
More than two thousand years ago, Zhuge Liang cleverly used a trick to hide the true location of his tomb to this day

More than two thousand years ago, Zhuge Liang cleverly used a trick to hide the true location of his tomb to this day


In the Three Kingdoms era, there are too many heroes worth commemorating, and among the countless fierce generals and sages, there is a star that is extremely brilliant, and this star is Zhuge Liang. As a well-known politician and military figure during the Three Kingdoms period, Zhuge Liang assisted Liu Bei from having nothing to establishing the Shu Han regime. In the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, when the Han Dynasty was in danger, a force that could compete with Cao Cao was established.

Gong cover three points of the country, named into the eight arrays. The river does not turn, and the hatred is lost and swallowed.

1. Captain Touching Gold

Zhuge Liang's most impression on everyone is his clever calculations, which are not only reflected in his excellent performance on the battlefield but also in the political situation. Even after Zhuge Liang's death, he cleverly used an amazing method to keep himself from being disturbed after death. This is done not only to prevent the patronage of tomb robbers, but also to prevent his political enemies from playing tricks, bearing in mind that even if he is dead in history, he has been dragged out and whipped, but there are countless cases.

More than two thousand years ago, Zhuge Liang cleverly used a trick to hide the true location of his tomb to this day

During the Three Kingdoms period, Cao Cao set up a special position called "Lieutenant Touching Gold" because of insufficient military expenditure. This position is unique in China's thousands of years of history, and it is also the first time that a tomb robber has been given a legal identity. Therefore, when you look at some literary and artistic works related to tomb robbery, many people pride themselves on touching the gold lieutenant. Originally, tomb robbery was not uncommon, and with Cao Cao's encouragement, most of the famous tombs from the Han Dynasty to the pre-Qin Dynasty were patronized by them. With this precedent, later people were extremely wary of tomb robbers.

In the early Three Kingdoms period, Cao Cao's greatest opponents were the warlord forces represented by Yuan Shao and the shi clan forces represented by Kong Rong. In the later period, Cao Cao's main opponents became the States of Shu and Wu. In general, Wu Guo lived in the southeast most of the time, and was busy dealing with the affairs of his own family. And the State of Shu was the real thorn in Cao Cao's eyes, a thorn in his flesh. Politically, Liu Bei openly shouted the slogan that Cao Cao was a Han thief, and militarily, the State of Shu had been tirelessly launching the Northern Expedition. As the number one representative of the Shu kingdom, Zhuge Liang, Cao Cao probably dreamed of his death.

2. Zhuge Liang's death

Zhuge Liang died in the Fifth Northern Expedition, when the State of Wei was mainly busy with the military aristocracy and warrior clan of Cao Wei. Therefore, Sima Yi, who was both a military nobleman and a warrior, did not want to fight Zhuge Liang. Instead, it has adopted a stubborn approach to preserve its own strength. If we look at the map, we can see that Zhuge Liang sent troops from Sichuan, and most of his strength was consumed on logistics and transportation. Unfortunately, in the face of Sima Yi's stubborn style of play, Zhuge Liang fell into a dilemma. Want to fight? Sima Yi didn't fight him at all. If it is withdrawn, it will waste a lot of resources and will not be able to account to the country at all.

More than two thousand years ago, Zhuge Liang cleverly used a trick to hide the true location of his tomb to this day

After falling into such a long-term dilemma, Zhuge Liang's spirit became increasingly anxious. Slowly, he fell ill and eventually died in Gojohara. The generals of the army, following Zhuge Liang's orders, buried him at Dingjun Mountain. However, this is only a crown tomb, which contains only some of Zhuge Liang's clothes and books that record his life deeds. Zhuge Liang's flesh was still transported back to Shuzhong.

Third, a brilliant solution

Zhuge Liang, who had worked hard all his life, even when he was on the verge of death, had to consider what happened after him. The first is the problem of the Shu regime, which relied on Liu Bei's prestige in the early stage and his own prestige in the later period. Now that he and Liu Bei are dead, how should the Shu Han regime be maintained? This incident became the biggest heart disease in his heart. Secondly, Zhuge Liang also had to consider his own aftermath, and he did not want his tomb to be patronized by tomb thieves. He knew very well that after his death, Cao Wei's lieutenants who touched the gold would be very happy to come to his tomb once. So we have to come up with a one-size-fits-all solution.

More than two thousand years ago, Zhuge Liang cleverly used a trick to hide the true location of his tomb to this day

Zhuge Liang transmitted his ideas back to Chengdu, and when Zhuge Liang's body was transported back, Liu Chan was also buried according to his last wishes. Four tall and strong soldiers were selected, and with a thick rope, they hung his coffin, and then went all the way south. When the rope breaks, it's buried somewhere.

More than two thousand years ago, Zhuge Liang cleverly used a trick to hide the true location of his tomb to this day

This method is extremely well designed, and where the rope breaks, it is impossible to predict. Most importantly, it dispelled the greed for money in the hearts of those grave robbers. Because this method clearly told the world that after his death, Zhuge Liang only had a coffin to accompany him, and there was no other property. Without enough money to tempt him, the grave robbers would not have bothered to find his grave.


Although Zhuge Liang thought very well, there was still a problem, but this problem was solved by Liu Chan. After returning, the four soldiers who had carried his coffin were directly executed by Liu Chan under an excuse. This is because as long as these four soldiers are dead, no one can know that Zhuge Liang is really buried.

Zhuge Liang used this trick to hide the true location of his tomb to this day, and no one would disturb the peace after his master's death. Liu Chan was still more concerned about his master in general. Unfortunately, these four soldiers buried Zhuge Liang, but in the end they were executed.


"Eight Arrays"

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