
A child with a mother is a treasure

author:Northeast corn

A child with a mother is a treasure.

Colleagues went to the hospital unwell, and when they returned from medical treatment, everyone was very concerned about asking long and short questions. Someone asked: Who accompanied you, was it your husband? The colleague smiled, "No, he is on a business trip, he can only care about the phone." My mother accompanied me, I said I would just go, she was not, she was long-winded, and treated me like a child. The colleague spoke with a hint of disgust, but his eyes shone as happy as stars. The colleagues around them were wide-eyed, full of pink bubbles, envious, "You are so happy, so big, actually your mother still accompanies you to the hospital." ”

Then everyone naturally led the topic to the happiness of having a mother at home, someone helping to clean up the house, someone helping to make breakfast, someone nagging in your ear, someone helping you with your children. In the unit was wronged, back there are still people to listen to their own complaints, there are people to do your warm little harbor, originally I thought it was a big thing, my mother said two words, let you feel that it is not a thing at all, Ginger is still old spicy, worth learning more places to learn it.

Yes, a child with a mother is a treasure.

Every time my mother came to the house, the home would immediately become clear and clean, and there were also very authentic big steamed buns and big hair cakes to eat.

When I went out, my mother would naturally fill me with a bottle of hot and cold water, reminding me to drink more water and not to be thirsty.

When I eat, I will remind me not to eat more, to control my weight, to maintain my body to maintain health, and then I keep putting all kinds of delicious food in my bowl, and every time I add a sentence, eat this is okay, do not grow meat.

As long as the mother comes to the house, every morning and evening, my husband and I do not use our hands to take the children to school, send extracurricular classes, every time the mother is properly arranged, in the words of the son, my grandmother accompanies me to school, will tell me all kinds of interesting words, this way is particularly vivid.

I am now a mother, and I understand what I once did not understand. A scene from my childhood is deeply rooted in my mind, and I have not forgotten it for so many years.

At that time, the family was very ordinary, and life was very poor, but my mother always showed everyone a smiley face. She never beat and scolded her children like other village women. Where I have a mother in my heart, there is happiness.

One day, when I was returning from play outside, I heard a faint cry inside the house. I looked at the crack in the door, and my mother cried at myself in the mirror and said, "Mom, how did you get there, why did you ignore me?" Mom, I miss you. Mom's crying shoulder twitched.

I was a little scared and didn't know why my mother was like this. Now that I think about it, it must be that my mother is too hard. But she can't show it to others, let alone say it to her own child, because she is the strongest arm of the child. But when no one was there, she showed her vulnerability, but her mother was no longer there, so she could only cry at herself in the mirror.

Yes, no matter how old a person is, he wants to have his mother by his side in the most difficult times. As long as there is a mother, as if any difficulty is not a problem; as long as there is a mother, there will always be someone who speaks softly to you; as long as there is a mother, the bitterness will always be listened to.

There is an old man in the community, who is already in his 60s and retired at home, but fortunately his mother is still there, in her 90s. I often see such a scene. Next to the small lake with microwaves, mother and son sat quietly, talking softly, and the old mother raised her hand from time to time to touch her son's hair that had been blown by the wind. Speaking of happy places, a wrinkled face smiles at another face with more wrinkles. The sun is warm, the wind is soft, the flowers are brilliant, and the willow branches are swaying. It's as beautiful as a painting.

When a person is young, busy with work and busy with his family, it is difficult to calm down and chat with his mother, and even feel that she is very nagging. That is, I have the patience to talk to my mother when I am idle, but how many people can still have a mother in their 60s.

Therefore, no matter how busy we are, no matter how yellow and sandy the road is, we still try to take a little time to accompany our mother. Let her concerned eyes be answered; let her willingly give a word of recognition; let her not feel lonely when she needs us.

A child with a mother is a treasure, so at the same time we use our words and deeds to make the mother feel that the mother with the child is also a spoiled treasure.

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