
Reading tips for grades 1-6 and 10 effective reading methods

What humanity needs is enlightening nourishment. And reading is that nourishment. - Hugo

Reading tips for grades 1-6 and 10 effective reading methods

Grade 1 Reading Advice

1. Under the guidance of teachers, gradually have a certain awareness of extracurricular reading and have an interest in reading.

2. Concentrate on reading within the prescribed reading time and be able to communicate with people.

3. With the help of the pictorial meaning in the reading material, you can understand the pictorial meaning, and you can correctly and clearly dictate the pictorial meaning in two or three sentences.

4.Read shallow fairy tales, fables, recite nursery rhymes, nursery rhymes and shallow ancient poems, expand your imagination, and have your own feelings and ideas about the characters and events that interest you.

5. Learn to accumulate your favorite idioms and aphorisms, be able to recite 20 excellent poems (paragraphs) or selected "Three Character Classics", and the total reading volume is not less than 20,000 words.

Grade 2 Reading Advice

1. In a good extracurricular reading environment, have a good interest in reading, like to read, feel the joy of reading; initially learn the correct reading behavior habit of "not moving pen and ink and not reading", love books, love books.

2. Basically master the method of reading pictures and texts, be able to correctly and clearly say the main content of pictures in coherent language, say imaginary things and their own understanding and feelings about the things around them, and be willing to discuss with people.

3.Learn to use pinyin and reference books to read simpler Zhuyin readings (fairy tales, fables, etc.), and initially understand the main content of the readings.

4. Learn the reading method of reading and thinking while drawing and being able to question.

5. Recite nursery rhymes, nursery rhymes and shallow ancient poems to expand the imagination. Initially get emotional experience, feel the beauty of the language, learn to accumulate your favorite idioms and aphorisms, memorize 30 excellent poems (paragraphs), and read no less than 30,000 words.

Grade 3 Reading Advice

1. Have a certain awareness of extracurricular reading, have an interest in reading, love to read, want to read, can arrange reading time under the guidance of the teacher, collect reading materials, and participate in reading activities.

2. Concentrate on reading within the specified time and be able to communicate reading feelings with people.

3. Develop the habit of reading books and newspapers, learn to read excerpts simply, and be able to summarize and copy good words and sentences.

4. In reading, you can relate to the context, use the dictionary and life to accumulate and understand the meaning of words and sentences, initially grasp the main content of the article, and question the places that are not understood.

5. Learn the appreciation method, be able to evaluate the characters and beautiful language under the prompts, and purposefully collect information and network access. He memorized 30 poems and read more than 150,000 words outside the classroom in the school year.

Grade 4 Reading Advice

1. Have a good interest in reading, like to read, feel the fun of reading, and be able to arrange the time of reading scientifically; develop the habit of reading books, newspapers and collections, and the habit of exchanging materials with classmates. Keep reading for more than 45 minutes a day.

2. Learn to appreciate, initially learn to choose the books and newspapers you like to read, and do a good job of excerpting reading notes and learning annotations, and learn to write inductive reading notes.

3.Learn to use the language knowledge, skills and reference books you have learned to read suitable fairy tales, fables, novels, etc., understand the main content of the reading materials, and experience the thoughts and feelings expressed in the articles. Be able to appreciate the articles read, communicate with people about their reading feelings, ask questions about the content of interest, collect materials under the guidance of teachers, and participate in thematic discussions.

4.Recite 25 excellent poems, expand imagination, experience emotions, and understand the content in the recitation. Accumulate beautiful words and wonderful segments, and start reading Chinese masterpieces, with a total reading volume of no less than 250,000 words.

Grade 5 Reading Advice

1. Have a strong sense of extracurricular reading, be able to consciously arrange time for extracurricular reading, and have the habit of collecting books and materials and participating in reading activities.

2. Concentrate on reading within the prescribed reading time, be able to insist on reading for more than 60 minutes, and be able to communicate reading feelings with people.

3. Develop the habit of reading books and reading newspapers, will excerpt, cut newspapers, and learn to write emotional reading notes.

4. In reading, you can relate the context and your own accumulation to deduce the meaning of words and sentences, figure out the order of expression of the article, initially understand the basic expression method of the article, and be able to question and discuss.

5. Preliminary learning speed reading, up to more than 200 words per minute, learning to browse, can select relevant reading materials and collect relevant information according to requirements.

6.Learn inquiry-based reading methods, and use libraries, networks and other information channels to try thematic reading under the guidance of teachers. Make a simple evaluation of the characters and expression methods. He memorized 30 poems and began to read Chinese and foreign masterpieces, with a total of more than 500,000 words of extracurricular reading in the school year.

Grade 6 Reading Advice

1. Have a strong interest in reading, learn to make plans, and fix reading time of not less than 60 minutes a day; develop the habit of reading books, reading newspapers and collecting and exchanging books and materials with classmates, and dare to put forward their own views and make their own judgments in the exchange.

2. Learn to read intensively, learn to choose the books and newspapers you like to read, and do a good job of excerpting reading notes and annotations, and learn to write evaluative reading notes;

3. Learn to use the language knowledge, skills and reference books you have learned to read suitable fairy tales, fables, novels and simple texts, understand the basic explanation methods and event synopsis of the articles, pay attention to emotional experience, have a rich accumulation, and form a good sense of language.

4. Improve the speed reading level to more than 300 words per minute. Learn to browse, independently select materials for inquiry-based learning, conduct data collection and web search, and participate in thematic discussions.

5. Be able to appreciate literary works, read Chinese and foreign masterpieces, feel the image, experience emotions, form personal interests, enrich their spiritual world, memorize 35 excellent poems, and the total reading volume is not less than 500,000 words.

Reading tips for grades 1-6 and 10 effective reading methods

So, how should students develop good reading habits?

Here are ten ways to help good reading

01 Extensive reading

Extensive reading is extensive reading, which means that the scope of reading should be wide, and it is necessary to widely involve all aspects of knowledge and have general common sense. It is necessary not only to read books on natural sciences, but also in social sciences, and all kinds of excellent works of different styles in ancient and modern China and abroad should be widely read, so as to absorb the strengths of all families and open up ideas. Marx wrote Capital, who studied 1500 books and collected a large amount of preparatory materials through reading.

02 Intensive reading

Zhu Xi said in the "Essentials of Reading": "To read a book, we must first read it well, so that all its words come from my mouth; then with careful thinking, so that all its words are out of my heart, then we can save it." Here, "read and ponder" means the meaning of intensive reading. That is to say, it is necessary to read carefully and think more, ponder repeatedly, repeatedly study, and evaluate while analyzing, so as to understand thoroughly and understand in the heart, so as to absorb the essence. This approach should be taken for books and masterpieces in this profession. Only by carefully studying, chewing carefully, and the "subtle meaning" of the article can "dig out more and more, and study more and more refined". It can be said that intensive reading is the most important method of reading.

03 Read through

Read through, understand the whole picture, in order to obtain a complete impression, to achieve a "bird's eye view of the panorama" effect. This approach can be taken for more important books, newspapers and magazines.

04 Skip reading

It's a jump-and-drop method of reading. You can put aside the irrelevant content of the book, grasp the context of the book, and focus on grasping the views of each paragraph. Sometimes when reading a book encounters a doubt, when you think repeatedly and can't solve it, you can also jump over and continue reading backwards, and you can go through the front and back.

05 Speed reading

This is a method of quick reading, that is, Tao Yuanming advocates "good reading, do not seek much understanding". You can use the exhortation scanning method", at a glance and ten lines, quickly browse the article, and only understand the general meaning of the article. This method can speed up reading, expand the amount of reading, and is suitable for reading books or reference books of the same kind.

06 Skimming

This is a rough way of reading a book. When reading, you can casually flip through it and take a cursory look at the general idea; you can also grasp only the key sentences of the comment, clarify the main points, and understand the main facts or typical examples.

This part of the content is often at the beginning or end of the article, so focus on the title, introduction or ending, you can roughly understand and achieve the purpose of reading.

07 Read again

Valuable books and magazines can not only be read once, can be repeated learning, "from the past to learn the new". The famous thinker and writer Voltaire believed that "re-reading an old book is like the reunion of old friends." Repetition is the mother of learning. Repeated learning is conducive to deepening the understanding of knowledge and is also a reinforcing agent for deepening memory.

08 Write and read

The ancients said: "Don't read without writing and ink", and the saying also has the saying that "good memorability is not as good as bad pen head". Reading is combined with excerpts, memories, and articles, and the hand and brain are shared, which can not only accumulate a large amount of material, but also effectively improve the level of writing, and can enhance the ability to read, and transform knowledge into skills and techniques.

09 Preamble reading

Before reading a book, you can read the preface and examples of the book, understand the summary of the content, clarify the program and purpose of the book, and read it in a guided manner. After reading the book, you can also read the preface and examples again in order to deepen your understanding and consolidate and improve.

10 Optional reading

It is to be selective when reading. Throughout the ages, human cultural treasures have been extremely rich. After all, a person's energy is limited, if you do not choose, the eyebrow beard grasps the book like a grasp, will not receive good results. You can combine your own situation, selectively select the bibliography, and read it, so as to achieve the effect of doubling the results with half the effort.

About reading

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Source | Wang Songzhou, primary school to help Chinese

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