
Children love to hold back urine, what to do? Mom and Dad can do that!

There are especially many moths in kindergarten. Some parents have found that their children basically do not go to the toilet in kindergarten, but the first thing they do when they return home is to go to the toilet. Once or twice, it is even if it is counted, but the number of times is more, and parents also express their helplessness: School toilet, can you not squat down?

Children love to hold back urine, what to do? Mom and Dad can do that!

In fact, this is not all to blame the children. Studies have shown that it is a common phenomenon that children prefer to hold back than go to the toilet at school. Some children do not even drink water for a day in order not to go to the toilet. The small cups carefully selected for them by parents also seem to only serve as decoration. However, parents need to worry that if children develop the habit of holding urine for a long time, it will be extremely harmful to their physical health.

What are the dangers of holding urine?

Although our bodies produce urine all the time, it doesn't mean we can excrete them at any time. Therefore, before we "open the floodgates and release the water", the bladder will continue to accumulate urine and slowly become larger, like an inflating balloon.

The longer it is held, the larger the "balloon" expands, and the more obvious the urine intention becomes. Usually, when there are 150-250ml of urine in the bladder, we will have a slight urge to urinate, but most people have no problem at this time.

But when the urine in the bladder reaches 250-500ml, the strong urge to urinate will make many people overwhelmed and obediently choose to go to the toilet. However, it is not excluded that those who have a strong will will will hold back to the end.

Children love to hold back urine, what to do? Mom and Dad can do that!

In the process of holding urine for a long time, although the bladder will not explode, over time, the elasticity of this "balloon" will decrease.

The consequence of the decline in elasticity is that the urine in the bladder cannot be drained cleanly, resulting in bladder pain, painful urination, frequent urination, incomplete urine and other problems.

In addition, the large amount of urine stored in the bladder also provides a natural breeding ground for the reproduction of bacteria, which can easily lead to urinary tract infections in the long run, and even develop nephritis in severe cases.

In patients with concomitant vesicoureteral reflux, holding urine can also lead to urine reflux, further increasing the risk of urinary tract infections and worsening kidney damage.

Children love to hold back urine, what to do? Mom and Dad can do that!

Secondly, urine is a waste product after the body's blood has been filtered. If the child holds the urine for a long time, it will cause this part of the substance to not be excreted in time, and then reabsorbed by the renal tubule, which will also affect the health of the body.

Why do children always like to hold back urine?

1. Greedy play

Now the mobile phone, tablet is too attractive to children, children often in the tense game atmosphere can not feel their own urine, a few rounds down, often have to wait until they really can't hold back before rushing into the toilet, and even if it is to the toilet, will not put down the mobile phone in their hands.

2. Forced by the environment

This is common in children who are just starting kindergarten.

Due to a new environment, children are still relatively unfamiliar with the things around them, and they are too young to express themselves, so they often do not dare to ask the teacher to go to the toilet.

Children love to hold back urine, what to do? Mom and Dad can do that!

In addition, for children who have begun to attend primary school, some children are more shy and care about the views of their classmates and teachers, so they are embarrassed to raise their hands to the teacher in class to express their willingness to go to the toilet.

3. Parents put pressure on children

Many parents actually have a certain understanding of the harm of holding urine, so the children at home have a little bit of urine intention, and they quickly urge their children to go to the toilet. And some parents have a more impatient personality, so that they come and go, invisibly bring a strong sense of oppression to children. Over time, children are prone to resistance and become less willing to go to the toilet.

How to correct the habit of holding urine in children?

So, what should parents do in their daily lives?

First of all, the correct guidance of parents is very important.

When it is found that children have the problem of holding urine due to greed, they must not scold the child, otherwise it will make the children resist. Parents should be calm and reasonable with children, so that they themselves realize that holding urine is a wrong behavior, for children who are still relatively young, parents can also buy some physiological hygiene picture books to help them correctly understand the harm of holding urine.

Secondly, parents should also consciously let children develop the habit of going to the toilet regularly, such as before they go to bed or when playing games, parents should remind them to rest for a while and go to the toilet first.

After a few times, children will naturally develop a habit and will not hold back urine because of greed.

For the children who are more shy and are not embarrassed to propose to the teacher to go to the toilet in class, parents should encourage them more and tell the children:

"It's normal to go to the bathroom, and the teacher will have a similar situation when he is a child, and he won't blame you."

Children love to hold back urine, what to do? Mom and Dad can do that!

In short, long-term urination has a negative impact on the health of children, but it is also a common phenomenon, and parents do not have to worry too much.

As long as parents can have a little more patience and care in their daily lives, find out some objective reasons for children's love to hold urine, and give correct guidance, they can be solved.

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