
There was a strange man in the Ming Dynasty who ate only 2 kinds of food a day but lived to the age of 120, and many people now follow suit

With the improvement of people's living standards, more and more people have begun to pay attention to health. From ancient times to the present, no one does not want to live a long life and live a little longer.

Scientists have long confirmed that the normal survival of the human body can reach 120 years, but because most people consume too much overdraft on the body, and usually do not pay attention to maintenance, so that people's survival years are not the same, very few people reach the level of normal life survival.

Human life expectancy is related to the external environment and external factors, and also has a lot to do with personal physique and living habits.

There was a strange man in the Ming Dynasty who ate only 2 kinds of food a day but lived to the age of 120, and many people now follow suit

Although people can not control and control the environment, but can change and improve their physical state, it is undeniable that those who have good eating, work and rest habits are better than those who eat and drink and often stay up late.

In the Ming Dynasty, there was such a magical person, in that era of lack of survival resources and backward medical technology, he actually lived for 120 years, so that modern people are a little out of reach, breathtaking, this person is the famous old life star of the Ming Dynasty Wang Shining.

Social status quo of the Ming Dynasty

The Ming Dynasty was founded by Zhu Yuanzhang, the ming emperor of poverty, and coexisted for 276 years from 1368 to 1644.

There was a strange man in the Ming Dynasty who ate only 2 kinds of food a day but lived to the age of 120, and many people now follow suit

In the last years of the Yuan Dynasty, due to the corruption of the Mongol rulers' court, harsh taxes and fees on the people, and brutality, it eventually led to an uprising and dealt a heavy blow to the Yuan Dynasty's rule throughout the country.

Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang, from his poor family, once gave the landlord's family cattle to barely eat mixed food, after the death of his parents, in order to support himself, he had to shave and run to the temple, following the old monks in the temple to travel around. Later, in the wandering, Zhu Yuanzhang joined the ranks of the Red Turban Army.

Because of his bravery and shrewdness, he soon stood out from the team. After years of arduous struggle, Zhu Yuanzhang finally led his troops to overthrow the rule of the Yuan Dynasty and ascended the throne in Yingtian (present-day Nanjing) in 1368, when he was 40 years old.

There was a strange man in the Ming Dynasty who ate only 2 kinds of food a day but lived to the age of 120, and many people now follow suit

As the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang reigned for 30 years and lived for 70 years, which was a high-life expectancy, whether among the emperors who caused a short average life expectancy for various reasons, or in ancient times, when the average life expectancy was generally short.

In the early Ming Dynasty, five or six hundred years ago, science and technology were backward, agricultural production was not developed, and people's lives were often hungry and clothed. In a poor production environment, not only is the problem of food and clothing not solved, but once sick, even if it seems to be very mild symptoms of the disease, it is enough to pose a threat to human life.

Although the people's lives were miserable and the average life expectancy was low at that time, in the vast folk areas, there was still no shortage of people who lived as long as Zhu Yuanzhang, the ancestor of the Ming Dynasty, and Wang Shining was one of them.

There was a strange man in the Ming Dynasty who ate only 2 kinds of food a day but lived to the age of 120, and many people now follow suit

Passionate about exploring the way to wellness

According to records, Wang Shining was born in 1364 and died in 1483 during the Chenghua period of the Ming Dynasty, just nearly 120 years old.

Wang Shining was born into an ordinary family in the late Yuan and early Ming dynasties, and like most poor families in that period, wang Shining's family could only survive by working for a wealthy family or relying on meager land income.

However, unlike everyone else, the Wang family's thinking is more advanced, and it is also relatively careless in the treatment of children's education. Perhaps forced by the environment, the family felt that it was enough to eat and live, and the parents never had too high requirements for Wang Shining.

Wang Shining has been particularly sensitive to various things since he was a child, and is good at thinking, and wants to get out of everything.

There was a strange man in the Ming Dynasty who ate only 2 kinds of food a day but lived to the age of 120, and many people now follow suit

By chance, Wang Shining came into contact with Taoist culture, and under the influence of Taoist thought, Wang Shining slowly became interested in the way of health.

Although his family conditions did not allow him to study and go to school, he also had a high degree of understanding in the opinion and handling of many affairs with his daily efforts and diligent practice.

Wang Shining, who grew up in a relatively relaxed and clear family environment, gradually formed an independent personality and life style. He is indifferent to Mingzhi, has no desires and no needs, and does not want to live under the oppression and bondage of others. He began to hope that he could live this life as he pleased and live a long life.

So when he was still a teenager, in order to explore the way of health and find the secrets of health care, Wang Shining bid farewell to his parents in his hometown and went out on a cloud tour alone.

There was a strange man in the Ming Dynasty who ate only 2 kinds of food a day but lived to the age of 120, and many people now follow suit

Eat only two foods a day

After Wang Shining set out, a person waded through the mountains and visited famous mountains, just to find a worldly high-ranking person, let himself see the fang, verify the ancient and mysterious legend of "yellow hair hanging down, happy and self-satisfied", and also realize the dream of longevity in his heart.

To this end, he went from youth to old age, from a young teenager to an old man with crane hair.

Sure enough, the kung fu paid off, and Wang Shining finally met a strange old man on a mountain in Sichuan. During the few years of living with the old man, the old man was touched by Wang Shining's sincerity and gradually told Wang Shining the secret of his longevity.

Not long after, Wang Shining bid farewell to the old man and went down the mountain, and he lived a wandering life again.

There was a strange man in the Ming Dynasty who ate only 2 kinds of food a day but lived to the age of 120, and many people now follow suit

Later, Wang Shining came to the jining area of present-day Shandong Province, made a home in a remote mountain forest, and lived a "stable" life of seclusion.

It is said that here, he only ate two kinds of food every day, one is the jujube that is knotted on the mountain, and the other is the wild vegetables that can be found everywhere in the mountain wilderness. He rises every day at sunrise and rests at sunset, and spends a long time of the day meditating, purifying his mind and cultivating his self-cultivation.

And so it goes, day after day, year after year. Few people in the world know that such an old man lives alone in the wilderness, and Wang Shining does not know what year and month the world has reached.

Living here, far away from the world, he almost forgot the time, it seems that he only knows that he is still alive, unconsciously decades have passed, Wang Shining is close to 120 years old.

There was a strange man in the Ming Dynasty who ate only 2 kinds of food a day but lived to the age of 120, and many people now follow suit

Don't blindly follow suit

By chance, people discovered the traces of Wang Shining's life and reported it to Wang Xuan, the county commander of the current dynasty. Wang Xuan was considered to be the descendant of Wang Shining's own family and a descendant of Wang Shining's brothers, and then he personally went up the mountain to visit Wang Shining, and Wang Shining's deeds were also known to the world.

At that time, the Chenghua Emperor learned of this and personally invited Wang Shining to the palace to teach the way of longevity. So Wang Shining went down the mountain at the behest of the people and left the wilderness and forests where he had lived for decades. However, on the way to the capital, perhaps the journey was too bumpy and tiring, Wang Shining gave up, abandoned everything, and drove the crane west.

Naturally, emperor Chenghua could not get Wang Shining's true transmission.

There was a strange man in the Ming Dynasty who ate only 2 kinds of food a day but lived to the age of 120, and many people now follow suit

Soon, Wang Shining's life experience of living to the age of 120 after eating only two foods a day was praised in the countryside, causing people to follow suit for a while. People thought that according to the diet of the birthday star, they could also live longer than Nanshan, but soon people found that eating only these two foods was not only difficult to swallow, but also did not seem to play a role in prolonging life.

To this day, there are still many people who follow this lifestyle – eating very little food a day and eating whatever they eat carefully.

In fact, people do not have to be so nervous about eating, although overeating, eating and drinking and other unhealthy ways of eating will cause a lot of harm to the human body, but strict diet will also cause adverse effects on the human body.

There was a strange man in the Ming Dynasty who ate only 2 kinds of food a day but lived to the age of 120, and many people now follow suit

Because the current living environment is very different from the past, the fast-paced production lifestyle of modern society, high-intensity physical and mental work, will also make people consume more energy.

If you blindly live according to the experience of the ancestors and blindly pursue the way of health, it will do the opposite, which is easy to cause malnutrition in the human body, or long-term overwork and excessive loss of organs in the body, causing serious consequences.

Regarding the way of health and longevity, do not blindly follow suit, everyone can only eat reasonably and healthily according to the actual situation of their own life and body, and often achieve unexpected results.

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