
Calligraphy is also a | appreciation of Yang Yong's calligraphy works

Calligraphy is also a | appreciation of Yang Yong's calligraphy works
Calligraphy is also a | appreciation of Yang Yong's calligraphy works

Yang Yong

Yang Yong is a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, a member of the Cursive Writing Committee of the Shaanxi Calligraphers Association, a director of the Shaanxi Modern Engraving Research Association, the president of the Western Youth Book Academy, and the vice chairman of the Sanyuan County Calligraphers Association of Shaanxi Province. He studied under Ouyang Zhongshi, Cui Baotang, Wang Zhi'an and other teachers.

Yang Yong, Zi, WuWen, No. 1, Zhongnan Jingxin Resident, Yingxue Zhai Lord. Born in the ancient capital of Xi'an, his ancestral home is Sanyuan, Shaanxi, and he has loved the art of calligraphy since childhood. When he was a teenager, he joined the Juvenile Department of the Shaanxi Provincial Young Calligraphers Association, during which he was taught by calligraphers Liu Zizhi and others, and he had established the idea of the supremacy of the character of the scholar when he was a teenager. In the process of learning books, he has been familiar with ancient and modern famous works, and has insisted on Linchi for nearly 20 years. In 1996, he received professional and systematic theoretical and practical studies at the University of Calligraphy and Painting in China. Receiving guidance and teaching from calligraphy educators such as Ouyang Zhongshi, he gained a deeper understanding of the art of calligraphy.

Calligraphy is also a | appreciation of Yang Yong's calligraphy works

Two months ago, Yang Yong said that a certain newspaper and a certain magazine would do some reports on his calligraphy art, hoping that I would write a promotional article for him, and I could see that his expression and the heart under his expression were sincere. But I struggled, but I didn't know whether to write it or how to write it.

First, in view of the fact that Yang Yong is a member of the Sanyuan clan in Shaanxi, I have a great sense of fear when talking about calligraphy, including talking about Yang Yong's calligraphy. In a sense, Sanyuan County should be the altar of modern calligraphy in Shaanxi, where a number of calligraphy masters such as He Fuzhai (Ruilin), Yu Youren, He Baizhen (Bo Zhen), Ru Luoli (Zhuo Ting), and Liu Chizhai (Zi Zhen) were once born. It is even no exaggeration to say that the feng shui treasure land of Sanyuan is nothing less than the Mecca and Jerusalem of the calligraphy world, and Yang Yong's ancestral court is adjacent to the Yu Youren Memorial Hall in Sanyuan County. Growing up under this regional background and human ecology, this little sacred statue may one day be enlightened and enlightened, and it will be cultivated in the morning and night diligently.

Second, especially because Of Yang Yong's relationship with my student, it seems that no matter what he says or says, there will be the suspicion that Lao Wang will sell melons and boast about himself; under the melon field and Li Xia, it is difficult to get rid of innocence, and it is bound to leave a super moral case for tongue-chewers.

Calligraphy is also a | appreciation of Yang Yong's calligraphy works

Although entangled, I was still tolerated to talk about my superficial views on Yang Yong, and by the way, I gave him some hope.

On April 17, 2009, the 7th day after the establishment of the Engraving Committee of the Provincial Book Association, a group of about 20 young and middle-aged art lovers gathered at the Wei Genghu Art Studio on the south side of the Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts to bring their rough and immature engraving works, exchange beginner experiences, and discuss plans to promote the development of Shaanxi engraving. Among them was a young man named Yang Yong, who was weak in speech and a little dragging, and he really couldn't perceive what he was thinking when he spoke. To use an inappropriate analogy, if our first acquaintance is about falling in love, the "good fortune" may be cut off. However, forced to force the moment word team to really need "grain eaters", they reluctantly left Yang Yong behind.

Soon it was time for the provincial engraving training class, which was August 22 of that year. Yang Yong also came, and he also mobilized his uncle to train the scene to watch the battle, the intention is to win more family support for his uncertain future, auspicious and unpredictable choice. So I began to pay attention to this man with a heart, and was touched by his spirit; so we felt more and more in the future contact and exchange that he was devout to calligraphy, his dedication to engraving, his seriousness in doing things, and his seriousness in being a person.

Calligraphy is also a | appreciation of Yang Yong's calligraphy works

After the Spring Festival in 2010, Professor Wang Zhian, deputy director of the China Book Association's Engraving Research Association, set up an engraving studio in the School of Art of Tsinghua University to start the enrollment of the first advanced engraving training class. For the sake of the long-term development of Shaanxi inscriptions, I am ready to send a group of students to participate in the study. I thought that Yang Yong would not participate, first, his family was generally well-off, and his father was sick; second, he worked at Xidian Company and it was not easy to get out. Who knew that he insisted on going, and hoped that I would help him intercede with the unit in the name of the Provincial Book Association's Lettering Committee. Later, the unit was very face-saving, agreed and supported him to participate in the study. Originally, in this matter, I wanted to thank Yang Yong, because he himself paid a huge fee to cultivate talents and train inscription teachers for the Shaanxi Book Association, but he expressed his gratitude to me through various ways. This has given me a new sublimation of Yang Yong's understanding of his character, and a qualitative leap in the relationship between us.

Now Yang Yong, not only has his views on the law of art matured day by day, his pen has become more and more thick, and he has become a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association with his own strength, but what makes me even more pleased is that his views on artistic life are independent and outstanding, showing extraordinary potential for latecomers. The year before, he ran a calligraphy and painting shop in Xiaodongmen Antique City in Xi'an City, talking about art with the art circle every day, talking with the collection industry about the past and the present, and talking with consumers about quality and price. After a while, he would come to my house on a battered electric bike and report his experience. He will say without reservation: "I now feel that calligraphy has become an integral part of life, there is no contradiction between studying calligraphy, creating calligraphy and distributing calligraphy and painting goods, and when you are motivated by the pursuit of market selling points, calligraphy creation is not only for your own progress and your own pleasure, but also from the perspective of collectors and consumers, calligraphy works carry a social responsibility of artists." Under such a mentality, the creative vitality will be more exuberant, and the artistic content and commercial value of calligraphy works will be greater." So I was secretly happy: this future life has found the philosophy of life, and is living philosophically!


Since Yang Yong's brother has already realized this doctrine and is practicing it in his body, I hope to follow this path, pass on the inheritance in an orderly manner, have no remorse, and bravely move forward. Because calligraphy is also life!

On the third day of the summer solstice in Jinzhu Garden

Appreciation of works

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