
I eat non-stop chives soda cookies

author:Gentleman's baking
I eat non-stop chives soda cookies

Soda cookies with a rich onion flavor.

To make biscuits, it is also necessary to "fold the quilt" occasionally, and after the dough is folded many times, it gets a very crispy taste. The taste of this cookie is not to be said, it is very good, and if you happen to like the smell of green onions, it will make you eat non-stop. If you don't like it, replace the chives with an equal amount of cooked white sesame seeds and make sesame-flavored soda cookies!

【Chives Soda】


Dough: 150 g of medium gluten flour, 60 g of water, 30 g of butter, 10 g of milk powder, 1 g of baking soda, 1 g of salt, 2 g of dried yeast, 15 g of caster sugar

Puff pastry: 50 g of medium gluten flour, 25 g of butter, 2 g of salt, 20 g of chives

Production process

I eat non-stop chives soda cookies

Start by making the dough. Pour flour, dry yeast, milk powder, baking soda, salt and sugar into the mixing bowl. After mixing well, pour in water and soften or liquid butter.

Knead into a dough and knead thoroughly. You can knead it by hand and knead it vigorously for a few moments to smooth the dough.

If you use a Junbake cooker, knead slowly (3 gears for G1/L1, 1 gear for A5/A6) for 7 minutes.

Medium gluten flour, that is, we usually make steamed buns and other flour. If you don't have it at home, you can also mix it with half high gluten flour + half low gluten flour.

I eat non-stop chives soda cookies

Knead the dough, cover with plastic wrap, leave in a warm place and leave to ferment for about half an hour until the dough becomes visible to the naked eye. The dough is fermented, re-flattened to release the gas, then relaxed for 15 minutes.

When the weather is cold, it is necessary to take some measures to heat up, such as using the fermentation function of the oven or steaming oven, such as placing it in a steamer with hot water and so on.

I eat non-stop chives soda cookies

Prepare the puff pastry.

Wash and dry the chives and cut into chopped shallots. Heat and melt the butter into a liquid state, mix the liquid butter, salt and flour thoroughly, mix well with a spatula, add the chopped green onion, and knead into a dough (just form a ball, do not need to knead more).

I eat non-stop chives soda cookies

The loose dough is flattened on the countertop (sprinkled with some dry flour on the countertop to prevent sticking), the puff pastry is also flattened on the dough, and then the dough is folded over the four corners, and the puff pastry is completely wrapped in the dough, and the mouth is pinched tightly.

I eat non-stop chives soda cookies

Roll out the dough with a rolling pin to form a rectangular dough. Then fold three times (1/3 of the way from one side to the other, and then fold the other side too). After three folds, cover with plastic wrap and continue to relax for 10 minutes.

I eat non-stop chives soda cookies

After loosening, the dough is rolled out again into a rectangle and again trimmed. Then continue to relax for 10 minutes.

I eat non-stop chives soda cookies

Finally, roll out the dough into a thin, large rectangular dough (if the dough retracts sharply, you can loosen it a little longer).

The dough should be thin enough, otherwise the final cookie will be too thick (you can recall the thickness of the soda biscuits you usually eat).

Cut the dough into regular rectangles and then tie evenly packed small holes in the dough with a fork or piercer.

I eat non-stop chives soda cookies

Cut the dough into small squares. It is then evenly placed on a baking sheet covered with silicone oil paper.

Cookies are available in large portions, and will need to be placed in 2-3 baking pans.

I eat non-stop chives soda cookies

The cookie dough is fermented for final fermentation. As with making bread, which needs to create enough humidity, I use the Jun roasting oven to ferment the function, fermenting at 35 ° C for 30 minutes. The dough will thicken significantly.

If there is no steaming oven, cover the surface of the dough with a cloth or plastic wrap and leave it to ferment in a warm place, making the dough significantly thicker.

I eat non-stop chives soda cookies

Preheat the oven to 165°C, bake in the oven for about 25 minutes, until the surface turns golden brown, press on the cookies to become hard, and you can bake. Baking at a lower temperature of 165 ° C, appropriately extending the baking time, can make the moisture inside the biscuit completely dry, so that the biscuit will be crisp.

The biscuits that have been completely cooled should have a very crisp and crisp texture. If it is soft, it means that the baking is not in place, and you can continue to bake at low temperature for a while.

I use the jun baking oven hot air function, you can achieve the effect of the wind stove, two plates baked together. If it is a normal oven, bake one plate at a time.


The temperature and time of baking should be controlled. If the cookies are colored too quickly but the inside is soft after baking, the moisture has not completely dried, reduce the temperature and continue baking for a while. Only when the biscuits are completely baked can the crispy taste be achieved.

I eat non-stop chives soda cookies

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