesis

Starting from the second obstetric examination, the expectant mother must do basic routine examinations every time, including: weighing, measuring blood pressure, consulting and seeing the baby's fetal heart sounds. Expectant mothers over 16 weeks can draw blood for Down screening (but 16 to 18 weeks is best) and see the blood draw report of the first obstetric examination.

As for the cycle of amniocentesis, in principle, it is carried out at 16 to 20 weeks, mainly to see whether the fetus's chromosomal abnormalities are abnormal. With regard to weight gain, it is ideal to gain no more than 500 grams per week.

Life review of pregnant women at 13 to 16 weeks

Pregnant women usually pay attention to the correct posture, to straighten the back muscles, if the posture is not good, it is easy to cause back pain problems. But don't force yourself too hard, whether it's work or sitting, keep yourself in the most comfortable state.

As fetal weight increases, more rest is the best approach. And the use of abdominal pants or abdominal support at the right time can also alleviate the problem of low back pain and back pain.

Sexual life during pregnancy, special attention must be paid in the early stages of pregnancy. If the pregnant woman has herself a preterm birth tendency, special care is required. In terms of sexual posture, non-irritation, mildness and safety are the first priority.

17 to 20 weeks

Third obstetric examination, detailed ultrasound examination, can see the sex of the fetus, the first fetal movement, and the appearance of pseudo-contractions

What exactly is the eleventh obstetric check-up during a pregnancy? (1st-4th Maternity Check-up)

Expectant mothers do ultrasound examinations at 20 weeks of pregnancy, mainly to see if there are major problems in the appearance and development of the fetus. The doctor will carefully measure the fetal head circumference, abdominal circumference, look at the length of the thigh bone and check the spine for congenital abnormalities. At 16 weeks, the sex of the fetus can already be seen by expectant mothers, but at 20 weeks, the accuracy rate is higher.

As for the first fetal movement that most expectant mothers expect, the first fetus appears at about 18 to 20 weeks; The second fetus will be felt at 16 to 18 weeks. In addition, expectant mothers will have pseudo-contractions after 20 weeks, most of which will be relieved within 30 minutes, but as the number of weeks of pregnancy increases, the frequency of occurrence will increase.

Life examination of pregnant women at 17 to 20 weeks

Pregnant women's diet is mainly balanced, and the weight gain during pregnancy is avoided to increase too much or insufficient, and the doctor will give appropriate advice according to the situation during the obstetric examination. At this stage, the bad luck will generally disappear, the appetite will become better, and it is also the time when the capacity becomes fat, so it is necessary to be moderate in the diet.

Most pregnant women are prone to foot cramps, so calcium and iron supplements during pregnancy must be sufficient. However, before supplementing, discuss with an obstetrician and gynecologist to grasp the most appropriate timing.

Pregnant women with tooth decay and other oral diseases must inform the dentist of the fact of pregnancy in advance. You must always pay attention to the cleanliness of the mouth, especially in the early stages of pregnancy, morning sickness is easy to produce stomach acid, it is best to rinse your mouth or brush your teeth frequently to maintain oral hygiene and dental health.

In order to make the pregnancy go smoothly, you can start doing some simple gymnastics every day.

What exactly is the eleventh obstetric check-up during a pregnancy? (1st-4th Maternity Check-up)

24 to 27 weeks

Fourth obstetric examination Gestational diabetes sugar sieve

Sugar sieve precautions

The precautions for sugar sieve are as follows:

1. Reduce the intake of starch and sugar two weeks before the examination:

Try to eat less staple foods, eat less pasta, rice noodles and other staple foods are best not more than half a kilogram a day. In the morning, it is best not to drink rice porridge, which can be replaced with milk.

Do not eat high-fat foods, try not to eat sugary foods, here sugary food refers to sweets containing refined sugar, drinks, and even fruits that can be directly absorbed by the human body without any transformation, such as: chocolate, cola, lychee, a lot of watermelon, etc.

Fruit should be limited, especially those with high sugar content. Eggs should not be eaten at dinner. Eat more vegetables, no less than 500 grams per day, to supplement vitamins and fiber. Drink plenty of water and exercise moderately. Take a walk after a meal to consume too much sugar.

2, sugar sieve or sugar resistance the day before, it is best to eat light vegetarian food, rice is also best to eat less.

3, do not eat after 8 o'clock in the evening before making sugar sieve, and drink less water.

4, when making sugar sieve, do not swallow when drinking sugar water, drink little by little, but drink within 3-5 minutes. It is best to walk around more after drinking, so that energy will be consumed within an hour and will help reduce blood sugar concentration.

5, after drinking sugar water...

Sugar sieves are mainly to check what

Diabetes mellitus that is first detected or first developed after pregnancy is called gestational diabetes. What is the sugar sieve mainly to check?

Gestational diabetes is due to abnormal glucose metabolism during pregnancy, such as changes in body hormones, dietary adjustments and other factors, but many people do not have corresponding symptoms, it is difficult to detect the disease, therefore, obstetricians and gynecologists in many countries will recommend pregnant women to carry out diabetes screening to avoid the risk of diabetes.

People at high risk of predisposing to gestational diabetes are:

1. Pregnant women whose family members have a history of diabetes;

2. Pregnant women who have a history of fetal congenital malformations, fetal stillbirth, giant babies, and dystocia;

3. Pregnant women with urine glucose, obesity, excessive weight gain, etc. in obstetric examination.

If a pregnant woman has the above conditions, it is recommended to do a sugar screening test.

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