
A real strange man in the Ming Dynasty, who never ate rice and lived until he was 120 years old, died just after entering the palace

Since ancient times, in fact, everyone is extremely looking forward to longevity, it is said that Peng Zu, who is known as the first birthday star in ancient times, lived for 800 years, and the Fuxi clan, the head of the Three Emperors, was also 194 years old, and the Yellow Emperor in the tribal period also lived for 240 years, of course, there are inevitably some mythological elements, and today we want to talk about a Ming Dynasty stranger, but it is real, he did not live near meat in his life, and only ate two kinds of food every day, and finally lived to the age of 120.

A real strange man in the Ming Dynasty, who never ate rice and lived until he was 120 years old, died just after entering the palace

According to historical records, this person's name is Wang Shining, born in 1364 (the end of the Yuan Dynasty), this name is quite interesting, parents may hope that he can have a smooth career, as a result, Wang Shining has no interest in being an official in the imperial examination, and it is mentioned in the "Present Words" written by Zheng Xiao that Wang Shining has shown a strong interest in Taoism and health care since childhood.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the traditional route of life is nothing more than marrying a wife and having children, starting a family, Wang Shining does not take the usual road, he is not willing to marry his wife, but also abandoned all the bad habits he thinks, such as drinking, eating meat, etc., to do these are not enough, Wang Shining believes that if you really want to live a long life, you must find a high person to guide, so he decided to run away from home, travel around, looking for a high-ranking person in the world.

A real strange man in the Ming Dynasty, who never ate rice and lived until he was 120 years old, died just after entering the palace

Kung Fu pays off, Wang Shining after several difficulties into a snowy mountain in the Sichuan And Shu area, finally found a short old man, this person looks like a child, but refreshed, in the cold winter moon he also dared to sleep on the stone bed, it is really surprising, Wang Shining decided to stay and worship this old man as a teacher, learn the way of longevity, but this old man is not willing to teach him, Wang Shining is not in a hurry, just find a place nearby to live permanently.

He observed the old man's work and rest every day, to see what the old man ate, what to do, Wang Shining found that the old man did not fire at all, every time he was hungry, he took something similar to dry flour from the cloth bag on the wall to eat, thirsty to drink the spring water in the mountains, Wang Shining also ate this similar to "flour" things, found that the taste was extremely bitter, could not swallow at all, but the sincerity, the golden stone for the opening, Wang Shining's persistence is still touching the old man, he taught Wang Shining the secret recipe for longevity, but also let him keep it secret, Wang Shining was overjoyed, Agreed on the spot.

A real strange man in the Ming Dynasty, who never ate rice and lived until he was 120 years old, died just after entering the palace

After finding the secret recipe he wanted, Wang Shining went down the mountain, he came to Jining to live in seclusion, he never burned the fire to cook, only lived in a small broken house, did not go out easily, often sat quietly at home, because he lived on the outskirts of the city, his various behaviors caused the local people to discuss, some people saw him pitifully give him food, the results were rejected by him, he insisted on the old man's teaching of the art of cutting grains, did not eat rice, only filled with dates and vegetable leaves, and only ate a little at a time.

In this way, Wang Shining lived in the local area for 60 years, his reputation is also getting bigger and bigger, the local has long been circulating in the mountains there is a strange person, very old, has not passed away, this news gradually spread to a person named Wang Xuan, he was the commander of the Jinyi Guard, because the ancestors of a person admired and disappeared, he suspected that Wang Shining was the ancestor of the ancestors, he came to recognize his relatives, did not expect that the two were really related.

A real strange man in the Ming Dynasty, who never ate rice and lived until he was 120 years old, died just after entering the palace

After some conversation, Wang Xuan asked Wang Shining about the way to longevity, and Wang Shining replied: I don't know what the secret of longevity is, I only know that people can live long when Xu Jing is quiet, and now you have already disturbed my purity! Hearing this, Wang Xuan no longer often came to disturb this ancestor, but the news of his longevity reached the ears of Ming Xianzong, asking which emperor did not want to live a long life, when a Hanlin scholar surnamed Yang privately visited Wang Shining and invited him into the palace, but this destroyed Wang Shining's previous way of life, at this time he was 120 years old, and he died soon.

A real strange man in the Ming Dynasty, who never ate rice and lived until he was 120 years old, died just after entering the palace

In fact, the above are mentioned in the historical material "Present Words", or there is credibility, and the comprehensive article says that the secret of longevity is nothing more than pure heart, meditation and pranayama, a person does not become a family, does not communicate with the outside world, lives alone in the mountains and forests, and only eats dates and vegetable leaves every day, I am afraid that this is not something that ordinary people can do.

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