
Prevent nasal congestion in children First of all, we must understand the causes of nasal congestion in babies

Nasal congestion is one of the common conditions in daily life, and any lesion that can affect the width of the respiratory tract may be the trigger. In general, all nasal congestion can be cured by treatment. However, infants and young children are more likely to have nasal congestion than adults because of their narrow nasal passages. Nasal congestion in infants and young children is generally nasal and difficult to breathe, but often without nasal discharge.

Moreover, small babies with rhinitis are more harmful than adults with rhinitis. Once the child suffers from rhinitis, it can lead to narrowing of the nasal cavity and affect ventilation, which in turn leads to a decrease in oxygen saturation caused by the obstruction of oxygen inhalation, so that the tissues and organs of the whole body are hypoxic to varying degrees, memory loss, mental decline, headache, dizziness, vision loss and other symptoms, long-term mouth breathing will cause pharyngitis due to air stimulation of the pharynx, and will also cause the child to form facial deformities.

Because children have no knowledge of the disease and do not have the ability to self-report, parents need to observe more and find the signs of pediatric rhinitis as soon as possible. Such as nasal congestion and runny nose and other symptoms, its treatment is mainly prevention, treatment is supplemented, pediatric immunity and physiological structure fail to resist the invasion of external factors, prevention has become the focus of pediatric rhinitis!

Prevent nasal congestion in children First of all, we must understand the causes of nasal congestion in babies

To understand the causes of nasal congestion in your baby, symptomatic treatment.

Nasal congestion caused by colds: The correct care method is not to let the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor be too large, so as not to stimulate your baby's nose. In the summer, when turning on the air conditioner, you should choose the "dehumidification" mode instead of the "refrigeration" mode to ensure the appropriate humidity, and 55% humidity is ideal. At the same time, you can try to change the position of the baby, lying to the right when the left nasal congestion is blocked, and lying on the left side of the nasal congestion to the left, which can reduce the nasal congestion.

In addition, you can also use a warm towel to apply to your baby's nose, let the hot and humid air enter the airway, humidify the nasal hose, and relieve nose discomfort. If the baby's nasal congestion is particularly serious, it is necessary to go to the hospital and treat it with medicine.

Prevent nasal congestion in children First of all, we must understand the causes of nasal congestion in babies

Allergies cause nasal congestion: be sure to be clear about what your child is allergic to, and prevention is more targeted. In addition to staying away from allergens, it is also important for your baby's own physique to be enhanced. Parents should often take their babies to participate in activities outdoors, exercise and strengthen their bodies.

In daily life, baby can be taught to wash their faces and wash their hands with cold water to increase the resistance of the nose. Diet also do not eat too spicy and irritating food, eat less seafood that is easy to cause allergies, and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits.

Foreign body blockage caused by nasal congestion: be sure to warn the baby not to stuff the foreign body into their own nasal cavity, observe the baby's nose, if the baby always likes to keep rubbing the nose, pus nasal discharge or the wrong color of the nose, must pay attention, if necessary, take the baby to the hospital for treatment.

Physiological causes of nasal congestion: due to the baby's small nostrils, sparse nasal hair, soft mucous membranes; blood vessels, lymphoid tissue is relatively rich, if you encounter cold air, easy to congestion, edema, nasal secretions increase and lead to nasal congestion; this nasal congestion is very common in babies under 3 months old.

It should be noted that the newborn's body is much more sensitive than the adult's body, and many stimuli such as dust mites, dirt, spicy foods, etc. are not important to adults, but this is not the case for babies, and the following points need to be noted:

1, let the baby stay away from allergens (feathers, animal fur, dust mites, dust pollen, etc.), without allergen stimulation, the baby's nasal cavity will naturally not be inflamed.

2, do not give the baby too spicy and stimulating food.

3. Wash your baby's hands often, maintain hygiene, and avoid the bacteria on your hands from transferring to the respiratory tract, causing inflammation.

4. If the baby is allergic, use anti-allergic drugs under the guidance of a doctor.

To prevent nasal congestion in children, the simplest thing is to give the baby a clean living environment to ensure that the baby will not inhale large foreign bodies such as villi into the nasal cavity; the room should be cleaned frequently with a vacuum cleaner to avoid too much floating dust in the air; often ventilated to ensure that the air is fresh.

Prevent nasal congestion in children First of all, we must understand the causes of nasal congestion in babies

In addition, because the baby's nasal cavity is easy to stick to the scab, parents should often check whether there is scab in the baby's nose, and if so, clean it up in time to avoid causing nasal congestion.

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