
Childhood anecdotes of the old zhiqing

author:A middle school of old people

I'm 68 years old, and from the time I remember being in the fifties to the sixties, my childhood memories are nothing more than two major interests and a variety of novel and interesting ways to play, as well as a variety of snacks to eat.

Speaking of eating that era is far worse than now, now the material is very rich and colorful, I am afraid that I can't think of what I can say what I want to eat and play. But it's a lot less fun.

At that time, a group of children made yu money to dig up bitter vegetables, went to the Zhai family garden to pick cherries, and went to Usutu to pick apricots, although they were very tired, but each time they could bring us a great sense of happiness. If you have mao'er eight points in your hand, then you are even more huddled back and forth to buy various snacks.

Black jujube jujube jujube jujube sour jujube red jujube Iraqi jujube, dried apricot fruit dried peach dried sour jujube noodles, dilute juice tea soup noodles tea cold powder.

My home is in the lane of Namozzi Zhaodao, and the north entrance is the banks of the Zadagai Sea. In the spring season, farmers in western vegetable gardens build a dam in the river to divert the water to the ground.

A wide lake was formed in front of the dam, where I learned my swimming skills. In the winter, the dam was also dug up, and an ice surface was formed downstream, where you can play with ice carts and skate. Playing in the wide area of the shore, "Sharpen the two ends of a three-inch wooden stick, chop it out with a wooden plank, and if someone catches it on the other side, he will play with the other party." Apricot cores, Gazhiha, (also known as sheep f) cigarette cases, glass ball marble beads, smoking monkeys, pushing iron rings.

In the summer, when you go to Halaqingou to catch crickets, you can also get the Kowloon Bay alley to exchange other songworms, at that time, the school's homework is not heavy, and the homework can be done a few days before the start of school. Felt like the holidays were long. Girls mostly play hopscotch jumping bands and kicking keys.

At that time, the children's tickets to watch the movie were eight points, the school's private field was five points, and the movies that left an impression were the anti-Japanese chicken feather letter, the secret of the children's drama treasure gourd, the red child, the long march drama Wanshui Qianshan, the Jinsha River, the anti-special drama National Day at ten o'clock, the secret drawings, etc.

There is nothing more fun than in the summer, in the early morning, led by the old children, using their own dumplings to catch birds in the woods by the river, using small bugs as bait, hiding not far away and waiting for the birds to be hooked.

So anxious to wait, watching the birds get a little closer to the chicken that is uneasy and so anxious to stay until the bird is caught by the chicken and so excited.

You can fly kites in the spring, which is also visible now, but the current equipment is much taller than in the past, but the fun is also much less, less of the process of hand-made, and less interest in playing with peers.

At that time, the water of the Zadagai Haihe River was crystal clear, there were many fish, and it was often necessary to catch fish, using a sieve to catch fish by the side of the water grass. You can walk a few hundred meters along the river, catch a small poke of seven or eight pounds, enough for the family to make a pot, the whole family is happy all day.

At that time, food and meat were rationed, things were purchased on a ticket, some fish were eaten, and the whole family was very happy.

In autumn, the watermelons and melons in Darjia Village are traded in the melon market of Xikouzi, the watermelons are rustling, and the melons have three white melons, tiger skin crisps, lantern red and noodle melons.

The place I went to the most by myself was the children's bookstore, located on the north side of Great West Street Road, there were three little people's bookstores, the middle one had three houses, one was a bookshelf and a counter, the book covers were written on the wall and pasted on the wall to borrow books according to the number, and each book was two cents Which was a high consumption at the time (the monthly pass was one point for parents to negotiate).

In the few years here, I almost saw thousands of villain books in his place, until the Cultural Revolution began to close bookstores, which ended the history of me reading villain books.

In this bookstore came into contact with a large number of even. The literary works of the circular version have greatly enriched my experience, learned a lot of various knowledge, and also developed my hobby of reading.

Since then, reading has accompanied me all my life, and the books I bought can't be put down at home, giving hundreds of periodicals that the villagers have subscribed to in the past, October, contemporary, and so on.

There are still dozens of cartons of books in the warehouse.

More than sixty years have passed, and the small river along the West River has become a wide landscape river, and the small and chaotic houses and streets have been built into towering buildings.

Only the remaining monasteries and rivers bear witness to the transformation of this ancient city outside Saiwai. The camel bells and shouts still ring in the ears as if they are back in time.

This is the city where we live day and night, the beautiful pearl outside saiwai, hohhot city, let us witness her end together.

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